Saturday 4 March 2023

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon charged with manslaughter of baby

The only people to have been grabbing more news space than Harry and Meghan recently, have been the bizarre couple Constance Marten and Mark Gordon.

People outside of the UK will probably not have heard about them. Ms Marten comes from an aristocratic family. Her home (below) came with several thousand acres, and a privileged lifestyle second to none.

Then she met convicted rapist, and jailbird, Mark Gordon, and 'ran away' with him. He had previously served 20 years in a US prison for the rape and assault of a Florida woman when he was 14 years old. 

They slept in tents, moved around constantly, and lived the lives of clandestine escapees. During this time, Ms Marten had a baby, which was said to have been born in a car, and later died. The circumstances of the death are being investigated.

I suppose the only real question would have to be 'why on earth did she chose this type of life above any other?' 

They could have taken a flat together in London, moved to Paris, or travelled around N Africa on a camel; her choices were endless. Even tough Ms Marten was a wealthy young woman, she preferred to live the life of a tramp. They had committed no crime (that I know of), so there was no reason to hide. No doubt all will be revealed in time, but for the moment they were arrested here in Brighton, and are to face a magistrates court, in Crawley, over the alleged 'manslaughter' of their child.

Here, below, is how Sky News saw the affair.


  1. Why do you regurgitate this sorry saga - one that has been splashed all over "news" ad nauseam?


    1. Because it's very much in the news, especially here in Brighton. Do you not want anybody to discuss anything that's in the news?

    2. What is there to "discuss"? It's hardly an opinion piece. It's a human tragedy. The other tragedy being that humans never tire of gossip, speculation, hearsay. Till their curiosity is satisfied - or the next story comes along.


    3. Cro can put whatever he likes on his blog. Nobody has to read it.

    4. Mean Queen, my being aware of the obvious you state, what's your point?

      As to the well worn "nobody has to read it": How do you respond (or not) if you haven't read what is being said?


    5. One has the option to read and then click away, one does not have to comment.

    6. Ursula always does, and it's ALWAYS negative.

  2. Confirms that my decision is a good one not to bother with newspapers or news bulletins.

    1. We couldn't avoid it here, there were helicopters buzzing around, and cop cars everywhere. It was quite un-nerving.

    2. Oh I see. I hadn't noticed on my first reading that they were arrested in Brighton.

  3. There must be more to this story than is being told. Why would the police have been interested in them in the first place? Ok, there is now a dead baby, but that wasn't the case originally!

    1. As I said above, why didn't they simply rent a flat together. There must be more to the story than we've been told.

    2. They would be on the run from Social Services who they would have been registered with. A sex offender is automatically registered with them when a pregnancy is involved, baby at risk. It is most likely the baby would have been taken away at birth. So they ran off hoping to disappear. It is not unusual.

    3. What is unusual is that it doesn't usually involve daughters of aristocrats and men who have been incarcerated for 30 years at the peak time of their development and during significant changes in the world all of which he will presumably have missed until release. It is not a happy situation and very sad all round.

  4. My husband and I thought this straight away as there were seemingly already relatively recent 'mug shots' of the pair. The whole saga with the innocent baby is absolutely heartbreaking. I believe they lived in a flat in London until September when her pregnancy became impossible to conceal and they ran away. Why? Whatever the reasons it's the poor innocent child that has suffered the tragic results of their collective madness.

    1. There was a real feeling of shock and sadness here. People took the news very personally.

    2. I bet. It's so awful and difficult to comprehend. I just don't understand any human being who does not have the instinct to protect an innocent, helpless child. Why did they not just leave it in a shop or something if they didn't want to/couldn't care for it? I'll never understand any of this.

  5. A strange and tragic case. If they had been riding a camel around North Africa they might have come across a few problems in lawless Libya and riding through Cairo would have proved challenging because of the traffic.

    1. The whole business is baffling. I imagine her people weren't too happy with her, but that's hardly an excuse to live the way she did. No doubt the full story will come out in time.

    2. Truthfully she's entitled to live her life however she chooses as long as she's not harming anyone else but not when a baby is brought into the mix.

    3. Originally one would have thought so; I don't think they'd done anything wrong (I don't know). But why it all ended so tragically is anyone's guess. We may never know.

  6. I'm going to stick my head above the parapet here......
    What a selfish, uncaring, spoilt, abnormal woman Constance Marten must be!
    That poor wee mite's life ended before it had properly begun, through being born to a woman who cared more about her 'man' than her child.
    As I said, abnormal!

    1. Yes, her, and his, behaviour was disgusting. I hope they have plenty of time behind bars to contemplate their actions.

  7. Tragic, on multiple levels.

  8. Some adults are disgusting human beings with no conscious. Put them both away for life.

    1. If mental health is considered then one or both of them may not have capacity to make rational decisions

    2. They will be told how to plead, and their bizarre behaviour will be used to the fullest extent. I doubt if they'll serve long sentences. As John says, if they claim to have acted whilst mentally incapacitated, they'll be treated quite well.

  9. I heard something similar on the TV news last night but thought it was about a couple here in Australia, their new baby has gone missing and they won't say anything about it, there is a search going on for it. I should pay more attention, but I also wash my dishes at that time.

    1. Washing dishes is less depressing than this pair.
