Saturday 1 July 2023

So, how are things in France Cro?

Well, much as usual, the French just love taking to the streets. Whether the cause be well-founded or trivial the French youth do love a good riot. Any excuse to lob a few bricks at the cops will see these professional arsonists and looters leave their homes and travel to wherever the pickings are thought to be best.

Here they are, performing their favourite Summer evening activities.


  1. I used to think that Greeks were the best at riots, tossing molotov cocktails and ripping up marble paving stones to throw. However, the French are far superior and just keep on keeping on. Hope Makron can find a solution

    1. Most of it is an excuse for looting; the reasoning is of little importance.

  2. Here blocking a main road is considered violence. This is the most extreme in the protests that have been going on for 25 weeks.

    1. The French particularly enjoy burning cars, they even do it to celebrate the New Year.

  3. The more worrying thing is not the's that much younger people..people only just teenagers and younger..are taking to the streets

    1. They are brought-up seeing their big brothers, cousins, or even fathers going out to loot, etc. For many it has become a part of everyday life.

  4. France is off my holiday list for good now I think.

    1. Just keep away from the towns and cities where there are large populations of immigrants from N Africa. I'm afraid that these are the culprits.

  5. Macron's words seem to have added fuel to the fire. He is suave and remote and who does he really represent apart from his own ego? He is the opposite of a man of the people.

    1. I believe he went to an Elton John concert whilst they were burning cars and looting.

    2. Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation
      We had it with your discipline
      Saturday night's alright for fighting
      Get a little action in

  6. The waving of flags and anger is in the French blood

    1. The French Revolution has never really finished.

  7. Hot blooded French love a good riot. How many die in these blazing riots? As Macron enjoys his cocktail...

    1. I haven't heard of any more deaths, but plenty of arrests.

  8. Jan the sixth lasted about 2 hours and they are still banging on about it, there were no fires or burning down buildings, a couple of windows were broken by Antifa plants and someone put their feet up on Nancy's desk. Some Far Left loony shot a lass. The Media and assorted Leftards think it was the worst thing the Extreme Far Right have evah done. I suspect the 'Merikans are a bit limp wristed or are vegans.
    There is little wonder the French are trying to get rid of their share of diversity. I say let them all into England, let us see how the liberal city dwellers feel when it's their turn for rape and pillage.
    PS. Please don't send any to Scotland, took us over a year to persuade the Gypos to stop their thieving and bugger off. Next to get sorted are the Pervs and Paedos. That is harder as they, like Dindus, Muzzies and Seagulls are all protected species.

    1. I don't think I'd better reply to your comment, other than to say that you have an interesting view of things.

  9. I prayer for peace, the end of the violence.

    Strange, reading A.W's comment about Jan 6th, I'm suddenly reminded that I was banned years ago on an ebay discussion board for posting a capitalized fword comment to several. Fascinating how the memory works.

    1. I don't comment on US politics; or not very often. I know nothing about it.

  10. I thought the other day that if our "civilization" were to end now, how sad it would be that we have advanced no further. Still wars, still dire poverty, still greed and lust for power, it never ends, no matter how advanced we think we are.

    1. I see it as another period of 'Decline and Fall'. We are going through some very bizarre times.

  11. The reports we get are very limited.

    So many questions unanswered, why was a 17yo, known to the Police driving a Polish registered car? Did the police see a weapon? Were there body cameras on the officers?

    Why is the devastated, mourning Mother out rabble rousing? If anything happened to my son, I'd be furious, howling, grieving in my home, not out on the streets rallying a mob.

    1. One has to presume that the yellow sports car was stolen, then when he tried to escape, they shot. All French Gendarmes carry hand guns, and will use them. This boy must have known that. This does not mean they were right, they could have picked him up later.
