Wednesday 19 July 2023

Drought? What drought?

The pool has been open for about 6 weeks, and not once had we needed to top it up; until now.

It had rained enough, and in such quantities, over the past month and a half that it hadn't been necessary to top-up the level of the water. Now, however, the temperature has risen, and evaporation has started in earnest. You might see, in the photo, the difference between the lighter and darker stripes above the water line. Towards the top of the lighter stripe is where the water level should roughly be.

It's no big deal, I just run a hose pipe to the poolside, and turn on. Luckily no-one has yet mentioned the words 'Hose Pipe Ban'. Actually, if they do we tend to ignore it anyway.

The two holes at the far end are the 'Skimmers', they are responsible for catching any floating leaves, apples, or lizards, that may fall in, and all are collected in a plastic filter tray. The skimmers are there to allow the circulation of water, and send it off to the filtration system. If the level of the water falls below a certain point, the skimmers will start to suck in air instead of water, and this is not a good thing.

We still swim every day. It's warm outside, and the water temperature is around 26-28 C. Lovely-Jubbly.



  1. So you've lost about three/four inches of water to evaporation? I've been hearing about the extreme heat on the TV news here, mostly about Italy and Greece. I could hope you all get some rain soon but it doesn't seem likely.

    1. Maybe some rain for next week, but it's not certain. I spend my mornings carrying watering cans around.

  2. It's only recently that I've had to start topping up the pool. The occasional deluges we've had seem to have kept the water level high. Now of course the intense heat is causing rapid evaporation. Some time ago I stopped using the pool cover at night because every it was rolled back, it took more water off than normal evaporation.

  3. - every time it was rolled back,

    1. Our cover is a bit old and the 'bubbles' are shedding small round pieces of blue plastic. They get everywhere, so we don't use it any more. It was good when it was younger.

  4. Whenever there is a hosepipe ban here, I always do as I am told as I am a responsible citizen and not a beatnik.

    1. More fool you. You should ignore them and say "the tap just turned on by itself".

  5. Top up your pool. Summers not over yet!!

    1. I don't know what happened to our heatwave, it's quite cloudy this morning.

  6. I am looking forward to retirement and being able to swim when ever I want.

    1. I'm just this minute going for a swim; I'm answering your comment first!

  7. The pool looks terrific. The crystal clear blue water looks very inviting. I hope your son's pool looks as good.

    1. He's had a 'pool technician' in to sort it out. All is now OK, and being used daily.
