Friday 30 June 2023

Thank Goodness.

Thank goodness that the Court of Appeal has found that the planned sending of the UK's illegal immigrants to Rwanda to be 'unlawful'. I hope this now puts an end to this ridiculous idea.

I don't know who dreamt-up this crazy scheme, but it serves no purpose and would cost a fortune; much of which has already been spent.

There are rules in the EU, which also apply in the UK, that people leaving war-torn or dangerous countries should apply for asylum in the first safe country they reach. People who flout this rule would be returned to that country. 

Those crossing The Channel in small boats should be returned at once to the country they came from; i.e. France. 

France is a good country to live in. The weather is good, the food is good, and as long as people don't gather in huge enclaves, the people are very tolerant. The prospects for gainful employment are also very good.

Speaking personally, if I was an immigrant I would far rather settle in Marseilles than Manchester.

The easiest way to solve this problem would be to re-join the EU, that way the French would be 'obliged' to accept the return of their illegals.


  1. To a large extent I agree with you Cro. I voted to stay in the E U, as did my farmer. I would far rather be thought of as European than become an offshoot of the US (although the state of things in France at the moment suggests there are real problems which must be addressed)

    1. France has always had a strange relationship with its Algerian population. The present troubles are just a continuation. It won't end.

  2. I can't see us rejoining the EU. After all, Brexit has been such a resounding success, hasn't it?

    1. The 'boat people' seem to think so. Eldorado.

  3. 'Boat'/Lorry illegals never accepted back in Calais when we were in the EU.

    1. They should have been, it's written in EU law.

  4. Your love for France is very justified. Truly a wonderful country. Indeed there are many who choose to live in it.

    1. It is a lovely, but often infuriating, country.

  5. We didn't even have the chance to vote, having been out of the country for exactly 15 years when the ballot took place. It has been said (many times I'm sure) that had all those expats been allowed to have their say, the outcome would have been different.

    1. We did have a postal vote (we voted to remain), then we lost it immediately afterwards. We now have the vote again, and recently voted in the local elections.

  6. I cannot believe any civilised country would deport migrants ACROSS CONTINENTS and to a country who within living memory of only one generation allowed a genocide to occur

    1. And their awful record against 'human rights' still continues to this day. Sending them there was a very bad idea all round. Sadly we've already paid their government £millions, which I imagine is non-refundable.

  7. Don't hold your breath though...the government will probably appeal against the ruling

    1. I wonder! This may have been a ploy to stop the whole silly venture. I expect they'll be pleased it's all over, and they can blame the courts.

    2. Either that or it will be a smokescreen to slip something else even more serious past us....

  8. France would be a wonderful place to live in exile.

  9. I hope they don't resurrect their plan to move them all over here!

    1. Some of them are awfully nice you know. They would blend in perfectly in the IOM.

  10. Illegal immigration continues to be a problem in many places. Florida, USA recently put immigrants on a plane and sent them to Martha's Vinyard, Cape Cod, MA.

    1. I suppose if they're in need of manual workers up there, then maybe that's not so bad. Otherwise I think it's better to send them home.
