Tuesday 14 March 2023

The big trek.

I always used to drive non-stop down from Dieppe (or Calais) to our cottage, but I was younger then, and a 700 km trip was no big deal.

These days I do what I'm told and we stop about half way down in a reasonably-priced, dog-friendly, hotel that we've now got to know quite well. It's the Ibis at Nord Saran.

It's a well-known chain hotel on the outskirts of Orléans which suits us fine. It's not easy to reach, but I'm getting to know the route thanks to Google Maps; I don't have Sat Nav. It isn't conveniently situated by the side of a main road like most large hotels; but hidden away down complicated side roads. As you can see by the photo, it's not the prettiest of buildings.

The rooms are comfortable, Billy settles down happily in his bed, and the staff are always pleasant. But it does have one major fault.

The so-called 'Restaurant' is absolutely dreadful. The meals are bought-in from some awful factory, re-heated, and served in red-hot dishes. I had one 'roast chicken with new potatoes' dish that was edible, but I've had others that I wouldn't give to the dog. The last meal I had there was 'fish with fresh season's vegs'; it was almost inedible. At the same time Lady M had a pizza which was totally bizarre.

However, their breakfasts are very good. Plenty of choice, and you can eat as much as you like to set you up for the day's drive ahead.

For this year's trip I've taken note of a few local eateries that we might visit, but I have a feeling that we will simply relax with some sandwiches and a bottle of wine, and dine al fresco (al hotel-roomo).

I only have a few strict criteria for hotels in which I stay. The bed must be comfortable, have an ensuite bathroom/loo, be reasonably priced, and have a well-stocked breakfast bar. This one does all of that, and is dog-friendly too. It's just such a shame that their evening meals are so dreadful. I'm not interested in the interior or exterior aesthetics of such over-night stopping places, I just want a bed, a drink, and something in my belly to start the next day.

Strangely I have begun to look forward to our visits to Orléans. It's become a part of the whole travel experience, and I now no longer bother to look for more suitable alternatives.


  1. If it wasn't for the Summer like red parasols, it could almost be a typical building on the Slough Trading Estate. But yes, a good idea to stop off for the night en-route to the cottage.

    1. We try not to look at the building, or the interior décor. They have another hotel nearby that is 'Car Themed'; it is unbelievable.

  2. We were talking about hotel rooms the other day. You got the basics, especially a good breakfast. Most don't have restaurants here but we would eat out anyway.
    One major requirement for us is an air conditioner that doesn't make so much noise we can't sleep. Don't know how many times that's happened.

    1. Another of my requirements is that the rooms aren't over-heated. I like to be cool-ish.

  3. There is an Ibis in Hull where we used to stay when visiting my husbands parents.( both passed away now.) Comfortable rooms.Nice and clean. It was very handy as it was across the road from the train station.We never ate there cos there was plenty of choice around for breakfasts.We always bought what food we fancied for tea and cooked it at his parents flat. I would stay at an Ibis hotel again.

    1. I've stayed in several Ibis hotels. I used to have their hotel catalogue in the car, and there was always one handy.

  4. I am a regular Ibis user. They have what you need at a reasonable price in convenient locations, for me that is usually next to railway stations. Some even have quite good restaurants although not all have restaurants.

    1. I have no idea why this particular restaurant is so bad. I almost feel like writing to them about it; but I'd probably get banned!

  5. We were put up in an Ibis in East London when our evening flight home from London City Airport was cancelled. The meal in the restaurant was surprisingly good and cheap too, although the breakfast the next morning was dire.

    1. Sound like the opposite of Orléans. We'll go back anyway.

  6. We used an Ibis once near Chalons en route for Italy. Our first and last time, we had to take turns to stand up the room was so small, I guess we got what we paid for. We prefer to stay with at small rural B&Bs, often recommended by Sawdays. We are well fed on local or home grown produce at a communal table. Its an relaxing evening with like minded people and hopefully benefit the local economy.

    1. I suppose we've become lazy, and simply go where we know. Other than the awful restaurant, it's fine.

  7. Fred is not happy! La Cantine de Fred is the finest restaurant in the region of Orleans. In fact the famous Maid of Orleans would dine nowhere else before going off into battle.It makes sense to have the stopover.

    1. Fred's canteen doesn't give much confidence. I think Fred himself was in jail (or he should have been).

  8. I have become fussy about hotels, Ibis is my idea of roughing it,

    1. I wouldn't say that exactly, but it's certainly not The Savoy.

  9. I agree. If it is meeting your needs, there's no need to consider a change.

  10. The farmer and I were like that with hotels - when we found one we liked it became standard practice to return when we were next in the area. There have been one or two in the far east which were never on the list - too many cockroaches coming out in the dark from behind the wallpaper.

    1. I once stayed with a friend in the Caribbean, and when getting up in the night for a glass of water I found the whole kitchen alive with huge brown Cockroaches. I was shocked, but they didn't seem to mind.

  11. Long drives are no fun any more, are they. It's 800km from where we are in Scotland to rellies in Kent. No point having a whole day travelling then having to take two days to recover! So we stop halfway-ish at Penkridge. Enjoy your trip when it comes. We have stayed at an Ibis in South Wales once...never again!

    1. Ha ha. Some of them are awful. Never stay in the ones called Ibis Red, they are the really cheap Lorry Drivers hotels. Ibis Style are much better, and I think there is a 3rd type which is even better.

  12. I guess you could bring a hammock and find two or 4 suitable trees. ;)

    1. It'll be Summer, so maybe just an inflatable mattress.

    2. Possibly they have a new chef now.

  13. The hotel looks pretty enough to me, shame about the evening meals though.

    1. Yes, I always look forward to a good evening meal. Maybe we'll venture out to a nearby restaurant.

  14. The Ibis served us well in Melbourne and Sydney. Basic but clean.

    1. 'Basic but clean' is a good description for this one too.

  15. Have stayed in several Ibis hotels in France and found them perfectly acceptable. We preferred Relais du Silence - though some of their hotels were really off the beaten track, which is fine if you've plenty of time.
    If it's only one overnight stop on the way home then as long as it's clean and comfortable, that's all you need. You don't really expect to find substandard food in France, but we did in a hotel on the seafront in Canet Plage - very similar to your evening meal in Orléans.
