Saturday 29 July 2023


There are two makes of French pocket knives that surpass all others; the Opinel, and the Laguiole.

I am loth to guess how many Opinels I have; possibly a dozen. But I only have a few Laguioles (below). 

The first one I bought was supposed to become my 'car knife', but that position soon became co-opted by a couple of Opinels. They are probably better suited for the job.

I don't use the Laguioles too much. They are heavier than the Opinels, and the blades are inferior. They make better eating knives than for other everyday uses. But even my eating knife is an Opinel.

The Laguiole is known for its Bee and carved/decorated spring (see below), and often comes with a useless bottle opener. I wouldn't use that corkscrew for love nor money.

I really have no idea why I have so many pocket knives. Directly in front of where I'm now typing there are 8, and that's only the start.



  1. I have a French knife. Mine was made by Wichard a quarter of a century ago. I'm rarely without it and surprisingly it holds an edge well for stainless.

    1. One of the above now lives in my pocket, and is reasonably useful. The blade stays closed well so doesn't tear holes in my pocket. I use it for cutting Courgettes; not much else.

  2. 8 is only the start? 8 is far too many in my opinion. But I have collections of things others would frown upon so who am I to talk?

    1. I don't understand quite how this has happened. I don't think I could have bought them all. I've just remembered that there are another four or more in my cutlery drawer.

  3. Goodness me, it's a real education reading your blog every morning, I love it!

  4. I remember a similar post of yours from a few years ago and even then I admired your impressive collection.

    1. Yes, I do vaguely remember writing about them before. Old age makes one forget!

  5. You would be arrested here for walking around with one of those in your pocket!

    1. Not if you were out in the country, where a pocket knife is no different to a trowel or secateurs. Anyway, I have an honest face.

  6. I agree with JayCee - not the thing to walk around with these days. I have a fond memory of my granddad using his pocket knife to peel me an apple. (Apparently, eating the peel would give me worms.)

    1. I've used mine recently for eating Peaches and Apples, and for cutting Courgettes.

  7. I have a (small) drawer full of my late husband's pocket knives. We also bought six Laguioles steak knives - but haven't eaten with them yet!
    My little Swiss Army knife and scissors are in the 'really useful bag' in the car - which sort of equates with in my handbag. But I now refuse to cart so much stuff around with me in a handbag. Seriously downsized.

    1. Every car needs a pocket knife of some sort. I also keep an 'easy-opening' pack of dog food in the car in case I meet a hungry stray.

  8. Aichmomania describes an obsession with knives so that makes you an aichmomaniac! The best pocket knives ever manufactured were made here in Sheffield.

    1. Many many years ago I gave my father a very nice (and expensive) Taylor's Eye Witness pocket knife. After he died I gave it to my daughter to take with her on her Gap Year travels. She lost it.

  9. Becarful of having them in the UK , MIND YOU, you are a70 something white man, the police will never stop you

  10. I have one of the folding knives in my travel bag, comes in handy.

    1. It's always useful to have some sort of knife around. You never know when it'll be needed.

  11. 8 pocket iknives?! Cro, you need more pockets!

    1. A lot more than 8 I'm afraid; they're all over the place.

  12. My grandfather always had a pocket knife on his person. He had a big garden and loved to fish, so I imagine he needed one regularly.

    1. Another essential is a length of string. With those two you can conquer the world.

  13. Good knives are made in best kitchen knives are made by Sabatier.
    Now a bit depleted, as each time one of my offspring departed from home so did one of those knives!

    1. My mother always had Sabatier; I'm afraid that I tend to buy the cheap look-alikes.

  14. My husband has several Opinel knives, one of which lives (hidden) in the car. Before he retired it was his 'sandwich box' knife, perfect for cutting fruit eaten with lunch at work. If he got the opportunity to escape to the local bakers around lunchtime though, the knife was used for cutting up a pork pie or two!
    Our son and daughter in law have a beautiful set of Laguiole steak knives with ebony handles. They received them as a wedding gift from son's Godfather, and son paid his Godfather 50p for them, not wanting to chance the superstitions about knives cutting friendships!
    My kitchen knives are all Global, I love the balance of them, they live on knife magnets on the kitchen walls, I would never put them in a knife block or a drawer!
    Our son uses Kai Shun knives, he's a very keen cook, and, like me, can't be bothered with knives that are anything less than lethally sharp.
    Whenever we go on a self catering holiday within the UK, I always, without fail, take three things with me, my good frying pan, and two sharp knives!
    My purse also contains a 'Swiss Card', credit card sized, it's a screwdriver, tweezers, file, pen, ruler, toothpick, and of course, a sharp little knife! X

    1. You and your family sound extremely well organised. As long as I can remember I have eaten with a 'stainless' Opinel. Out here when eating with neighbours you were only given a fork and spoon; never a knife. It was understood that you brought your own. I can't imagine that happening in the UK.

  15. Pocket knives are not much of an attraction for me. I do like the names though. I'm more likely to have a small pair of scissors and a safety pin, essential for all sorts of small emergencies.

    1. All cars have a small 'medical pack' that they NEVER use. Much better to have a 'useful pack' containing all those things you might well want. Knife, comb, scissors, screwdriver, handkerchiefs, safety pins, etc.

  16. I was given a cheap lookalike... doesn't hold its sharpness and the handle is falling off in bits

    1. Time to reinvest methinks. May I suggest a No 9 Opinel Stainless. But if you can, buy it in France. I saw them on sale in the UK last year and the price was silly.

  17. Your pocket knives look like something I might see in an antique shop. The craftsmanship shown is quite lovely.

    1. They're all hand made and therefore slightly different. I like that.

  18. I need just one, and I really must make the effort to get one. There is an outfit here called Leigh Valley and they carry high quality goods, so I will try them.

    1. I was going to say that I only need one too, but I don't think I could cope without a minimum of three. All the others are there just to gather dust.
