Thursday 6 April 2023

Slightly disappointing.

Since the beginning of January I have restricted my intake of Bacon, Pork Pies, and other general Charcuterie, to almost nothing. OK, very occasionally I have erred.

For breakfast I now eat Muesli, accompanied by a mug of Nescafé and a glass of Beetroot Juice. No more fried Eggs and Bacon, or Haggis, or Black Pudding. I don't miss my meaty breakfasts too much but would happily begin to eat them again.

The aim in this change of diet was to lose a kilo before Easter. I started at 16 Stone, and I wanted to celebrate Easter as a lithe 15 Stone Adonis.

Sadly this does not look to be happening, and when I weighed myself this morning (unless the scales are either joking or broken) I still weigh exactly 16 Stone.

I'm now wondering if my body is naturally designed to be 16 Stone, and is telling me so. I'm 6ft 1inch tall, and not fat; presumably if my morphology wasn't happy, the diet would have kicked-in and I would now be a stone lighter.

I shall continue with the Muesli diet until (at least) the weekend, and look at the situation anew. I have a feeling that Bacon Sandwiches will be back on the menu, and that a slice of Pork Pie for lunch will once again brighten my life!



  1. You should have seen some difference by now, perhaps some extra daily walking might help? I'm losing at a slower rate, but am down 6.5kg since this time last year.

    1. That makes me feel even more of a failure. I shall have to take this dieting business more seriously.

  2. It is surprising that your recent illness didn't result in at least a couple of pounds dropping off. Being ill usually works for me!

    1. It's that old adage 'Feed a virus (Covid), and starve a fever'. I must have done too much feeding.

  3. So breakfast may be less calorific and healthier but what about the rest of your intake?

    1. I really should keep notes of what I eat every day, and make changes.

  4. The problem probably is having to restrict activity due to recovering from Covid...but a tad extra weight is preferable to Long Covid!

    1. I don't really feel over-weight; I'm more 'well built', in a Rugby-player way.

  5. Your breakfast consists of cereals that usually have quite a few calories, maybe that's the reason.

    1. And people are now saying that a couple of eggs for breakfast is good for you.

  6. We both find that two eggs, cooked whichever way you like them, (obviously not fried in loads of fat!) on a thick slice of sourdough toast is a good breakfast, and keeps us going until lunchtime with no temptation to 'pick'!
    I do well whilst husband is around to keep an eye on me, but when I'm in the house alone,
    I turn into a 'picker', and can prove beyond doubt that 'fridge pickers wear big knickers'! X

    1. I tend not to 'graze' between meals, but probably make up for it by eating too much lunch and supper.

  7. As a big lad myself, I am not in a position to advise on losing weight though I assume that by having a leg a amputated you would quickly lose a stone and a half.

    1. My father was a double amputee, and died excessively over weight. I never did ask about the cause!

  8. Unless it's absolutely vital, and your doctor has told you to lose weight, I shouldn't worry too much Cro.
    Do you make your muesli from scratch - checking the calorific value of each item, or do you buy ready prepared packets from the supermarket? Those are known to be high in calories.
    Eggs and sourdough toast and the occasional bacon sandwich seem a much better alternative.

    1. I buy a pack of fruit muesli, and a pack of plain rolled oats, then mix the two 50/50.

  9. If you really want to lose weight, you will, but it sounds as if you are actually reasonably happy with your 'well-built rugby player' body. Was it someone else's idea for you to slim down? Other people's resolutions don't really work, do they?

    1. No, I thought losing some weight might help my knee problem.

  10. Replies
    1. And hopefully lose some weight at the same time.

  11. I like everything in moderation. Smaller portion size might get you to your ideal weight. I've also heard less weight is better for joint health. Vitamin K-2 is also good for bone/joint health.

    1. I think 'smaller portion size' is the honest answer. It'll take a while to acclimatise myself, but I'm sure it's the solution.

  12. Maybe you are at your set weight. Eat your eggs and black pudding, in moderation, and enjoy your meals.

    1. All my clothes fit, so maybe I am at my natural weight.

  13. Is it the carbs which are preventing weight loss
    Maybe lean bacon without the bread or open sandwhich rather than 2 slices. Or eggs and spinach. Can fully understand the comments regarding reduced activity as well but metabolism and weight is a complex minefield and I do not believe we have all the answers and also strongly feel that different approaches work for different people

    1. I don't like to eat too much bread, so maybe I'll cut it out altogether.

  14. Ah, I second Abi's comment. Too much carbohydrate might be your problem. Bring back the bacon and eggs without the toast and muesli and juice and see how that goes?
