Thursday 23 February 2023

They've had enough!

I recently read an article in The Guardian about people in Liverpool who were demonstrating against the behaviour of a gang of migrants who were housed in the commandeered Suites Hotel, in Knowsley.

The demonstrators were immediately branded as being 'Far Right' (The Guardian is a little-read Far Left newspaper), and I immediately wondered how they had come to this conclusion.

It's never easy knowing what leads to a mass outpouring of anger, but it certainly had nothing to do with these people being 'migrants', or the demonstrators being xenophobes. Liverpool is filled with migrants; they were the very foundation of the city. 

No, as far as I understand, it had more to do with some of these men's unacceptable behaviour towards young women (not an excuse for rioting), which has nothing to do with being 'Far Right'.

The UK is a very tolerant and welcoming country, and has always proved to be a safe haven for oppressed people coming from war-torn, or religiously intolerant, countries. It is also generous in as much as it makes sure that newcomers have a decent standard of living. What we are not tolerant of is people abusing that generosity; which is what seems to have been the case in Liverpool. People rightly become angry.

Of course after the so-called 'Far Right' demonstration came the opposing 'Woke Liberal Socialist' backlash, where Corbyn spoke of how welcome all these people were; regardless of their crime or crimes. When one hears that Corbyn is supporting some cause, one's suspicion becomes instantly aroused.

I, myself, live in a multicultural city; diversity is a major part of our make-up. We simply don't think of 'foreigners' as any different to natives. But the UK is going through a major crisis with boat loads of illegal immigrants arriving almost daily along the South Coast. Initially these people were held at the Manston compound near Dover, from where they were being processed, but the process was slow and it had become over-crowded.

As a result of opposition parliamentary pressure, the centre was forced to distribute the immigrants en masse without the processing being completed, and hotels were commandeered (just like the Suites Hotel in Knowsley), to house them. One such was here in Brighton where I believe over 200 unaccompanied children have been sent. 

Many of these children have now gone missing (they haven't given details of how many), and it is suspected that they have been abducted and shipped around as slave labour. Many of the older immigrants run drug-dealing, shop-lifting, and people-trafficking gangs. The missing children will probably end-up as domestic servants, organ-harvesting victims, workers in sweat-shops, or of course as sex workers. 

What a disgrace that they weren't all processed correctly, and sent to safe homes. OK, it might have taken slightly longer than hoped, but this knee jerk reaction has proved disastrous. Arriving in the land of milk-n-honey, then having to wait a few days to be processed was no big deal. I hope the 'let them all loose' do-gooders are happy with their bleating. 

These children came to this country for safety, and they have been thoroughly let down. The others who came simply to take advantage of our generosity and our liberal legal system should have been sent home. It is quite possible than most of these children will now never be found.

All this is no excuse for rioting, it should be handled by the proper authorities


  1. Children in inverted commas please, they aren't children. Or children needs a new definition. I was an adult in the big wide world at 16 and would not want to have been called a child. Rapists and pillagers should be deported back to where they came from.

    1. I do know what you mean, but I believe a lot of these children were very young and unaccompanied. Just handed over to unknown adults to bring to the UK in exchange for money.

    2. The hypocrisy of the socialists is beyond the pale and has led this country to the putrid pile of horror that we live in now with no borders safe, no woman or girl safe and freedom to the cultures of Mohammed in our once Christian land.

    3. Sadly in this case they made a disastrous knee-jerk decision for which they will never admit responsibility or apologise. Lives have been put in serious danger.

    4. Brown and Blair did admit to mistakes being made re. immigration which is probably largely forgotten because it suits socialists not to have to remember that this is where it all started.

  2. One problem is the hand-wringing "do-gooders" don't have to live with the consequences of their actions. We should have requisitioned bedrooms in all of the activist's houses to accommodate these "guests" arriving on our southern coast daily, then they might have realised that these people are not all the so-called helpless refugees that they imagine. Maybe after their daughters receive the same treatment as meted out to girls in Liverpool they may have a different point of view?

    1. And not only in Liverpool. In Ireland they're having serious problems as they are in Germany, Sweden, and France. It's OK being generous to those who really deserve our help, but NOT to just anyone. We only have to read the papers to see what's happened.

  3. I am not aware of this happening...but we are on the other side of the globe.
    However the Guardian is in no way far fact is has journalists of all persuasions writing for it.
    It is the only paper not owned by right wing money. It is owned by an independent trust..and was started 200 years ago as a reaction to the events at St Peters Field in Manchester.
    Just look at the history of Peterloo.

    1. On the same subject, The Daily Mail recently did a survey of readers. About half were Labour voters! The only problem with The Guardian is that it very few readers on account of their very biased reporting. Socialists, it seems, would much rather read the DM than the G.

    2. "The Guardian" may only enjoy physical daily sales of about 140,000 while "The Sun" sells 1,400,000 but does that therefore make "The Sun" a more worthy paper than "The Guardian"? Journalism in "The Guardian" is more thorough, more articulate and more respectful of its readership. "The Sun" is little more than a comic for grown-ups that parrots the right wing Rupert Murdoch party line.. You are welcome to it. Your take on what happened in Liverpool sounds just like "The Daily Mail" version.

    3. YP, I have pondered on how best to comment on Cro's take. Alas, even I recognize futility when it gives me the finger.

      Your comment (re the tabloids) reminds me of that saying, I believe coined in the Sixties, that millions of flies eating shit doesn't mean that shit it palatable. Or some such.

      Cro, strange though, don't you think and, no doubt those "socialists" fanciful idea, that of all the broadsheets only the Guardian lets you read for free online.

