Thursday 16 March 2023

Oh no!!!


What we've been dreading for the past few years looks to have arrived. 

After having felt a bit under the weather for the past few days, Lady Magnon was about to do a Covid test but found bits of the kit missing, so no definitive prognosis. 

I am also showing symptoms, but not as bad as Lady M's.

We have both been coughing, and have painful chests. I have a thumping headache, a hot pain behind my eyes, and terrible lethargy. I have also lost my appetite, I have a temperature, and have been shivering. It really is most unpleasant. Whether or not it is Covid we don't know, but I suspect as much. Last night I didn't sleep a wink; I was restless all night long, and am really tired this morning.

I found writing the above quite taxing, so please excuse me if I don't reply to comments. After I've taken Billy for his morning walk, I will probably return to my bed!


  1. Sorry to hear it, Cro. It doesn't really matter whether it's Covid or not. Feeling awful is feeling awful. One just has to ride it out. Patience being the name of the game. Though do throw some paracetamol at the headache.

    All the best to both you and Lady M,

  2. Oh dear. I do hope you both get over this one quickly. It seems to hit people differently so fingers crossed that you get off lightly.

  3. Unfortunate that you are both ill at the same time, hope that it will be over soon. Send Billy out for supplies!

  4. What about the sore throat? It is normally present but there are many awful viruses around at the moment with different variations. Good luck.

  5. I wish you and Lady M feel better soon.

  6. Don’t be shy at contacting 111 if you feel very unwell cro

  7. Sorry to hear this Cro. Look after yourselves and get well soon.

  8. How horrible it is to feel that way...hopefully you will both recover shortly and feel well again.

  9. Hope you don't get any worse, both of you. Get well quick!

  10. Sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

  11. Sorry to hear this Cro, you did really well not to get it up till now...we have yet to get it but no doubt we shall do at some stage. Hope you both get well soon.

  12. Get well soon, we both had Covid last October, and it was horrible, so you have my sympathy.
    Rest as much as you can, drink lots of water, and if you can, get someone else to walk Billy for you.
    I know you don't like 'ready meals', but we asked our son to pop to M&S and get us four days worth of convenience. They were needed too! X

  13. Sorry to read this, Cro. Whether it's Covid or not, there are lots of miserable things doing the rounds. Hope you both feel better soon - and know that we will all be thinking of you, so just a tiny post that says 'still coughing' will at least stop us worrying!!!

  14. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

  15. A lot of folk round here have had similar symptoms - my carer felt like that for a few days but her covid test was negative. Keep warm, drink plenty and I hope your usual health soon returns.

  16. Hope the dreaded lurgy does not stay too long for both of you. Do take care.

  17. Call you Doctor, there are some treatments if you catch it early.

  18. So many people have this bug at the moment. I wouldn't worry if it's covid or not. Luckily it seems to be just about a week and its over, lets hope you are feeling better soon.

  19. Some horrible viruses going around right now on both sides of the pond. Hoping you and Lady M will feel better soon.

  20. Yikes! Take care, both of you. Perhaps someone could do a porch drop of test kits?

  21. I'm so sorry to read you are both ill. Could you phone a pharmacy and have test kits dropped off?

  22. Take care and drink lots of water. If it is Covid, Paxlovid tablets worked extremely well for my neighbor. His symptoms reduced and he returned to good health in 5-7 days.

  23. DH was diagnosed with Covid back in January of 2021, but his symptoms were like a cold... runny nose and cough. I never got it. But I too have heard that there is medicine now specific for it that is helpful. Hope you both feel better soon.

  24. So sorry to learn you are feeling poorly and Mrs Cro. We had the COVID over Christmas, and couldn't taste any of our Christmas fayre. My husband took the PLAVIX anti-viral, and it helped, but they said I had probably had the COVID too long to take the said drug. Sending healing wishes your way.

  25. So glad I didn't make plans to visit you ;) this week.

  26. Oh, no! Do look after yourselves and I hope you recover soon. Thank goodness your fabulous son is just around the corner!

  27. Sorry to hear that you've both succumbed to some nasty virus - whatever it is. Keep warm and plenty of fluids.
    Billy will understand if you can't walk him for a while - he may even join you in bed!
