Wednesday 14 June 2023

The Compact Royce Mark 2.

Our recent 700 Km journey south went without incident. We found our hotel easily, there were no significant roadworks to slow us down, and we found petrol stations when required. But most importantly of all; Billy wasn't sick.

The 'new' car was comfortable, smooth running, and as fast as anyone could require. She coped with the trip even better than I had hoped.

But, I later discovered, there had actually been one blip of which I'd been unaware; she'd thrown a fetlock. One of her rims (hub-caps) had become lost en route

In fact this didn't worry me too much because they were a bit tacky looking, and I'd already considered changing them. Previously they had been a rather unpleasant silvery silver.

Thanks to Amazon I have now changed them for a more sporty looking set of mat black rims (about £20 for 4), and she looks altogether more elegant. I am expecting an extra 10 mph as a result.

All I need now are some go-fast stripes, a few Silverstone 'Members Enclosure' stickers, and a pair of 'Fangio' driving gloves on the front seat.

I hope the new rims stay attached on the return trip. They do seem solidly fixed.



  1. What you need now is something off this page....
    Not sure Lady M will approve.... but these will give another 25mph....
    Far better than go-faster stripes!
    You could go very subtle and geta set of the black ones.... can't guarantee a speed increase, tho.
    I regularly saw a very nice Mk2 Capri in white with white flame stickers and white stripes across the lights... very smart

    1. What I really want is a loud-speaker horn that shouts "Get out of my blo*dy way". I shall have a look on Amazon.

    2. We have a French friend who when learning colloquial English in London overheard another friend (driving) say 'move your bloody arse' in a moment of frustration. Ever after she would drive her 'old banGer' (as she called it) in Paris with her driver's window down shouting 'move your bloody arse' at anyone who got in her way.

  2. That's a nice looking car.

  3. The only problem with flame, stickers, go faster stripes, and any other speed inducing adornments is that they bring the cars attention to the speed police! They might stop you and ask you to blow up that funny balloon they have!

    1. Unless, of course, the increased speed of the car was enough to evade them.

  4. A superb ride for M'Lord and his Lady

  5. Could you install a boom box and play very loud, heavy beat music as you drive around with all the windows open?

    1. Now there's an idea. I did see someone yesterday doing just that, and was quite jealous.

  6. You also need some adhesive white letters to put at the top your windscreen - spelling out "CRO" and "OLGA" - assuming of course that your wife is called Olga - like 95% of Swedish women.

  7. It is never too late for a Ferrari,

  8. some very good ideas here. You'll be the talk of the town! I can only suggest tinted windows.

    1. It does have slightly tinted windows, but maybe not enough to be a real pimp-mobile.

  9. So you have quickly personalised your car - I am sure it will feel very pleased and serve you well.

  10. I like the black on black. Good choice. Smooth travels are always pleasant.

  11. I was worried for a minute. Here rims are the metal bit that the tire goes on and are quite expensive to replace or buy.

    It's a common sight at at the end of winter see hubcabs propped up on walls as it they are waiting for their chariot to return

    1. I've always wondered about those lost hub caps. Now I know what it feels like to lose one!
