Monday 20 March 2023


At last I have confirmation. I definitely have COVID.

I'd begun to feel a bit better and was coming around to the idea that is was Flu, but my oldest brought us a new test kit, and there they were; the two red lines. Positive!

In some ways it was quite reassuring, I now know exactly what we have. Having had all the vaccines possible I don't think it'll affect us for too long. One week, maybe two at the most.

I'm still very lethargic, and my appetite is lacking. But all will be well, and we'll soon be fine. We simply have to stay away from people for a couple of weeks.

As soon as my son saw the two red lines; he fled! He's off to Florence (Italy) tomorrow, and didn't want to be contaminated He's already had it twice.


  1. Sad to hear this...but some advice on recuperation. Take it very easily and don't rush back to "normal". Steady as she goes as they say.

  2. Yes, don't be in too much of a rush to claim back your routine. It also passed through me last April 2022. And just before my legs went, I dashed out to the shop and bought lots of oranges, lemons, limes and honey.
    I have to believe that all that vitamin C helped to push it along.
    Perhaps I had a lighter dose of it....odd, considering I pulled out of the jab at the 11th hour in 2020. No problems since.

  3. Not sure if you have both tested positive but assume so. As Kimbo is away I hope a neighbour will walk Billie.

  4. Don't we just have to keep ourselves to ourselves, have supplies 'dropped off' and walk the dog away from other people?

  5. The good news here is I read that you are feeling better, thank goodness.

  6. Thank you for your comments. I'm walking Billy well away from others, and we're surviving on store cupboard supplies. Very weak still, but I suppose that's only to be expected.

  7. Glad you are feeling better, but don't be surprised if you get tired easily for weeks after - it lurks!

  8. Having stayed long enough for you to take the test and get the result, it's likely he is already contaminated. Let's hope not.

  9. Good to hear that you're feeling a little better, but do take it easy.

  10. Oh-oh! KImbo should have kept his distance.Be patient with yourselves. Clearing COVID from one's system takes longer than clearing the effects of a head cold or even flu.

  11. I am very glad to see your post. Don't rush yourself. Surely there is grocery delivery should you need something. How is the lady?

  12. Feel better soon! Somehow, I've managed to evade Covid. I wonder if all my years of teaching young children has given me some sort of super immunity. I may have just jinxed myself by writing that.

  13. Covid confirmation now lets you set forth your plan to rest and recover. Get well soon and try not to rush the process. I've been told, overdoing things slows the recovery.

  14. Sorry you have Covid but glad to see you have the strength today to post an update. Hope you feel back to normal asap. x

  15. I'm relieved to see your post! Wishing you and Lady M a speedy recover.

  16. So glad to see your post today. Best wishes to you & Lady M in your recovery.

  17. I wish you a speedy recovery. I was worried when there was no post yesterday.

  18. Get well soon. If you get my scam e mail - please delete it.

  19. Good you know for sure. Prayers y'all are well, and don't have lasting side effects

  20. Now you will have no trouble losing the pounds you wanted.

  21. I can say nothing more than I hope you get well soon.
