Monday 6 February 2023

Ms Mop.

We recently engaged a new cleaner; the previous one has told me that her back hurts, and that in future she will require tea in bed, plumped-up cushions, and her feet massaged with coconut oil whilst she watches 'Strictly'.

The new Ms Mop is from Portugal, and is about 25. She's still in the 'getting to know us' stage, or more correctly 'getting to know the house' stage. 

However, she seems very thorough, and isn't afraid of reasonably hard graft.

My last Mrs Mop in Shropshire (Pam) would come to the house, father would ask her to make tea, then they would sit chatting together over a few hobnobs until it was time to go. As she was leaving she would nonchalantly flick a duster towards the kitchen dresser, and that was that. Anyway, it made father happy, and that was what mattered.

I will now be spared the indignation of hoovering-up Billy's copious amounts of hair, mopping the food-stained kitchen floor, and chiselling the limescale off the bathroom taps. 

"Bem-vindo à nossa casa Jess".



  1. Funny. Only this morning, on waking, I pondered one of life's big questions. Namely, which nationality makes the best cleaners - in England that is. Having indulged myself in a load of national stereotypes (I make my fun where I can find it) I settled on Polish. This is largely because in England you'll be hard pushed to find a German or a Swiss cleaner - for reasons I shan't go into this minute.

    Anyway, Cro, I am surprised. Portuguese? I thought with your credentials you'd give British jobs to British people!


    PS Hope you pay her cash in hand

    1. The British go on strike all the time; useless!

  2. What do you do when she comes? Go out? The house must be crowded if you are all there at the same time.

    1. I come up to where I am now, and Lady M takes the dog out. As you say, not much room otherwise.

    2. Rachel, you dare to tread where I kept the very same thought to myself.


    3. Ha ha touché, and I would never have asked your question on pay!

    4. I have never hidden the fact that this house is very 'bijou'. It was built to house two (max).

  3. I did cleaning and then gardening for a 95 year old gentleman and gardener...he knew I preferred the lovely garden and worked hard there..but the point is that every time we would chat and discuss life, history, whatever...for half an hour or more after the work was done.
    And that, to him was as important as the cleaning or gardening.

    1. After my mother died, father liked to have female company with whom to pass the time of day. He was probably at his happiest when he had female visitors.

  4. I hope Lady Magnon has not done anything too serious to.her back

    1. She has a bad back, bad knee, and many other old-age related aches and pains. Much like me!

    2. That's not good. Should you both go to the gym?

  5. Oh how I'd love a cleaner. In winter it's not so bad but when the sun comes out I can see all the dust and dirt.

  6. Just watch the blood pressure Cro.....
    the blood pressure!!

  7. I presume, unless informed otherwise, this is not her!

  8. Well I hope you are paying her enough so she can buy some clothes that fit her....poor thing having to work in that weather with practically nothing to cover her. You might consider paying for a CPR course for her as well (just in case:)

  9. All is well in the house of Cro! Do you require your cleaner to wear the uniform as shown? Happy days are ahead!

  10. I have a friend who has a 'cleaner'. Friend makes coffee which they proceed to drink whilst chatting and said cleaner does the ironing. C'est la vie.

    1. I must remember to add 'ironing' to her list of duties!

  11. My late parents had an excellent cleaner but her real worth was the company she gave to them both as my mother's alzheimers progressed. Beyond any payment.

    1. That's how I saw it. If it made father happy, it was money well spent.

  12. Did you design your new cleaner's outfit yourself? She doesn't look very Portuguese to me.
