Friday 19 May 2023

Green Eggs.

The picture on the Egg Box shows the real colour of these eggs; looking very similar to the colour of our tablecloth. Why the egg itself looks less green; I have no idea.

These, as no doubt you can see, are Longstock Gold eggs (from Waitrose). Lady M had no intention of buying fancy expensive sage green eggs, but she was desperate and they were all they had. I think she was making her Quiche!

I must say, these eggs had the deepest yellow coloured yolks that I've ever seen. In fact, they were the most all round colourful eggs I've ever encountered.

I don't know if I'd recommend them, as they probably cost a fortune (she didn't say), but if you're feeling in the mood for luxury eggs, then these should fit the bill.

You get quite a shock when you open the box!



  1. You get hens that lay blue a Cream Legbar...cross them with a brown egg laying breed and you get green egg laying birds...but yes, some will be green or greenish naturally.
    The yolk colour is probably due to what feed they were given.
    Those are nice eggs though, as you say.

    1. I know that one can choose feed to change the exterior shell colour, but didn't know about the yolk. I must say they were very tasty, but whether they were tastier than a usual good free range, I don't know.

  2. As you said at the head of your last post - Eat Your Greens! Though I didn't think you meant eggs!

    1. All part of a green colour series, tomorrow 'green onions' by Booker T (or maybe I'll keep that for another day).

  3. Green eggs - whatever next! Do they taste much better than free range?

    1. Slightly, but not enough to warrant the extra expense.

  4. Did you have 'Green Eggs and Ham', Dr Seuss? X

    1. I'm not exactly Sam-I-Am, but I would certainly offer you a dish.

  5. They are from Araucana hens cro, I used to have a few

    1. My last lot were Black Marans, and I was lucky if they laid at all !!!

  6. Or maybe Fried Green onions at the Whistle stop Café?

    1. Got distracted sorry..should be Green Tomatoes!
      Jessica Tandy was a great actor

  7. Those hens have been eating their horta too. Super healthy eggs

    1. It does look as if they were fed on greens.

  8. All I can think of is the Dr Seuss book I used to read to my toddler son (and that wasn't yesterday - he is 65 now.) 'Do you like green eggs and ham? I do, I like them Sam-I-am!'

  9. Buy the good eggs from farmers who take better care of their flock.

    1. In France we buy direct, it's a bit more difficult here.

  10. When the "cooped up" hens were let out in Spring, the yolks changed from pale yellow to orange. The flavor was more intense.

    1. 'They are what they eat'. Although my gourmet diet hasn't done a lot of good for me!

  11. Gourmet eggs - that's a first for me. They do sound delicious and the hens were probably healthier than most others.

    1. I certainly hope they are. The expense should definitely reflect a better life style for the Hens.

  12. Cro, I've been tempted to buy 'gourmet' eggs - usually free range and brown - just to see if they taste different. But the price has always stopped me. Last time I looked they were about $7 or more per dozen.

    1. I did ask Lady M how much they were, but she simply said she didn't know. I suspect they probably cost around the same as yours.

  13. They look amazing! I don't mind paying $$ for eggs as they're such a worthy dietary staple. We pay almost $1 an egg in this neck of the woods for eggs farmed at an intensity of 30 hens/hectare. It's the latest thing, now, specifiying the farming intensity on the box.

    By the way, congratulations on 5,000 postings! That's quite an achievement. I've barely cracked 150 (notice what I did there, haha).

    1. Thank you Pip. Your 150 is eggsemplary. Farmers should always be paid correctly for a good product, it encourages the others to work to higher standards.

  14. I buy free range eggs from the better supermarket across the road from the Woolworths, the yolks are always a rich golden colour and the eggs are tasty enough to just eat fried or boiled, while the "free range" eggs from Woolworths are less tasty with paler yolks and only suitable in my opinion for baking cakes where the taste of the eggs won't matter. I pay the extra price simply to enjoy the taste of eggs as I remember them from childhood.
