Sunday 13 August 2023

Early morning duties.

I remember when I was about 14 (1960-ish), we went on holiday to the then exotic island of Majorca. We stayed in a village resort on the North West coast called Port de Soller.

I've always been an early riser, and I used to meet-up with the hotel's handy man on most mornings; I think his name was Emanuel. He was a man of 'small stature' (dwarf), and would always be either sweeping around the pool, or cleaning the pool itself. Like me he would wear just a pair of shorts, and I remember clearly thinking that he had the very best job in the world.

I now do much the same as Emanuel every couple of days. After having done all my early morning computery stuff, I go to the pool to sweep and 'Hoover'. That long pole sticking out of the water on the right is the pool's vacuum cleaner, for cleaning the bottom.

At about 7-ish, it is still acceptably cool outside (17 C today), and wearing just my shorts I spend about 30 mins cleaning. The sun is just rising, and there are still a few clouds in the sky, it is totally silent, and my only companions are a handful of Starlings stretching their wings.

I like to think that Emanuel felt exactly the same as I do today. Performing an essential job, in peace and quiet, and left to his own thoughts.

Now that all is done, and I've written this, I shall go to prepare a Chicken Tagine for tonight's Couscous supper.

Life is OK.



  1. You and Emmanuel, and the zen of pool cleaning. When we had a pool we had a robot that swam around in it gathering debris and of course we called him R2D

    1. Our robot doesn't seem to go around properly, and often gets stuck in corners. I've now reverted to the old-fashioned 'hoover'.

  2. It sounds like the perfect time to meditate.

  3. Chicken Tagine sounds nice. I wouldn't want to be cleanng pools, I'd have one of those robot cleaners that take themselves around the sides and along the bottom.

    1. I bought a cheap-ish 'Zodiac' robot; I should have bought a more up-market model. The Tagine was delicious, and enough left over for tonight.

  4. The cool early morning is the best part of the day. I can imagine the peace, perfect for those quiet thoughts

    1. Yes, it's really nice. More high temperatures today so best to get things done before it gets too hot.

  5. Mornings are good. I have just been for a 15 minute walk before the rain

    1. Lady M is just back from her dog-walk. We could use some rain here, it's very dry.

  6. Was Emanuel thinking " I wish that annoying 14 yr old would just stay in bed so that I can enjoy this lovely quiet time" ?

    1. Ha ha; quite probably. He later would swim out into the bay and return with a few Octopi in his swimming costume. He was a real character.

  7. Unlike you, I have never been a lark who rises with the sun. I am a night owl and usually at one in the morning I have the city to myself.

    1. When I lived in London I would often cycle around the Oxford St area very early in the morning. The place had a completely different atmosphere, and people were very friendly.

  8. P used to clean our Tenerife neighbours' pool when they visited the UK. He always said that he was glad we didn't have one as he disliked the task. He prefers rushing around!

    1. It's not my favourite task, and with my sciatica it is usually quite painful too!

  9. I have someone to clean my pool, which is just as well because I view that task in the same light as housework! At this time of year I like the peace and quiet of early rising, and dog walking in the morning cool, when there's no-one around.

    1. Being out in the country, there are no pool maintenance people around. If there were, I think I might use them from time to time.

  10. The peace of early mornings.

  11. Perhaps if I lived next door I might get an invite for supper tonight (I would bring a bottle and my cossie)

    1. I've just this minute finished-off the leftovers of the leftovers.

  12. Sounds like one of those 'special moments' that don't come often. Enjoy them while you can!

    1. It is. It does get at my back, but the pleasure overrides the pain.

  13. Your pool cleaning is superb. The water is crystal clear and looks most inviting.

    1. Keeping in clear is always a task. I'm not too regular with testing the water, and usually 'play it by ear'. Do you have a blog page Susan?
