Tuesday 9 May 2023

The Dog Show.

It was the Church Dog Show yesterday. Luckily the weather was fine, and no dogs started fighting. Billy knew most of the other dogs present. 

This was the view up to the church, in fact we approach from the other side.

The youthful brass band played as all the dogs assembled outside the ring.

These are some of Billy's pals, the big chap in the foreground, Bruno, won first prize in the 'Best Senior' category. He's a very big St Bernard-ish dog; lovely boy. On the left is Billy's friend 'Haggis'.

And here is Billy in the ring, in the 'Silly Round' (tricks etc). He performed his 'Roly Poly' perfectly, but the judges obviously couldn't see his genius. He didn't win a prize.

It was all good fun, very amateurish, and we met lots of our friends, some who we hadn't seen for about 40 years. It was like a pukka village fĂȘte of old. 

Billy really enjoyed seeing all his friends, and wasn't in the slightest bit upset at not having been amongst the winners. 

We left before the dog blessing; all too much like 'Travels with my Aunt' for our liking.

Next year, eh Billy!



  1. I presume that is Lady M. with Billy. It looks cold with the puffer jacket.

    1. Yes, she feels the cold more than most people; then declares that she's too hot.

  2. Looks like a fun day out :)

    1. It was lovely; not at all Crufts, just a very friendly bunch of locals having fun.

  3. A good excuse for a get together and socialise...humans and dogs!

  4. My dog has a rosette on his crate that he won for being handsomest boy at a local fun dog show a few years ago!

    1. I was hoping for something similar, but it was not to be. Next year maybe, he'll be more experienced.

  5. Nice to meet dogs and owners socially. It all sounds like a village affair. Your own village in the city. Pity beautiful Billy didn't win a prize.

    1. Our little area is very village-like, we know many of the residents; and especially their dogs.

  6. Sounds like a fun day out - sorry Billy didn't win anything.
    I'm not competitive, so have never thought to enter any of our dogs in a show. The first Lab. would have caused absolute mayhem - he was bad enough during puppy training! The second one was far too superior (a very good pedigree) to stoop so low. After that all our Labs were retired breeding females and just not interested. The only non-Lab, a Spaniel crossed with a mountain goat - would have started a fight.

    1. Our Lab' Monty would have sniffed FOOD, and would have gone to find it!

  7. I see there was a "Best Bitch" competition. Did Liz Truss turn up?

    1. No, she couldn't make it, it was won by Angela Rayner.

    2. Silly to even reply to Pudding Cro.
      Pud is near on thick, even for a teacher of a soft subject. I do recall he used less rather than fewer on this blog. We engineers and machinery drivers know language is important. In our global world in a multitude of tongues. Nowt wrong with learning foreign if they have a skill to contribute.

      Animals are important. They give far more than we give in return. He is a bonny dog and far brighter and less avaricious than any politician. It is insulting to equate animals or even Vegans with politicians.

  8. It's not about the winning but the taking part. I bet Billy was brilliant.

    1. He did his best. I, of course, thought he should have won first prize.

  9. I'd give him a prize anyday - he is a darling - tell him so from me.

    1. We made a fuss of him; just as if he'd won something. I'll pass on your message, thank you.

  10. Who had more fun the dogs or the dog keepers?

  11. Replies
    1. He did. If I could buy him a red rosette; I would.

  12. What fun. Dogs with their owners sounds like a good time for all. I hope you had a biscuit for Billy.

    1. It was a really fun event. There must have been 100 dogs there.

  13. Good idea cro l….I think I will organise one

  14. Billy knows that at your house, he will always be top dog.

    1. Even more 'top' that his two human carers.
