Monday 23 January 2023

Sunday morning.

As usual we go for our walk together in the park. It's nearly 8 am, and I'm a bit later than usual having had more computery things to attend to than I normally do.

It's a cool 1 C, and there is a tiny bit of frost on car roofs and on the ground. I welcome this as it means Billy won't return home with mud up to his elbows. Without a frost the ground is 'muddy', and no grass has grown since our return last September.

I can never understand why other dog owners seem to stay in bed on Sundays. Dogs have their routines, and simply because it's Sunday means nothing to them. They want their morning's walk exactly as on all other days of the week. However, the 'Peace Garden' was pleasantly empty.

Billy would probably have preferred one of his chums to play with, but there was none.

Just after I took the first photo, the sun returned and everything cheered. It was a beautiful chilly morning with crisp lung-cooling air. I wore my gloves, but wished I hadn't. Billy chased Seagulls and Magpies; he really loves to make them fly. Occasionally a Seagull will return to 'buzz' him, but he ignores their protestations.

We returned via the churchyard. The church door was open and people were singing. There's a sign inside the entrance 'porch' that says 'No Dogs Allowed'. Very small minded.

All is well with the world.


  1. At 1C I'd be wearing gloves all day long and in the night as well! I'm glad you and Billy got out though and had some sunshine.

    1. It wasn't too bad. I quite enjoy crisp sunny mornings.

  2. Our village was very quiet when I took Rick out yesterday. But then a jogger took us by surprise just as I was bagging his poo. Bag went flying and gloves went in opposite direction as I tried to stop Rick from lunging at the guy. Hard to be cool with a dog like Rick.

    1. Billy hates joggers, especially if they come from behind.

  3. Replies
    1. Monday usually follows Sunday. It has since I was a lad.

    2. Rachel, thanks for making me smile (it doesn't take much). Like you, for a long time I laboured under the romantic impression that Cro uses the very early hour of the morning to pen his daily missive. Alas, eventually I realized that it's more like bubble and squeak.

      What is even more confusing that Cro refers to yesterday's (Sunday) happenings as today and then, in his replies to comments, he refers to tomorrow (Monday) as today.

      Well, at least he isn't foaming over one of Sussex's exports.


    3. I do understand that this is a tricky concept, but I wrote this yesterday (as in title) and posted it this morning. If you find that too confusing, please search out your OFF button.

    4. Thanks Ursula. I too thought once upon a time his posts were spontaneous. If I had written that post it would have been published there and then. Cro, it is clearly obvious you wrote it yesterday and published it this morning, no need to tell us.

    5. Firstly you were confused, now you're not. OK!

    6. F me get something more interesting to comment about

    7. Well, John, one works with the material given.

      I take it you are addressing Rachel (and myself?). I dare say both of us are now waiting, not exactly with baited breath, for you to come up with "something more interesting to comment about" in response to Cro's post.

      Oh, John ...


    8. You spend your time arguing a point which never needed arguing in the first place....boring and lazy

    9. And you did address Cro and his post?

      No, thought not. Now that's what I call "lazy" and "boring". But then, what else is new. As to your "yawn" - I hope you'll observe manners and cover your mouth.


    10. I will leave you to brown nose around a certain blogger

    11. Why are certain people so very keen on conflict. I don't do conflict. Isn't there a special page for people like you? All I do is write about my dog-walk on a quiet Sunday morning and U-know-who makes an effing issue of it. You need therapy!

    12. I had to return to my page to see if I'd inadvertently written something controversial; I can't see anything!

  4. We often find it's the weekend when more people are out with their dogs.

    1. Yes, later on, but not so much in the mornings. This morning (it was really cold) there were about 7 dogs and owners in the same park.

  5. 1C is fine if there is no accompanying wind. Wind chill nakes for a very unpleasant walk.

    1. It was very cold this morning. I had decided not to wear gloves, and wished I had. The opposite of yesterday.

  6. Since the temperature has plummeted to about +5ยบ on the last few mornings, we've been taking our walks once the sun has warmed the streets. No way did I come to a warmer climate to go out walking on the rare occasion when it's almost freezing! The dog doesn't mind, and will happily sleep the morning away.
    However, we were out, as usual, at just after 7a.m. to feed the garden cats - but had no desire to linger!

    1. What are these 'garden cats'? Are they feral cats that just hang around? We have a few like that in France that come and go as they please, but we don't feed them.

    2. Yes, they are feral. The emaciated mother came into kitchen one very hot afternoon two summers ago. Lying outside on the terrace were two tiny scraps of fur, which were her babies - I thought they were dead. No way could I send them away. I fed her a tin of tuna and next morning went to the supermarket for cat food. I had them sterilized and since I feed them, the two kittens have hung around. No idea where the mother has gone. From time to time another couple of cats appear for a meal and then disappear.
      In the past I've never been bothered by feral cats because the dogs always saw them off!

    3. I've always liked cats that found me, rather than me finding them.

  7. A cool 1o. That's bone chilling to me. But it sounds like a nice morning with seagulls to chase and hymns wafting about.

    1. It's -3 C this morning, and really feels like it. I was happy to return to a warm house.

  8. Keeping dogs out of church services or indeed churches is rooted in history and a restriction that meets with my wholehearted approval (guide dogs excepted).

    1. Billy is not religious, so no worries.

    2. Sure he's not a Hindu? In some of their festivals dogs are worshipped. Maybe you should be one too.

    3. He could be a Hin-don't, but I'm not too sure.

  9. I enjoyed the Sunday morning walk.

    1. So did I, but less so this morning; it was freezing.

  10. Your morning walk sounds lovely. Less mud will make the walk better. It's a big job washing mud off 4 legs and a tummy. On occasion, my dog enter the stream behind my house and requires a thorough wash before entering the house.

    1. I've just met a pale coloured Lab' puppy who was covered in mud. His Mum wasn't happy!

  11. All is not well with world Cro as you and I both know - but your lovely writing is perfect for a fine Sunday morning so at least we can think that for a while.

    1. I try to kid myself. As long as I say it often enough it might become so!
