Wednesday 23 August 2023

Oh, how I hate having photos taken.

Most of us hate being photographed; and I am no exception. We want photos that flatter, and that rarely happens.

So, who is this old codger? Some man pontificating! It caught me at a particular nanosecond that shows something about me that I suppose is reasonably typical.

If I analyse the photo, I seem half Greek philosopher, and half Victorian Tramp, with a glass of bubbly in hand. Typical of the 21st C bon viveur and wastrel that I am.

Of course, really I'm none of those things. I'm a very simple, fun-loving, gourmet, who lives on a tight budget, and makes the most of what little life offers.

However, I quite like this picture simply because I'm not squinting, I seem reasonably animated, and I'm probably 'holding forth' on some anti-woke subject after a couple of bottles of Canard Duchenne. It caught me off-hand, but in a way that I don't particularly mind. It looks opinionated, pedagogical, and authoritative. I also quite like the accidental composition; none of which can rightly be attributed to me. The only thing I do recognise is my age. The person in the photo certainly looks 77; if not a lot older.

And here (above) is Great Grandfather Magnon, looking not dis-similar to moi. Our genetic link can clearly be seen. I wonder what he thought of his portrait (which he posed for), and I wonder what he would have thought of mine (which wasn't posed for)? I also wonder how old he was when it was taken; my age maybe? He does rather look like a grim bible-thumping 'minister'.

Rarely do we like photos of ourselves, but I'll let this one stay. What I really don't like are posed pictures where the sitter is half-smiling towards the camera, with a silly awkward look on his/her face. 'Photographers' who say "Look at me" have got it wrong; action shots are always best.

Nice Photo of Me © Kimbo Magnon. 



  1. Unposed photos are often the best.
    I hate having mine taken and usually look grim in them.

  2. I avoid the camera as much as I can.

  3. I think that it is a really splendid photo which give the viewer a great deal to speculate about. It gives you gravitas.

    1. 'gives' the viewer. I do wish I would check comments before I send them and not afterwards.

    2. I rather like it too; it makes me laugh!

    3. We should all check our writing before clicking on 'publish'. I'm as guilty as anyone!

  4. I hate being photographed these days. I always look 20 years older than I feel!!

    1. I always look fatter and wrinklier than I feel.

  5. It is a nice photo. I always look older and fatter than I feel too. My chin seems to be melting into my neck!

    1. Ha ha. Sounds like we all have the same problems.

  6. I hate having my photo taken too - I always look dreadful. My only consolation on the occasional group photo, everyone will comment that my photo looks nothing like me!

    1. The photos I hate the most are the ones that DO look like me!

  7. If you could become an exact visual replica of Great Grandpa Magnon then you would be proud to have your picture taken. Your beard would need daily nourishment and brushing to reach that level of fuzziness.

    1. I never brush my hair or beard; is this not normal?

  8. Just how I imagined you - your photo goes well with your daily writings,

  9. That could be straight out of a book about the Bloomsbury Group.

    1. Strachey was much slimmer than me, and Bell much shorter. I would have been somewhere in the middle.

    2. They would probably have enjoyed that.

  10. I'm having internet problems. It's 40 C in the shade and 30 C in the pool, far too hot for my internet connection.

  11. A portrait of the real you. I like it.

  12. You come across as an imposing character. Good photo. I take most of the photos here so I'm not in them. When I am caught I usually hate it but the kids all think it's marvellous. Obviously I have no idea what I really look like

    1. I KNOW that I look like a 21 year old Adonis, but the camera always lies!!!

  13. Nice photo. It captures your spirit. Wine glass in hand and all. It also reminds me of a portrait I once saw of Ernest Hemingway.

    1. It's a good thing there was no sound attached. I have no idea what I was saying.

  14. Ernest Hemingway was my first thought.

  15. I am the same as you….but I’d be proud of that one ….candid shots are always the best

    1. I seem to be 'laying down the law', it makes me laugh.

  16. I love it! You look like someone who'd be very interesting to talk to over a bottle of wine. I wish we could meet in person one day!

  17. I the same about pictures. It is time for me to stop, though. I read a very poignant article about a woman who had a mother (now gone) that didn't allow pictures. She'd give anything to have some.

    1. It's a bit silly to ban all photos. Surely there must be one of her at a wedding or a party.
