Tuesday 14 February 2023

Spring is not far off.


We have Snowdrops in the churchyard, Daffs have been up for a while, and our Camelia buds are just about to open. The Primulas, above, have been in flower for a week or so.

I have been filling cracks in the front portico in readiness for a lick of Spring paint, and have been weeding our tiny garden. I have also sown a small packet of Cavolo Nero seeds which I'm hoping will flourish over Summer, to give us some greenery to eat next Autumn/Winter.

Although we are still having Soup for lunch every day, we are beginning to change our diet with Spring/Summer in mind. I've even been unwittingly buying salads again. Below is now more common than Pork Pie and mustard.

A stick of Celery, some Taramasalata or Humus, and a few Chillies, has now replaced the more rib-sticking dishes that we were eating only a few weeks ago.

If that's not a good sign, I don't know what is. Spring is definitely in the air; or at least in my imagination, which is just as good! 

And this lovely sunny weather helps too.


  1. Glad you have got sunny weather. Let's hope we get some soon.

    1. We are told to expect light rain on Thursday, but for the moment it's quite pleasant.

  2. You're going into spring?! We are just starting winter. I wonder if the spring flowers that appeared a month ago and then suffered icy blasts will appear again when it gets warmer.
    Mid February and summer salads. Your spirits must have lifted significantly

    1. The strange thing was that I hadn't consciously noticed my change in diet, which is why I took the photo.

  3. You just have to get through February first.

    1. In France we waited for the arrival of the 'Ice Saints' (11th, 12th, 13th May), after which we would suffer no more frosts. Here we wait for the Hawthorn flowers (Mayflowers) before we cast our clouts. I'm an optimist. Last year I was rewarded; this year, who knows!

  4. Being on a north-facing hill, our bulbs appear in different parts of the garden as the sun reaches them, which gives us a long flowering period. Some crocus were out weeks ago, some only just getting sun. It will be the same with the daffs. I've not checked the south-side of the camelia yet, but lots of buds!
    And yes, starting to hanker after lighter meals too.

    1. I had started to eat lighter lunches subconsciously. I don't remember doing that before.

  5. Your lunch looks rather yummy. Could you post the recipe?

    1. Yes. Take a large Cucumber, peel it carefully, slice into exactly 5 mm slices, sprinkle lightly with salt, then place in dustbin. Now eat everything you see on the plate in my photo

  6. Your Spring flowers are significantly ahead of mine. Our ground is still frozen. That said, the buds on the pear and magnolia trees are looking good. I've been enjoying chic pea and black bean salads served with lettice and crusty bread. A side of soup is also present most days. The robins have returned to Massachusetts and this is a good sign of Spring to come.

    1. The Robins are really singing their hearts out here. Lovely.

  7. And there I was, it being 14 Feb, thinking you'd be, lovingly, "curating" a single red rose (a perfect one) for Lady M.

    But then, I suppose, the days she'd brandish a rolling pin on your return from the absinthe soaked taverna are over.


    1. I presented her with a box of Ferrero Rocher, and she gave me a box of very nice Belgian chocs. We shall put on significant weight next week.

  8. It is beautifully sunny here too and the sun has brought out the golden crocuses to perfection.

    1. Sadly I don't think it will last, we are promised rain for Thursday. It was great while it lasted.

  9. It's a good sign but not something I could eat. I'll have to stick with the lettuce/tomato/cucumber mix.

    1. Do they sell Taramasalata where you live? It was quite trendy back in the 80's, then disappeared. I have only recently seen it back on sale again here.
