Wednesday 21 June 2023



I am an insomniac, and as a result I tend to listen to the radio through the night, with a mono-earpiece firmly stuck in my left ear.

I used to listen to LBC but their non-stop, and vicious, 'Boris bashing' forced me to look elsewhere. Eventually I found the BBC's Radio 4 Extra, a channel that broadcasts comedy, plays, short stories, and documentaries, amongst other things. It was the perfect listening for me! 

Just recently they started interrupting programmes with a short warning saying that the service via Internet Radio would soon stop; and it already seems to have done so. My Internet Radio is now left with just two pre-set channels; LBC and BBC World Service.

Last night I listened to LBC for the first time in about 5 years, and guess what? Yes, the same people were still 'Boris-bashing' in full force; Nick Abbot being by far the worst offender. They are obsessed by him. They see him as some uber-intellectual toff who is the greatest living danger to Socialism; and must be stopped at all costs. Nothing is beyond their extreme venom. I'm all for a bit of political banter, but this is crazy. We've all had a good laugh at the expense of  Foot, Kinnock, and Corbyn (which they rightly deserved); but this Boris-bashing has been going on forever. It now looks as if they've got what they wanted.

I should add that when Nick Abbot isn't on air, LBC isn't too bad.

I'm not too keen on The BBC's World Service. It focuses on international news, on foreign politics, and finance. Not much in the way of entertainment per se.

I shall have to see if I can find a few more channels to pre-set into my radio. I shall really miss Radio 4 Extra; listening to the tripe from LBC is just awful. Somehow I doubt if I can find anything that will replace the variety that Radio 4 Extra offered. 

Very few things in life change for the better!


  1. I have recently got Radio u.k. on my phone. Lots of variety.

    1. It may not be broadcast via the net; I'll have a look. Thanks.

  2. Do try BBC Sounds, it's really good, lots of interesting subjects and you can download to listen offline whenever you want (I'm also a bedtime listener!) I quite often listen when I'm doing the gardening as well. Give it a go, you won't be disappointed!

    1. I wouldn't get BBC Sounds through my Internet Radio. It only picks up certain channels, and not too many interesting ones. Otherwise, yes, BBC Sounds is great.

  3. I have a small digital radio with earbud and get BBC Radio 4Extra for all night listening. Would that stretch to the Dordogne I don't know. Back in the day I appeared to be stuck with long wave or radio through the TV/Sky.
    My choice is fine on that prog. no news, weather or travel info. But... their repeat policy means if awake I get two helpings of the same
    with 12+ hour difference. BTW I loathe The Comedy 2hrs 10-12. sometimes it's the comedy but always the presenter.
    During the day I have Smooth NW or Spotify in my earbud (one side only).

    1. I know what you mean about the repeated programmes; very annoying. Some of those 'comedy' presenters are extremely tiresome, they seem to think it's all about them!

  4. Could you use a DAB radio instead? Would that work with your earpiece?

    1. I have DAB radio in England, but I'm not sure if it would receive English programmes in France.

  5. I listen to YouTube at night when I can't sleep. Right ear piece only. I listen to all sorts of shows, anything that I can just listen to and not have to watch.
    Using one ear piece means I have the other ear to check on cats, weasels and goats . And barking dogs. At least it's only animals I hear

    1. I use my earphone so that I don't wake Her Ladyship.

  6. I wish we could all move on from Johnson. Okay, he gave us the disaster known as Brexit and he lied till his pants caught fire but that was then, this is now. I would often love to have the opportunity to fall asleep to the sound of Radio 4 but Mrs Pudding would not approve and the radio alarm is on her side of the bed.

    1. You need a mono earpiece. You can then listen in peace. I do find that when a really interesting programme comes on; I fall asleep!

  7. There must be a big shake up going on. I used to listed to Radio Sussex in the evening but they have replaced paul Miller and now I can't stand it.

  8. Sorry Cro but I try never to comment on 'political' posts - we all have a vote and can choose who we vote for - I like to leave it at that. I slept badly a couple of nights ago and sat and watched World News - it was all so awful - is there never anything for them to intersperse the killing, the drugs the terrible suffering? I switched off - it is happening but I have put my head n the sand permanently. It is the only way I can live my final years and enjoy them.

    1. Most political news I allow to go over my head these days, but this witch hunt became all invading. I'm very sorry for him, despite all his faults, because we've lost someone of great stature.

  9. Much to my annoyance I lost UK radio when my Sky digi-box was exchanged for Freesat - a supposed "free" update which cost me 200 euros.
    It's a long time since I've been able to just listen. BBC Radio 4 Extra sounds exactly my kind of listening.

    1. It's only fault (as Potty mentioned above) is that it repeats itself every 12 hours, and at weekend often does 'omnibus' versions of its plays. Otherwise Radio 4 Extra is wonderful.

  10. I agree with you entirely, constant bashing of BJ is tiring and not appropriate. Newscasters today seem on "repeat" mode. It is terrible. Finding good music/programming is difficult.

    1. I've been listening to LBC for the past 3 nights, and with out Nick Abbot's constant Boris bashing it isn't as bad as I'd thought. Perhaps NA is on holiday!

  11. I don't bother with news and talk programs on my little radio. I only get the local stations and prefer the "easy-listening" music, my cat Lola does too. She meows at me if I forget to turn it on, then once the music is playing she settles down and goes to sleep.
