Thursday 27 April 2023

Names that shall not be Spoken.


I did promise not to talk about certain people for a while, but their continuing bad behaviour makes it almost impossible for me (and most of the serious media) to keep quiet. With an upcoming coronation, they are in the news even more than ever. Will they; won't they? 

Most of us find it totally disgusting that some unimportant bit-part actress should target an extremely eligible (and apparently she thought 'hugely wealthy') young European Prince, to forward her social and financial ambitions, only to throw it all back in his family's face before returning home and continuing to trash them at every possible opportunity. 

So, what was that young man thinking? We all know that he isn't the brightest penny, but how could he have been so blinded that he couldn't (and still can't?) see what was happening? He'd been perfectly happy with his family before he married!

I think what we're seeing at the moment is the beginning of the end. Through their individual actions they have become a totally disliked laughing-stock couple, and they are starting to look at each other to cast blame. He could never have imagined that she could 'destroy him' like this. It won't end well.

What I really fail to understand is why they both attempt to blame everyone else for HER shameless ambitions, and THEIR collective crass stupidity, when they so obviously only have themselves to blame. Their combined selfishness is beyond comprehension.

Has there been a more determined 'gold-digger' in recent times? You will possibly soon experience at first hand the venom she had previously been aiming at your father, step-mother, brother, and sister-in-law (amongst others).

Then what'll happen? You won't be able to run back to daddy or your big brother, asking for forgiveness and a shoulder to cry on. Your father might be sympathetic, but don't count on your brother; he'll tell you where you can shove yourself! Once loyalty has gone, it's gone forever.

These people really must be wondering how they've dug such a huge hole for themselves. They imagined that the criticisms of their respective families would bring them sympathy; it has only brought them derision. They have made themselves into figures of mockery, whereas they'd hoped to be pitied and admired; and all this after their escape for 'privacy'.

The big bucks will also soon run-out. The media will only pay $Millions if it makes them $Billions, and if no-one's interested, then the contracts will fail to appear. They HAVE to continue to trash the British Royal Family if they want the bucks to continue.

We now hear that HE might attend the Coronation, but SHE won't (can you hear the cheering?). As long as he doesn't appear on the balcony at Buck House I suppose it's a reasonable solution. He can expect a lot of boo-ing. I think we may be seeing more of them apart, doing separate things, in the near future.

The poor boy really has made a mess of things! I now read that he has said that his wife "May not be the one"; which has been left to us to translate! It's taken him a long time to realise it. Maybe he should have listened to his family (or me) some time ago.

My recommendation for them both is to 'Keep Your Mouths Firmly Shut'. Every time they open them they make themselves look even more stupid. We've all had enough!


  1. I don't even know what you are going on about... sensible publictaions like the Grauniad and Independant don't seem to have anything about them in their headlines?
    You aren't a secret "Hello" reader are you, Cro??

    1. My Microsoft news coverage (all media) seems to have revived their interest; which I find very annoying. I just wish they'd go away and do what they said they'd do, and search out some 'privacy'.

    2. I don't read American-biased news channels, especially Microsoft, because they just want to sell adverts and apps.
      The Yankees have no Royal Family [they decided to be the first to gain independance!] With the result, they latch onto ours and try and suck it dry!!
      I suggest you use the Grauniad as your source of totally unbiased news!!

    3. My Microsoft news coverage includes The Grauniad, as well as most other UK papers (very little D Mail). It is probably the most unbiased selection around.

  2. Don't shoot me on delivery.

    You take more interest in minutiae of a family you are not related to than mine does in each other.

    Just let the Royal Family get on with it. It's their funeral. And remember, they are human too.

    Other than that, a bit of sympathy wouldn't go amiss. Harry is, obviously, in a shit up the creek position I most certainly don't envy. Neither is it advisable to paint Meghan in the colours of the evil witch getting her claws into the sleeping beauty of a prince.

    In my experience there is more to life and its inhabitants than meets an outsider's eye.

    Anyway, don't feed your misplaced rage, Cro. It's not good for your blood pressure.


