Monday 10 July 2023

Most important room in the house.

This is our 'auvent', which I always think of as the 'most important room in the house'. It's where we sit and drink our pre-supper aperitives when it's too hot to be outside, and it's where we eat in the evenings.

As you can see, I didn't bother to tidy-up before I took the photo; this is how messy it usually is.

The outdoor fridge looks after the white and pink wines, the beers, ciders, and usually a few bottles of Elderflower Champagne. I don't know what happened this year, but those bottles in the wicker basket contain what should have been a part of my supply of Elderflower Champagne; but something went wrong. The opaque liquid had no fizz and was thick like syrup. I've never failed before, but this 2023 failure is quite spectacular. All will be thrown away. I think I must have forgotten to add something; probably the white wine vinegar.

We are having plenty of evening storms at the moment, and this is the perfect spot to witness the drama. It's lovely to sit under a watertight roof and admire all the sights and sounds of a really good storm.

If the evening temperature is around 25 C we take our aperitives outside, in the shade of the Quince tree. Billy then shows-off in front of us by running up and down, jumping in the air, and performing spectacular turns. He now does this every night. He is so happy back here in his native country.



  1. Looks like you are happy too. All that space for Billy to run around in, safely.

    1. And he really does too. It's as if he has the whole of France as his playground.

  2. It's a lovely little area, I would sit there to read my books while I watch the weather.

    1. At the very bottom right hand corner there's a strip of white; that's a sofa bed, where one can have a wonderful siesta with the sound of running (pool) water in the background. Perfect spot for reading too.

  3. Indeed a wonderful place to spend time when there is a storm outside. I have a similar place but unfortunately there are no storms to watch.

    1. I think ours are finished for a while, we had several nights of quite spectacular storms.

  4. This blogpost was sponsored by Ricard - aperitif suppliers to the noble Magnons for half a century... “Créateurs de convivialité”.

  5. Bliss... no biting insects or allergy-inducing pollen to contend with. I could live with that.

    1. About 2 mins ago I was bitten by a Horsefly.

  6. I would love to be back in France, and I am not from there.

    1. It's a gorgeous day today. We're spending it cleaning around the pool.

  7. Your outdoor areas look very cool and inviting. And the drinks are even more inviting.

    1. It's very hot here today (32 C), so the auvent is getting plenty of use.

  8. Drinks and dinner outside and under cover is lovely. You've created a beautiful atmosphere. It seems Billy is overjoyed to be home in France.

    1. We filled his little pool today to try to cool him down. He doesn't like it too hot.

  9. How about adding the elderflower champagne to something that needs sweetened or whatever the flavor of it might be....thickened.
    In a shot glass before a beer or seltzer water. who knows I would be sorry to see it go , if it was of any use.

    1. I'm afraid it's all been thrown away. I did taste it, and it tasted like 'cordial', so it possibly could have been used for something.

  10. A good place to be whatever the weather

    1. Its best use is when there are lots of people around the table!
