Tuesday 21 February 2023

Thank goodness.


Yes, she's gone.

Nicola Sturgeon, that scourge of the English, has finally decided to quit. Proof, if anything, that politicians do occasionally 'do the decent thing'.

During her term in office as Scotland's First Minister, she has been totally obsessed by Scottish Independence. She wished to leave the horrid UK and especially those foul English, apply to join the EU, adopt the €uro, and forego all the generous financial assistance that comes from Westminster. 

Whether or not Scotland's financial criteria would have met that required for membership of the EU is still a matter of conjecture. I know the EU are very exacting. Scotland might well have found herself out on a limb if membership had been refused. The England/Scotland border would have been closed, and they would really have been in the poo.

It is little known that her party (the SNP) recently raised £600,000, exclusively to meet the costs of a future second Independence Referendum. It seems that now, just two years later, that only £100,000 remains. Where (asks an enquiry) has the other £500,000 gone? Peter Murrell, the chief executive, and controller, of the SNP's purse strings, will need to provide answers. In case you didn't know, Mr Murrell is married to Ms Sturgeon. How embarrassing; one can but wonder if this had anything to do with her resignation!

Not only was she totally wrong about independence (her 2014 referendum told her as much), but she has also joined with her Woke Liberal chums in wanting men to go to women's prisons if they'd been naughty; especially if they'd committed multiple rapes. Common sense should have told her that this was not a good idea.

People will remember when Adam Graham was found guilty of two rapes, after his sentencing he suddenly became Isla Bryson and (as a full-bodied male) demanded to be sent to a female prison; which Sturgeon supported. He was later returned to an all male prison where he should have been in the first place. It doesn't take much to pull the wool over the blinkered eyes of these woke-folk.

Sturgeon, not unlike Sir Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner, has always found it tricky to describe what is a 'woman'; even though she is one. Come on; it's really not that difficult! Do you want me to draw a picture?

Oh Nicola, you really have been a misguided wee lassie. You have allowed Scotland's hatred of the English to bypass your political wisdom. You will now have time to reflect on your feelings about we English, and your outdated policies, and hopefully allow someone more politically liberal to take your place.

I'm quite pleased to see the back of wee Jimmy Sturgeon. She was a Political Rottweiler, who allowed her misguided ideology to come before the welfare of her fellow Scots. 

Scotland deserves someone more 'people focussed'. 

May I suggest Rory Stewart as the next First Minister. Please, please, not Ian Blackford!!!


  1. You'll be relieved to learn (?) that I have nothing to say on this particular subject. The Scottish question not the only one on these isles that eludes me - and, dare I say it, of zero interest to me. One of the advantages not being native.

    However, I have just read the touching comment you left over at Rachel's blog re the canvas of our lives. Made me smile. Not least your mother's dry observation "Victorian clutter". Please, Cro, whatever you do, don't feel "guilty" at leaving traces of your life behind for your kids to tidy up (Kimbo to the rescue!). You know what? My father is so obsessed with tidying his life away that I fear once he has bitten the dust (he is most likely to outlive my mother if only because he is younger than her) there will be little for his children to deal with. My pleas to stop being so obsessive and leave some of his personal notes - and stuff - fall on deaf ears. Never mind. My parents are more than likely to outlive me anyway. Like cockroaches.


    1. I was left to deal with my own parents 'clutter'; and there was a lot of it. I had no help, in fact I had the opposite, and frankly it was a nightmare. But what else could I have done?

  2. It has lifted the mood north of the border but it will be short lived. Never ever underestimate the depth of incompetence and dishonesty in our political classes. You can keep Rory down there, we have enough of a problem without that nutter adding to them.

    1. Rory is one of the brightest and most able of all UK's (ex) politicians. Look him up on Wiki. The fact that he fell-out with his party's leaders shouldn't be held against him. I had him down as a possible PM.

  3. He is intelligent I have no doubts about his brain power. His suitability for government is another matter.

  4. Sturgeon has been a capable and articulate political operator these past eight years but The Krankies have never been the same since she left. The dream of Scottish independence may not have died but it now seems far less imminent so that means massive financial subsidies from England and Wales will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

  5. Maybe I am mistaken, but I suspect that her departure will be a short lived inconvenience to the SNP, who seem to occupy the place of a religion in Scotland. Her replacement will undoubtedly have ready all of those "it was the English wot done it" excuses for the manifest failings of the SNP governments in recent years.

    1. It'll be interesting to watch the progress of the 'missing half million' enquiry. Is it just coincidence that it coincided with her resignation?

  6. NS had to be a big disappointment for Scotland. Will she and her husband come under investigation over the missing funds? Fraud and financial crimes by someone in government is betrayal of public trust. A jail sentence, large fine and legally kept from future public office seems appropriate.

    1. Her husband will face an enquiry. Nothing is certain yet, but to lose half a million quid is quite serious.

  7. Her follower has fucked things up …the gay marriage thing

  8. I wish more leaders who can't do the job they were elected for would resign.

    1. She'd been a thorn in the side of the English for too long, I just hope she's replaced by someone a bit better.

      Devolution has not been all good. The Scots, the Welsh, and the N Irish all have their own governments, but England forgot itself, and we still have a UK House of Commons, where all the other nations can vote on English matters whilst we can't vote on theirs. Luckily Sturgeon was not an MP so we had to endure Ian Blackford instead. He's now gone too.
