Thursday 8 June 2023

Blind Russian Tank Driver?

Just like with Covid, the longer Russia's war continues, the more we simply accept it as a part of every day life. We donate a few £'s, children's clothes, and dried food, but it does very little to stop the suffering of the Ukrainian people. 

The thing that upsets me as much as the unnecessary death toll, is the total destruction of towns and cities; and for what? These are innocent people's homes; it's where they felt safe. I really feel for those who've lost everything they owned. They don't deserve to be randomly attacked like this by some bastard neighbour.

I tend not to read or watch too much about the war; it's simply too depressing. However, occasionally things come my way (as they do with all of us) that I cannot ignore; the recent destruction of the dam for example.

Like weather forecasters, tank drivers should really look out of their windows (portholes?) before making rash decisions about in which direction to advance, or retreat. Not many drivers would have missed those plainly obvious land mines spread across the road; but this Russian dim-wit did, and presumably paid the ultimate price. I feel absolutely no sympathy with the idiot involved.

If you go around with the intention of killing your neighbours, you should expect to be killed yourself.

N.B. A T14 tank (the tank of choice for the Russians) costs about £4 Million. It doesn't take much to destroy them. The Russians have now lost over 2,000 !!! GOOD.


  1. No video here. Once I hit play screen turned green and picture disappeared.

    1. It's just a video of a Russian tank driving over blatantly obvious mines, and being blown to bits! Almost like suicide.

  2. I barely listen when the war is on TV news and only skim headlines in the paper now. It is all just too sad and there is nothing at all that I can do about it.

  3. The video played for me.

    1. Even the news channels seem to be losing interest. People are dying, and we take it all for granted. Horrible.

  4. I am anxiously following as many details as possible in this terrible war. This illusion that wars are something that cannot happen in borders so close to Europe is slowly disappearing. And no one can help these unfortunate people. What helplessness.

    1. We never forget that the Germans started two devastating wars during the past century. And that was right on out doorstep. It could happen again.

  5. It's all so pointless. So many tears, so many pools of blood, so much wasted money, so many knock-on effects, so many broken families, so many refugees, so many graves and for what?

  6. It's still on our news every night but we've got used to the conflict. There was great fear that it would spread to other countries or P would use nuclear weapons. I don't think either of these will happen. I sincerely hope not. The Russians were in Afghanistan for 10 years and I can see that happening here.
    The Ukrainians were living a life similar to that here. Kiev and the big cities were modern, people had all the comforts of modern civilisation. It boggles my mind when I think how their lives were turned upside down, how they had to flee with nothing but what they could carry.
    Even if, when, they can return they'll have years of hardship rebuilding it all. Damn the man

    1. It's just dreadful. I hope all his losses, and those of the Ukrainians, haunt him. He should be put on trial.

  7. Senseless war, destroys the lives of people who just want to live a quiet secure life. If it was in "his" backyard, not thousands of miles away.

  8. The destruction and loss of life at the hands of P is devastating. Borders mean nothing to P. Despite most of the world supporting VZ the war continues. When will it end?

    1. When the Russian people decide that they've had enough of him!

  9. In a war that is totally pointless, it seems rather a drastic way to get out of fighting, but they certainly went out with a bang.
    It's about time someone put an end to that psychopath and his cronies in Moscow.

    1. It amazes me that they didn't from the very start.
