Thursday 4 May 2023

Lost and then Found.

I'd been looking everywhere. In the teapot, under my laptop, and in Billy's bed; I couldn't find my wretched invitation anywhere.

I knew I'd put it in a safe place, but old-age forgetfulness had deprived me of exactly where.

Eventually I had an idea; perhaps I'd put it in some object with a 'Royal' connection. I checked the 'Corgi Teacup' from the late Queen's Jubilee, my musical Charles and Camilla cake tin, and my old Prince Charles mug with the large protruding ear for a handle. But still no luck!

I gave-up hunting, then whilst making myself a cup of coffee, I suddenly remembered where it was. I  recalled that, rather than putting it in the open for all to see (very non-U), I'd folded it up, and placed it inside my treasured Harry and Thingy commemorative tin Tea Caddy.

I'm not sure if they'll want me to show it in order to get to our Westminster Abbey seats on Saturday, but I'd better take it with me anyway.

Thank goodness I found it. I might have missed the season's big bash!




  1. What a pretty invitation. Will look out for you on the telly, while we are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary.

    1. I'll be the one in ermine and jewels; I'll wave! You chose a good day for your anniversary.

    2. I wouldn't expect anything less than your ermine and jewels.

  2. Is that genuine? Are you really going? How wonderful.

    1. Of course it's genuine; you don't think I'd fake such a thing do you?

  3. I say, old chap. You'd better iron that thing. They won't let you in if it's all crumpled.

    1. I'll even comb my hair (what there is of it!)

  4. If I find my invite in time save me a seat

  5. Well, you certainly haven't given yourself a lot of time to blow the dust off your jewels and give the ermine a good airing.

    1. The Moths are being driven-out as I write.

  6. Can't wait for the photos, say Hi to Chucky for my grandmother!

    1. I certainly will, but not sure if we'll be allowed to take snaps.

  7. Don't forget to put on your full regalia including the white tights and the buckled shoes. Lady Magnon will of course need to wear a hat of some description - preferably not a crown or an Ena Sharples hairnet.

    1. She's out at his very minute at her milliner's; today is the final fitting. I do hope it's not so big that Harry behind us won't be able to see.

  8. It might be best to wear your thermals underneath the robes. It can be drafty in the Abbey. Our late Queen told me in confidence (I think it's OK to repeat it now) that she would have been chilled to the arse without her Grade 5 Damarts.

    1. Damn, I've just put all my thermals away!

  9. I am assured you will look dashing! Give our best to King Charles and Queen Camilla. Don't forget to get us an update on Harry's future plans.

    1. I shall certainly pass-on your best wishes. I doubt if I'll be talking to H, he's not really in my 'good books'.

  10. Goodness, is it really this Saturday? I think my invite is lost in the post.

    1. Yes, it's all come around so quickly. I'll hardly have time to have my socks laundered and pressed.

  11. DH and I will be home here in Texas, but will toast King Charles with a cup of tea on Saturday! My dad and his family are from London so I try to keep up with the goings on there... and although I loved Queen Elizabeth, I'm glad Charles' time has finally come.

    1. He's been waiting a long time. Charles and I are roughly the same age, so we've grown-up together, albeit in different worlds.