    1. Ursula, you are not English. King Charles is our King; like it or not. He is the figurehead of the UK and the Commonwealth; one of the most admired Royal figures in the whole world. It matters not if you are a Harry/Meghan supporter, what they have done is outrageous, and they should now go away and remain silent.

  3. They seem to have disappeared from my horizon thank goodness. I'm it will all pop up again with the Coronation. But King Charles and those allowed on the balcony will hopefully be at the forefront

    1. I suspect they're plotting as I write. He with court cases, etc, and her with books.

  4. I just wish that the " media" would give them the privacy they are said to desire!

    1. They should refuse to pay them for interviews, etc.

  5. Big problem is that many people in the US love them and believe it all

    1. I think less now than previously.

    2. I hang out on a lot of American forums and trust me they hardly are on the radar of most Americans. People there have enough problems with homlessness, drug addictions, and seemingly daily mass shootings in their states.

    3. 50, I'm afraid the only news we get from the US these days is (apart from H & M) mass shootings and Biden looking and sounding perplexed. Things used to be so different.

  6. Last week I visited an old lady who used to be our neighbour. I asked her what she thought of the unnamed couple. Without prompting, she scorned them and reminded me of the old adage that you should never wash your dirty linen in public. The Ginger Oaf has clearly never heard of it.

    1. And she is right. Of course you don't go around in print or on TV telling the world what horrible people they are. Thank goodness the Royals haven't retaliated.

    2. YP does it for clicks. I do wonder if his family know?

    3. YP and I have opposing political views, but I always respect people who state their case without malice. We know where each other stands, and that's fine with me.

    4. Does what for clicks? Absurd remark.

  7. I see both of them as misguided and in Harry someone in dire need of further psychological support

    1. From what I've been reading recently, he may be moving away from M. This could, of course, be malicious gossip, but it wouldn't surprise me if true.

  8. I thought they were going to move away and live a normal life, instead they invited TV cameras into the back garden.

    1. And slagged-off every one who'd been on their side. They really have made a terrible mess of things.

  9. Well said Cro - couldn't have put it better myself.

    1. I find the whole episode terribly sad, and unnecessary. As YP said above, dirty linen should not be washed in public.

  10. I find it all incredibly sad. Nothing will ever make them happy. I have someone like that in my family. No matter what you do for them or give them, they will always find some way to find fault and feel mistreated. They will scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something.

    Poor Harry. I would have thought that there was a very good reason to adopt the royal family's "Never Explain, Never Complain" approach to keep matters in check - you can never take back those nasty words you say or tales you tell, even if they seem true in your eyes. And let's face it, both H & M have a tenuous grasp on what it truth. I saw today that a High Court judge has slammed Harry for "troubling factual inconsistencies" in his various witness statements re the fight against the British press. Not for the first time...

    It's the children I feel most sorry for. I wonder what they will think in the future when they realise that their mother put her own ego front and centre and did not allow them to attend such an historic event like their grandfather's coronation or let him meet his English cousins. A 4 year old's birthday party could be held the week after. A coronation is a once in a lifetime event.

    1. Yes, their poor children will have a lot of questions for their parents in the years to come; especially if their 'titles' disappear.

  11. My friends and I in the US do not like the ongoing maligning of the royal family by H & M. Blind love combined with infatuation describes H. In time, this will pass. The US is hearing, H will attend the Coronation and M will stay in CA with the children.

    1. I think that is the best outcome. H will not be popular (obviously), but M would have been really unpopular. I'm sure she doesn't wish to be humiliated.

  12. Goodness me. I agree with you. I'm now questioning whether I may be mistaken, but I said she looked like trouble right from the start, like Diana.

    1. I'm afraid I have to agree with you about both of them; and we're both right!

  13. Well said Cro!
    I have Microsoft news too, but have stopped reading most of it for the cover it gives this obnoxious couple.

    1. I used to read the Daily Mail online, but became totally disillusioned by its bias, and half naked celebs, so changed to something more egalitarian. I find the variety of opinions more realistic.
