Friday 26 May 2023

Climate activists turn Rome's Trevi Fountain black

I am posting this simply to show that childish behaviour is not restricted to English speaking countries.

Completed around 1760, Rome's Trevi Fountain is one of the world's finest, and most visited, monuments, and has remained unsullied until this bunch of 'lovies' turned-up recently. I was very pleased to see that the Italian police did what they should, and dragged these silly children away. UK police; please note how it's done!!!

I later read that 300,000 litres of blackened water had to be drained from the fountain. I hope that makes them happy. If I had my way I would have made them all clean every inch inside the fountain, and then charged them for the water to refill it.


  1. The police looked a bit too gentle.
    Then next video on a 'memory dog' was quite good.

    1. At least they were prepared to get their trousers wet. UK Coppers would do that. I shall have a look at the video.

  2. What has the Trevi Fountain got to do with the oil industry? Absolutely **** all! It would be far more meaningful to target oil refineries, investors who have got rich through oil and sports and entertainment organisations that have embraced sponsorship by the oil industry.

    1. Far too logical YP. They always go for the easiest target with the most impact.

  3. That's disgusting. The protesters want to be noticed, and they are, but for the wrong reasons.

    1. It's a shame that the police pulled them out, rather than a group of eager vigilantes.

  4. The police were rather gentle with them.

    1. At least they dragged them out. UK police would have bought them sandwiches.

  5. Personally, I have little tolerance for destructive acts that damage and/or destroy property. A steep fine and/or jail sentence might deter future acts.

    1. I'm the same Susan. I hate wonton destruction of any sort. The authorities are far too lenient with these hooligans.

  6. I hope they were suitably punished. So much water wasted. So much damage to that beautiful fountain. They should have been made to scrub it clean.

    1. I absolutely agree, they should have been made to clean it thoroughly; just like those idiots at Chelsea.

  7. They claim they are trying to save the planet but have just wasted 300,000 litres of water! Idiots didn't think that through did they?
