Thursday 9 February 2023

Another World.

Am I alone in wondering, and worrying, about what has happened to young women's idea of 'femininity', and or 'attractiveness'?

These days, very few young women seem to be satisfied with their natural good looks. They (not all) wish to look like some bimbo 'influencer' who has found fame by showing her tits, having a huge bum, and injecting her lips with lard.

Who the hell decided that this is what 'beauty' should look like, and why the hell did anyone believe them, or take notice (be influenced by)?

This young lady (above) is a classic example. In the 'before' picture (left) she looks like an acceptably attractive person (apart from the silly photo pout), then after her no doubt expensive 'improvement' she looks like a nightmare. Who, I wonder, is the 'influencer' by whom she's being 'influenced'? I cannot understand the appeal. Why would someone do that to themselves?

Do these people think that they will be more attractive to men/women if they look like a Grouper? 

May I suggest that instead of looking at Thick Tok influencers, they look at pictures of beautiful women who have had no surgery. Bardot, O'Hara, Hepburn, Grace Kelly, etc. OK, they might have enhanced their features with impeccable make-up, but they would never have had their faces cut-up or injected in order to make themselves look ugly.

I have no idea who the poor woman above is, but if she's hoping that I'll invite her to Burt's Fish-n-chip Parlour for a Friday night nosh, I'm afraid the answer will be 'NO'.

I don't wish to be too harsh on the Bimbo Brigade (actually I do), but isn't it time someone told them how awful they look. The Kardashians (who made all this nonsense fashionable) should be ashamed of themselves.


  1. I too have long wondered how this all became a beauty trend.

  2. This is not a new trend. A hundred years ago some foolish women were having paraffin wax injected into their faces. This fad ended when they found out that sitting in front of a hot fire caused their faces to slide, permanently!
    To a lesser extent, men are becoming susceptible as they fear being ousted by younger rivals. All very sad.

    1. Well, I shall not be amongst them. I gave up worrying about my looks when I was 14.

  3. My theory is that the 'beauty' industry has exhausted the 'dip hip', the face lift, the eyelash dye and is now looking for other ways to body shame women and get them to part with their money. If they think this look is beauty, let them get on with it and good luck to them.

    1. I like to think of myself as a connoisseur of beauty in women (doesn't everyone?), and have always preferred natural beauty to artificial. These people give me the creeps.

  4. I fear that this woman has to advertise her speciality as a Sex Worker. Am I allowed to say this?

    1. You are allowed to say it, and I suspect you (allegedly) may be right.

  5. The Mona Lisa pics are amusing, but the other ones.....words fail me!

    1. Poor old Mona. Good thing she was born pre-lard-injections.

  6. I read an article recently, where the author had decided they all watched the movie with the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit in, now they are grown up and using her image.

    1. I had to look-up Jessica Rabbit, so now I see what you mean!

  7. Those photos are freaky. I've seen lots of similar ones on social media and wonder if they've been photoshopped. Still do. Donatella Versace has ruined her face. Some of her photos are monstrous but some are much less freaky.
    Either way, so many would look a lot better without the surgery

    1. Yes, I've seen photos of DV, she used to be a very attractive woman; now she's not.

  8. I could say things I guess we are not allowed to say.

  9. Not only girls , Cro. Look up images of the Bogdanoff brothers.

  10. I think you have said pretty much everything that I would say. I just don't understand why anyone would think it looks attractive ? What with that and the eyebrows and hair extensions ...... it reminds me of a song my Dad used to sing ... a song about a woman getting ready for bed
    .... I can't remember it all but it went a bit like :
    She took out her glass eye, her false teeth on the sly,
    she gently placed them down upon the chiffonier.
    she then unscrewed her leg
    and hung it on a peg
    her beautiful golden hair,
    she hung upon the chair
    and then I watched her slowly disappear !!!
    Theres also another one called After the Ball which is similar. I know it's not the same but it reminds me of that. XXXX

    1. Some of these people are two completely different characters. It must be awful for them trying to remember what's what.

  11. The freak show that is social media and influencers

    1. It is a freak show, and the freaks seem to think they're beautiful.

  12. Unbelievable - I thought that it was photoshopped as a joke - or a warning!

    1. If only it was photoshopped, it wouldn't be so sad.

  13. I'm with you all the way on this particular issue. Why try to be someone else - just be yourself - in mind and body too. Social media, influencers and general media representations of women have piled too much pressure on ordinary young women. Having the courage to resist that pressure is not easy for them. It is easier to go with the flow.

    1. There's a lot of peer pressure on young girls; I remember it with my own daughter. Luckily it was before all these 'influencers' were around.

  14. I am bemused and confused myself. I saw a woman whose size I breast implant had burst. Size J. What kind of doctor performs surgery like this? A full body shot showed her hips just as freakishly sized. She was covered in tattoos. She had the lips as well. She really looked monstrous. Evidently there is someone out there agreeing to do this surgery.

    1. They should be sued, then maybe they'd stop doing all these disastrous 'alterations'.


    1. I wish I hadn't looked. She a monster. What on earth was she thinking?

  16. I find some women lack confidence and are trying desperately to make themselves more appealing. Their standards are lacking and usually all wrong. It is very sad.

    1. More appealing to whom? Certainly not to most men.

  17. Any one of you who has ever been a teacher of teenagers will know that to a teenager peer pressure is very hard to resist. It kicks in just at the time when one's confidence is taking a beating.

    1. I see it at the moment in the length of skirts on the way to school; and in this freezing weather too!!!

  18. Youth watching porn. Lips, vulva, blow j*b.
    There are two groups: those chasing youth and those bowing to peer pressure.
    Both very sad really.

    1. I can understand both groups, but the mystery still remains; why do they want to make themselves look so ugly?

  19. This looks like a waking nightmare! There are lots of trout lips around these parts, and false eyelashes, but nothing like this. Yet!! I can't help wondering what happens to the skin when it all deflates?

    1. It always looks so unnatural. Saggy bottoms?

  20. I don't understand the trend either and am very glad none of my daughters and grand daughters are influenced. Like Pipistrello, I can't help wondering what happens to it all when they get older and things begin to sag. I'm also astonished at the amounts of money spent to look this ugly.

    1. My youngest was at school with one of the UK's most famous, but they were not in the same class. She was in 'dim-wits', whilst he was in 'egg-heads'. She became a Glamour Model calling herself Jordan. Later she changed back to her real name Katie Price. I can't imagine how many op's she's had, she seems to be off for another one every few weeks. She's always either having inflation or deflation; it depends on her mood (or maybe her current boyfriend's taste). She must have spent a fortune, which is why she's now bankrupt!
