Saturday 10 June 2023

Weather: S England v S France.

The difference in weather between our two locations is instantly noticeable.

Here, compared to the UK, in Summer it's hotter, and in Winter it's colder.

Also in Spring it is hot, steamy, and stormy. We are expecting storms next week, and they will be very wet, very noisy, possibly with hail, and very 'electric'. We have already had one such since we arrived back. They also are very beautiful and dramatic.

Back in England we had a few Spring bouts of very distant rumblings, but nothing like the spectacle of here.

In early Spring we often have devastating frosts, down to maybe -15 C, which can destroy the crops of early flowering fruits (and often do), such as Plums, Peaches, and some early Apples. Luckily this year we seem to have got away with it, and our crops of Peaches, Plums, Greengages (above), and Apples, are looking extremely good. The Peaches especially are looking excellent. 

Fruit growing here is never guaranteed; for that one needs to move much further S E. And don't bother planting-out the Veg' patch before mid-May because everything could easily be wiped-out.

So, which of the two locations do I prefer? Well, I have to say here! I like the drama of it, even including the extremes of Winter. One needs to be prepared for all occasions, and that includes a refreshing pool for Summer, a covered outdoor terrace for when it rains, and a good blazing open fire (or stove) for those cold Winter months. Warm clothing is also important, and is ALWAYS required; it wasn't this last Winter in Brighton.

This is not to say that I don't enjoy my time in England; I do, and I love it. It's like two different worlds, one happily set back a while in time, the other ever eager to move forward and discover. 

At my last real garden back in the UK, I never expected anything to fail. There were always Plums, Apples, Pears, and all the standard Vegs, but here one never takes anything for granted. Even a sudden storm of giant-sized hailstones can devastate your garden in a flash.


  1. Loving both places makes it hard to eventually choose a permanent home, but I'm guessing it will be England when the time comes.

    1. Yes, it would have to be the UK; mostly for the convenience of everything. Brighton is also a very vibrant and friendly city.

  2. Our June weather is very iffy. Sunshine then clouds, maybe rain. It's a good month for the garden here. No great extremes like you. I would love a good thunderstorm. I too enjoy the drama.

    1. We were promised another storm for yesterday but it didn't materialise.

  3. At the moment we have sun but there is still a chill wind blowing. Not really warming up till about 1.00 pm. Never had a greengage. They look good. Hope you are feeling a bit better.

    1. Thank you Caz, yes I am feeling a bit better. Greengages are strange fruits. they suddenly become excessively sweet and are almost inedible. One has to catch them 'just right'.

  4. Yesterday at six o'clock in the morning there was a thunderstorm here and it also rained. The forecaster said it never happened here in June. Maybe the world really is changing. I love these dramas too.

    1. Occasionally our storms are unbelievably noisy and continuous. Sometimes quite frightening too!

  5. We have a thunderstorm on its way here now. Should be with us tonight. The first rain for a month!

    1. Our next storms are forecast for Tuesday, but we'll see!

  6. In the past Britain was always known for it's moderate climate, although the balance seems to have tipped towards higher summer temperatures.
    We have had some more much-needed rain and last night a spectacular electrical storm which lit up the sky for several hours. No rain or thunder, but it's usually a forerunner to summer heat.

    1. The UK is always breaking records for just about everything weather-wise. It's certainly changing.

  7. Sounds like a very balanced life.

    1. A little bit of everything does you good.

  8. Spending time in two very distinct locations (UK and France) gives you all the variety you could ever want.

    1. Yes, hard work here, and relaxation back in the UK.

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