Saturday 19 August 2023

The new BBQ

The old BBQ was rubbish; it just didn't seem to get hot enough.

So, we decided we needed a new one. The 'net' was consulted and several BBQ's were considered, but I really didn't want to spend lots of money on something we could easily make ourselves. 

The Fire Pit was doing nothing most of the time so it was called upon to take part.

Next we needed some metal rods to span the diameter, and some old bits from ex-ovens, old BBQ's, etc, that were hanging around. Kimbo wired it all together, and Voila!

It must be noted that when Kimbo is with us, he does like to eat MEAT. Big steaks, enough to feed an army, are thrown onto the fire, and consumed with huge passion.

We really needed a BBQ that would get very hot, and cook plenty of steak (or magrets) in about 4 mins. This fills the brief. And no, he didn't burn the magrets.

The other advantage with our new construction is that after cooking, the grill can be taken off and a few big logs put on for a pleasing fire (as if we need one in this heat).



  1. Looks like a perfectly acceptable BBQ to me, I have seen many similar ones here in Australian backyards.

    1. I'm not keen on the big stainless steel 'outdoor ovens' that have loads of knobs and storage spaces underneath. They lack the fun element.

  2. I have also seen similar ones here. Not in my yard, of course.

    1. I rather like the ones that are made from halved oil drums, with four legs. As long as they cook well, that's all that matters.

  3. K would be applauding you. Why spend money when you can make it yourself with bits and bobs. And handmade bbqs are his speciality.
    You both did well. And those steaks, well, they look amazing. I'm a big meat eater now but don't often get to eat a steak, especially one cooked to perfection on a BBQ.
    No bbqs allowed here because of fire risk just now. Last night we had a seafood BBQ on an electric grill, outside.

    1. We're not allowed bonfires, but I think BBQ's are OK. If they tried to ban them, no-one would take notice anyway.

  4. Just how bbq should be designed and constructed - with available resources. Great bbq.

    1. I agree; much more fun than a shop-bought job.

  5. Replies
    1. Did I detect a Mr Punch voice in your comment?

    2. It would be, if I could find my swazzle.

  6. That's the best sort of BBQ. There's a certain satisfaction in cobbling something useful together from old bits and pieces. Bet the food tastes even better too.

    1. I'm sure you're right. Fancy BBQ's are a bit 'sterile'.

  7. It is distressing to note that you and her ladyship did not have enough money to go out and purchase a new barbecue. You should have made an appeal to your blog readers. I would have been happy to throw in a fiver.

    1. That's most kind. When I wish to replace the Compact Royce, I shall remember your generosity.

  8. The very mention of steak makes me shudder and the sight of it on what I must say is a very clever barbecue I am quite unable to bear - let alone eat. Sufficient to say I have never been to a barbecue.

    1. The meat on the BBQ is Duck breast (magret), One of the most delicious meats to cook as such. Is that more to your taste?

  9. Replies
    1. 'Perfect' may be a bit strong, but it certainly does what we asked of it.

  10. I love grilled vegetables to go along with that steak. There is nothing so wonderful as an evening chat around a fire, esp. with a satisfied appetite.

  11. That's what I cann a BBQ with none of all the new fangled bits and bobs that mean you might as well be cooking on a stove indoors.

    1. Exactly. A rustic BBQ is much better and gives the true feeling of al fresco dining.

  12. That is one large rustic very capable BBQ. The flames look good and hot, perfect for cooking and searing the meat. Where are the veg, potatoes, and crusty bread?

    1. Everything else had been prepared separately. I had no say in the matter. The flames soon died down.
