Tuesday 23 May 2023

The Summery South.

Sunday and yesterday were the first days of the year when several bare-chested people (the blokes) appeared sunning themselves in the Rest Garden. Shorts were de rigeur for the men, and the girls had dusted down their Summer frocks and straw hats, and were looking wonderful. All this and it was only 17 C.

Brighton really comes alive when the sun shines. The amount of different languages one hears in the street is extraordinary, out come the most extremely eccentric outfits, and people seem even friendlier than usual. There is a different atmosphere in the air. 

Everything is in flower. This tree (above), also in the Rest Garden, is totally covered in flowers. I have no idea what it is but it's fabulous. I did also notice a wonderful pink flowering Horse Chestnut.

Just after I took the above photo, the entire garden was mowed. It now looks pristine again.

Back at home it's the Roses that are stealing the show. All our bushes are now in flower, this one (above) I (unwisely) photographed through our front bay window. It's much more dramatic than it looks in the photo.


  1. Replies
    1. Lovely. Same weather again today I think.

  2. I wonder what that flowering tree is?
    Yes, shorts weather..even up here!

    1. I think Will (below) has it right. I've just looked-up Whitebeam and it seems to match in all respects.

  3. That tree looks like a whitebeam - sorbus aria. If it is, it will have a massive crop of red berries come the autumn, and the blackbirds will go mad feeding on them.

    1. I'm sure you have it right. It also has those berries in Autumn, and the garden is home to a multitude of Blackbirds.

  4. It's a wonderful time of the year. Our roses are amazing. Never so many on one bush. Everything is so colourful.
    22o here and still in long sleeves. I'm quite happy about that. Summer heat goes on and on and itz coming soon.

    1. We shall be heading South in a week's time, so I'm hoping it'll last, so that I can open the pool. It's a long and reasonably complicated process that requires sunshine!!!

  5. We came back on Sunday night after a week away and were astonished to see the changes. Everything had burst into flower.

    1. This year it seems to have happened almost over night. All our roses are in flower, and are superb.

  6. It all looks very green and lush. I love the colour of the roses - do you know which one it is?
    The lone rose in my garden has flowered continually throughout the year and has now grown to tree-like proportions. I've cut it right back as part of it has returned to briar.
    Your weather is much better then here where we have much-needed rain. It's 17ยบ and the miserable grey skies won't please the holiday makers or dog-walkers. I'm back in winter clothes.

    1. No I don't know it's name, my late Mother in Law planted it. I'm hoping our recently planted rose in France will be in flower; last year it was spectacular. It would be good to arrive there with everything in bloom.

  7. "It's Bright in Brighton! Right on!" New tourism slogan for the city dreamt up by yours truly.

    1. Too late. There used to be a huge advert in Brighton Station which read 'B-Right-On time for R Whites Lemonade'.

  8. Replies
    1. I hope it lasts. Usually Mother Nature gives us a good slapping in June just so we don't get used to the early spring warmth.

  9. Sunshine and warmth brings the best out in everything and everyone. It is a lovely time of the year.

    1. Everywhere I go people are smiling and chatty. We need more weather like this!

  10. I do love roses and sunny days. We had a sunny 20C here and as I walked to the bus stop I saw many roses still blooming though it's autumn here still. 17C is jumpers and jackets weather here.
