Sunday 21 May 2023


Between 230 and 66 million years ago (roughly), Dinosaurs ruled the earth. We know this thanks to the discovery of fossils in places such as Lyme Regis.

Some of these creatures were quite small, others were the size of two London busses.

Why they died-out about 66 million years ago is subject to pick-n-mix conjecture, but they did, and other creatures came to the fore; eventually including us humans who appeared between 8 and 4 million years ago.

Life on earth is cyclical. Ice ages come and go, Dinosaurs came and went, and whatever the future holds will also come and go.

The only thing we know for sure is that a handful of dungaree wearing, middle class lovies making a bloody nuisance of themselves by blocking London's roads, gluing themselves to motorways, or suspending themselves under Aussie bridges, will not halt the natural cycle of things. We humans will eventually disappear too; just like those Dinosaurs!

In this house we haven't used our Central Heating since mid-February, so please don't glue yourselves to roads, or suspend yourselves from bridges, in my name. I do my bit; probably more so than most 'lovies'. However, my tiny effort won't halt the earth's natural cycle, it may slow its development by a few fractions of a milli-second, but otherwise these 'virtue signallers' are probably adding more to the problem with all their travelling, and whatever measures are needed to cope with the inconvenience they cause.

Yes, Dinosaurs do still exist, only these days they go by the names of Chardonnay, Persephone, or Firenze, and they shop at Harrods for their frightfully, frightfully expensive tubes of Superglue. 


  1. If they would pnly glue themselves in out of the way places so as not to disrupt traffic going to and from work, emergency vehicles rescuing from accidents etc, I wouldn't care so much. And none of what they do will stop me from using my heating and cooling when I need it. I worked hard and paid my taxes to be able to enjoy these old age comforts!
    Here in Australia now they are going to be heavily fined and have to pay the costs of emergency vehicles that come to unglue them or take them down from bridges etc.

  2. Replies
    1. They SHOULD be made to pay for all the inconvenience they cause, the problem is that very few of them have jobs other than as trouble-makers.

  3. I wish they could be left glued to whatever they've stuck themselves to.

    1. And left hanging from bridges, etc. If they were ignored it would be better for all.

    2. Didn't the Germans do this with some of their protesters - left them in the building they occupied, locked up and ignored?

    3. Yes, I seem to remember that. It wasn't too long ago.

  4. An excellent post Cro. I too, wish they would just be left glued, hanging or locked up - and ignored by the media. Once the media lose interest and their cause is no longer in the public eye, they will soon stop.
    I'd like to know how they all get to the protest sites - that never seems to be mentioned. I can't see many of them riding bikes, or walking any distance, and surely using public transport is also forbidden?

    1. There are millions of us out there who actually do things to help 'save the planet', these people seem to do the opposite by complaining. Better to stay at home and sort-out their re-cycling.

  5. One of the few pleasures of getting old is that I no longer have to bother about protesters and as for gluing themselves to whatever - leave them Ignoring them is the one thing they really hate.

    1. Recently some chap climbed up a suspension bridge, and the whole bridge became closed to traffic. WHY? I would have ignored him, and left him where he was; maybe handcuffed to the structure.

  6. Drive around them, leave them there, turn the cameras away, and they will eventually go away. Tour De France last year stopped video feeds from the protests.

    1. I'm an avid follower of The Tour, and we've all now begun to expect idiots around every corner.

  7. The disruption the protesters cause is a nuisance. I am all for freedom of speech and right to protest.. That said, US protesters must obtain a permit to protest and they would never be permitted to disrupt flow of traffic or entry to a place of business. A protest in a park is common and there is always a police presence to ensure peaceful/legal protest. Disregarding protest laws and regulations gets you a fine and sometimes a jail sentence.

    1. All that would be fine, but these people destroy shops, spray paint over car salerooms, and cause total disruption on the roads. The police just stand and watch. As in the video, it's up to the public to do something themselves.
