Thursday 2 February 2023

Royal Dogs.

The photo below shows Princess Anne with two of her Bull Terriers; all teeth and muscle.

Not all 'doggies' are sweet natured, some are bred to be aggressive. Pitbulls, Bull Terriers, and various cross breeds are to be approached with great caution.

Princess Anne has three Bull Terriers. One of them (Dotty) savaged one of The Queen's Corgis (Pharos) so severely that it needed to be put down. They have also bitten innocent children, in fact I believe that Anne was the first 'Royal' to be prosecuted after such an attack, and was fined £500. I also believe that she paid hefty compensation to the child.

On Boxing Day last year, another of her dogs attacked a Gun dog during a Pheasant Shoot at Sandringham. It was said at the time that there was 'a lot of blood and screaming'.

Anne's Housemaid, Ruby Brooker, was also bitten on her knee at Anne's own home.

There are only four banned breeds of dogs in the UK; the Pitbull, and three other breeds named after Japan, Argentina, and Brazil. Sadly this doesn't mean that if you cross a Pitbull with a Bull Terrier that it too will be banned; even though it would probably end-up being just as aggressive.

The old adage of 'He wouldn't hurt a fly' doesn't apply to certain breeds of dogs. They can be all sweetness and light for many years, then for no apparent reason they can suddenly turn into a savage killer. Their natural inbuilt aggressive nature can be perfectly hidden. We do seem to be hearing more often of dog attack fatalities, I have heard of two more just this week, which I suppose is proof that too many of these breeds are still around.

It's not my business to tell Princess Anne what dogs she should or shouldn't own, but her three Bull Terriers have proved themselves to be extremely dangerous and troublesome. Maybe it would take one of them to bite HER before she thinks again.

I'm sure she loves them dearly, and they her, but I do think she should lead by example. Keep them at home in a secure area.

Any dog can become vicious if provoked, but most are less likely to than Anne's dogs. I don't think it's a good idea either, having all three on one lead. It makes them act as a pack.


  1. Heavens, she'd never get away with that here. If a complaining not is made the dog is often put down. Once it has bitten it'll do it again. But at the least they should be wearing some sort of muzzle when out in public.
    What's a hefty fine or a payout to her. Peanuts

    1. I only wrote this because there have already been TWO more fatalities this week. They make laws about certain breeds of dog, then conveniently forget all the half breeds etc.

  2. I wouldn't want to meet one of those out on my walk.

    1. I keep well clear of Pit Bulls and Bull Terriers, etc. I also do the same with Chihuahuas!

  3. It has been revealed that the dog that killed the 4 yr old in MK was a Pit Bull / Husky cross.

    1. Yes, a cross that probably doesn't come under 'The Dangerous Dogs Act'. All such cross-breeds should be listed.

  4. I agree, she should keep them home and locked up, in a nice big area where they can run, not in a tiny cage, but definitely locked away from people.

    1. She has plenty of space for them. I'm a little surprised that, after the first attack, she's allowed to take them around with her.

  5. Not a breed I find attractive and certainly wouldn't want to have as a pet.

    1. I don't find them very attractive either. I prefer either a known friendly breed, or a terrier/mutt.

  6. Princess Anne should follow The Duke of Sussex's example and get herself an obedient and cuddly markle terrier - very good at fetching balls back.

    1. The main attributes of a Markle Terrier will be occupying my mind for the next 24 hrs.

  7. My first husband loved bullterriers. When he retired he bought a white puppy - it was adorable until it was about six months old when it bit his hand when he put its food down. We had it destroyed immediately and learned that the mother had had twelve pups in the litter and it had been the runt and had to fight for its food. We bought a pug instead - it was adorable and lived to a ripe old age. When we acquired a Germanshort haired pointer they got on very well (oth dogs) but the pug was total boss.

    1. The big problem with Bull Terriers is that they can suddenly become really aggressive. They give no warning. I would advise Anne to have a pair of Black Labs instead.

  8. Safety is of utmost importance. US law states: Owners must keep aggressive dogs under control at all times. UK must have a similar law. It appears that Anne does not believe this rule applies to her. I know one or two people that think this way.

    1. The fact that they've attacked both people and other dogs means that they're not really under control. I just hope it doesn't happen again.

  9. They don't seem to be very controlled by her either, in the last photo.

    1. Just one of them would take a lot of controlling, three of them is a nightmare. They're very strong beasts.

  10. You know, I had a dog that I thought a great deal of. We knew that he did not like cats, but he was a social creature. He always enjoyed the company of other dogs. After having him for a number of years, without provocation, he attacked another dog. I immediately leapt in to pull him away, and he turned on me and snapped. I am not sure what happened. I will never know, but I know that dog loved me. I was his person. It was so shocking and so quick and so out of charactor, that I called the vet and had him put down the very next day. Why? Because I could not have stood it if he had attacked a child. He was a healthy dog. He was a good dog. Had always been a good dog. Right up to that very day.

    I don't understand why anyone would own a dog that attacked a child.

    1. You don't mention the breed of dog you had, but certain dogs have a latent aggression that is just waiting to erupt. There was another case just yesterday of a woman having a large lump of flesh torn from her arm. Luckily she was saved, but it could easily have been the third death in a week.

    2. He was a mutt. He was a stray. I had picked him up and brought him home. I had him for 7 or 8 years.

  11. I always thought Princess Anne was a common sense sort of person but I've changed my opionion now.

  12. I would never have thought they were her preferred dog breed, and gosh they're ugly. You see the occasional one around here - apartment-dwelling dogs, unbelievably - but I'd steer clear of three together, if I hadn't fainted in fright first!
