Friday 7 July 2023


This house is an OUTDOOR Summer house, as opposed to our Brighton home, which is more of a Winter INDOOR home.

When we're here we live outdoors, either working in the garden, eating our meals, or walking in the woods. We spend very little time indoors; even when it's raining we tend to sit outside on our covered terrace.

In Brighton we have no garden to speak of, just a tiny patio. If we wish to sit outside on a sunny day we huddle around our small patio table or go to one of the nearby parks. We used to have a small bench out front, but it has now disappeared. 

Here it is quiet; you can actually hear the silence. In Brighton there is often a very slight distant hum of activity. We can just about hear the wheels in motion, even if we can't quite see them.

In England we have a good selection of quality stores within easy reach of home; here I need to drive about 20 Kms, which I shall be doing later today. 

I love both locations equally.


  1. I like the look of your french property and the idea of living mostly outside but I have come to realise I am not really an outdoorsy type. As long as I have shops within walking distance it wouldn't matter where I lived because I spend most of my time inside now.

    1. I would always prefer to be outside than inside. Unfortunately I have some slight mobility problems that prevent me going too far. It depends on the day.

  2. We have a couple of nice village / canal walks a 10 min bus ride away. Findern, which is on the Trent and Mersey canal and Repton where the school is. Unfortunately they decided to run the A50 through this lovely area so you can always hear the ripple of tyres on tarmac near Findern.But the canal and Stenson Lock are lovely, with the wild flower meadows and the wetlands area. I agree with you though, it depends on the day, how you feel.

    1. We always say "Another day, a different pain". The reality of old age.

  3. That's a wonderful photo. I can really imagine the scene and your outdoor summer life there. I know what you mean about actually hearing the silennce. I love that time when all is still. At the moment we have cicadas all day and crickets at night

    1. I don't know what's happened to our Crickets etc. I did notice some Flying Ants emerging from their underground hole yesterday

  4. I am more of an indoor person but P loves to be outside. Luckily there are lots of garden projects for him here.

  5. You are a lucky guy - two nice homes even though the one in Brighton is bijou. If you sold the French property you could buy a larger house in Brighton with a garden and a driveway and still have change to visit your family in Thailand. Have I said too much?

    1. We've spoken about it many times; a nice little cottage on the other side of The Downs. However, our bijou faux Regency Mews-style cottage is just about as perfect for people like us as we could imagine. We'll stay put!

  6. Nice to make the best of both worlds.
    I find that now I'm alone I spend less time just sitting outdoors. Right now it's too hot to stay outside for too long - it's already 26ยบ, and by this afternoon it will be mid-high 30's.

    1. I'm OK up to about 30 C. Any more than that and I head for the shade (or the pool).

  7. Sounds as though each time you transfer from one to the other you adapt quickly. Must be good to have two such different life styles.

    1. It makes a nice contrast. Two very different locations.

  8. Great turn of phrase, "you can actually hear the silence," I will remember that one.

  9. It sounds like you have created a good life and are enjoying both properties. Country life and city living are quite opposite; each with advantages of their own.

    1. It's a great contrast, and could only be improved by having 'freedom of movement' back again, as we did pre-Brexit.

  10. I was intrigued the other day when you mentioned only being allowed to live for 6 months in one.

    1. THREE months Gemma. We could apply for an extra 3 months visa, but it involves too much bureaucracy, etc. Three months is OK.

  11. Best of both worlds? Sometimes change works out for the best...

    1. It's certainly working for us. Two very contrasting locations is the best of both worlds.
