Monday 6 March 2023

Sunday Fun.

I only buy one newspaper per week; The Sunday Times.

On Page 3 of the 'Home' section, there is a half page of houses for sale. Mostly nice homes from around the country, at a various selection of prices.

Every week we look through the houses, assess which one we would buy (as if we were in the market), and see if everyone else thinks alike.

I'm very pleased to be able to tell you that 99.9% of the time, we all choose the same house.

This week's was a relatively cheap house in Kent. At under £900,000 (the cheapest on offer) it was an old farmhouse with an Oast-house, and outbuildings. In the photo it is the second one up from the bottom on the right. I'm pleased to say that all four of us (with Kimbo and Susie) chose the same one.

We don't go for the most impressive or exclusive, we always think in terms of where we'd like to live.

If you take The Sunday Times, and you are more than one in the house, then I recommend that you play this wonderfully intellectual and rewarding game; and, like us, get huge enjoyment from knowing that one's impeccable taste is shared by all.



  1. That is definitely a fun game. Since I live with my dog and he always agrees with me, there would be no one to challenge my choice of house.

    1. You need at least 2 humans; the dog's choice would probably be biased in favour of the garden!

  2. I'm in the same position as Terra, though the dog would probably insist on a big kitchen cupboard for storing her kibble and treats.

    1. She'd be looking for a Dog Rumpus Room, with storage facilities!

  3. I am always surprised how low the prices of the houses are compared to the prices here. Sometimes I have fun looking for houses online in different parts of the world. A kind of escapism.

    1. Prices in France are almost comical. You can buy a huge Chateau for the price of a UK beach hut.

  4. I play that game by myself.

    1. You need to rope-in Mr JayCee to join you. Much more fun.

  5. A fun game. I look at flats in Athens. I'd love to have a city get-away

    1. By myself.
      We both look at houses on Naxos now and again. It's got a good climate and tasty cheeses, and very expensive housing

    2. A friend of mine has just returned from Athens. He loved it.

      I'm still waiting to win a fortune so I can buy a little Mews House in S Kensington. Perhaps I should buy lottery tickets.

  6. We played this game this morning, just going from your photograph.
    We have very expensive tastes as we both chose the £1.6m in North Yorkshire.
    We know the village of Starbotton quite well, and have eaten at the Fox and Hounds on a few occasions.
    Also, nearby Skipton is one of my favourite towns, due in part to the astonishingly wonderful pork pies they have!

    1. We tend to go for southern properties, but, yet, nice house in N Yorks. The Pies make it sound very desirable too!

  7. I think I'll stick to hopscotch on the pavement.

  8. The prices are frightening

    1. You don't get much for a £million down here. My people wouldn't have believed the current prices.

  9. Current home prices are very inflated. In the US, there is a shortage of homes available and you do not get much for $1M. I like looking at oceanfront cliff side land and dream of a new contemporary build.

    1. I would only ever buy period houses; the older the better. Our house in France is about 300 years old, but the one here is from the 60's. Very young for my taste.

    2. I wondered why you don't have a small farm where you are now.

    3. Practicality. I would love to, but I'm just too old.

  10. I take The Times eevry day on subscription - it is one of my treats to myself. I always look at that page and I look at the "mansions" and have no desire to live in any of them - give me the cosy cottage every time.

    1. I usually go for a nice medium sized period farmhouse with a bit of land.

  11. I would go for an old 2-3 story house with a window's walk or cupola on a cliff over the ocean... if I had my druthers and money.

    1. I can certainly see the appeal of that. We can see the sea from our bedroom, but only a 'slither'.

  12. I buy the Saturday paper for the same reason, the Real Estate lift out section, pages and pages of potential dream homes.