      GZ, being the daughter of an investigating journalist (once upon a time in the employment of the most prestigious magazine in the motherland), I couldn't agree more with your take on The Guardian. Which other (English) paper does allow their in-house writers/columnists sometimes totally opposing views - to then be discussed below the line?


    4. Rod Liddle writes a splendid leader in the Sun and he is definitely not a Tory. I took the Sun for several months when learning to do cryptic crosswords as they do a great cryptic with corresponding general knowledge answers - helps when you're stuck.

    5. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't read any online newspaper. My morning news comes via Microsoft and their selection of news items from all national and international publications.

  4. Lets not let facts stand in the way of Cro's narrative.
    - The Conservatives currently have a majority of 67 (taking into account the non-voting speaker and their deputies and the non-sitting Sinn Fein MPs) but 'as a result of opposition parliamentary pressure' the centre was forced to distribute the immigrants! Nothing to do with the overcrowding and it was those socialists
    - When the Conservatives came into power public confidence in the NHS was at its highest - look what 12 years of Tory rule has brought about
    - I would love to see a link to the DM readership because the statement that 'about half were Labour voters' just doesn't pass the smell test.
    - As you said Ursula - futility. Possibly your comment and mine will be removed as they were on another topic on Cro's blog. Cant remember what it was now.

    1. re the NHS, you have to remember that we've had to cope with Covid, as well as the constant rubbishing of the NHS from Labour, whilst they're being given the highest ever injection of cash. Something ain't right, and strikes don't help.

    2. I do understand that it is wise for Labour supporters to try to divert attention away from this subject, but it is extremely serious and not worthy of futile insults. And do remember that had Brown not privatised so much with his NHS PFI scam, which left us paying £300 Billion for just £55 Billion of contracts, the NHS might have been in a better state than it is now. Don't put the NHS down all the time, it's still a very good service.

  5. Cro, If you are gathering all your sources from Main Stream Media then you are not hearing half of the story as the MSM are doing a sensational job in covering up what is really going on with all this illegal immigration.

    In no way are those protestors in Liverpool right-wing. They are concerned U.K citizens.
    Right now, Schoolgirls are protesting outside a Dover School after a girl pupil was raped by four Afghan boys, and the Police have released them all with no charges. Hence locals are outraged. But you won't hear anything on this story on the tv News, especially the disgraceful pro-immigration BBC.
    Illegal Immigrant Hotels are now dotted all over the country and The Home Office are playing cat and mouse games with Twitter accounts like 'Active Patriot' from releasing the Hotel statistics. He also gives a precise count each morning of how many boats came in with hundreds more illegal single men (no children or women).
    Many of them were dumped in Newquay, a top Cornish Town, where girls and women are not safe and surf vans have been smashed. And of course it will affect this Summer's tourism.
    And what frustrates many is how our Border Force boats along with the now disgraceful RNLI are actually going out mid-channel to safely pick up these criminals and opportunists.
    Yes the same is going on in Ireland....but NOWHERE in the main News is this being covered. We simply cannot rely on the MSM to give us a true picture of the U.K.
    It wouldn't hurt to just have a sneeky look at 'Active Patriot's' post this morning all about the debacle down at the Dover School, where the poor girl is now too traumatized to return to School.

    1. I think you've said everything that I tried to say in a milder fashion. I get in terrible trouble when I tell the truth about such things. The 'left' are only too quick to blame everything on 'Tory Scum', but we all know who is really to blame. All these bleeding-heart woke socialists are creating a country filled with foreign criminals. We all know it, but few are willing to say it.

    2. Deejohn is right. The taxi service is arriving daily

  6. It seems immigration comes with problems everywhere. Recently, immigrants arriving by boat in Florida (FL) were put on an airplane and sent to Martha's Vineyard, MA. FL felt they have been forced to absorb more than their share of immigrants. The islander's rallied and are supporting them with housing..
    I know an Immigration Attorney and he says US immigration law is fraught with issues. UK might be the same?

    1. The UK has always been a safe haven for oppressed people, but they need to be properly processed. The genuine ones are always welcome, but the dodgy ones should be sent back to whence they came; without any more questions. Sadly this no longer happens thanks to the crazy 'human rights' brigade.

    2. No, none of the illegals shipped to Martha's Vineyard stayed more than 48 hours. They were shipped, under escorts, to Joint Base Cape Cod. A high security military base.
      It seems the Obama's, Clinton's and other elites didn't want them there to even run a lawnmower. It's only the ordinary people who get to suffer you know.
      The left, including the Guardian, called it a sick publicity stunt. In reality it exposed them for the awful nauseating hypocrites that they are.

    3. Susan, your information about Florida is incorrect. The immigrants put on a plane to Martha’s Vineyard had not arrived by boat to Florida. They were in the San Antonio, Texas area and a plane was sent by Gov Ron DeSantis to Texas to pick up the immigrants and fly them to Martha’s Vineyard. As a Florida taxpayer, I wonder why we are paying to relocate immigrants from Texas.

      By the way, many of the immigrants arriving by boat to Florida (and most are picked up by the U.S. Coast Guard and never make it to Florida) are from Cuba. You never hear of Florida relocating Cuban immigrants because the strong Cuban community in south Florida votes GOP. Please look up what I’ve told you and you will see it is accurate.

  7. A lot of law and order has went out the window lately.

    1. There are now 'no go' areas in most European countries. The migrants hold court, and you enter their zones at your peril.

  8. 200 unaccompanied children? Where were/are the parents? Why couldn't a few other adults have been sent with them if parents weren't there? I'm guessing yours isn't the only country where such atrocities happen :(

    1. These are children who are accompanied by paid 'minders', then abandoned to the authorities when they arrive here. They might have a family member already here, but they fail to meet-up.
