Thursday 19 January 2023

Everybody OUT!

As you can see by the newspaper clip, below, things are pretty much as usual in strike-bound Britain. The Union leaders are happy, The Labour party is happy, travel-deprived 'workers' are very happy to stay at home for a few days and watch daytime TV, and our schoolchildren are learning that even their revered teachers will walk out on them at the drop of a hat, leaving a parent to miss work in order to look after them. 

All we need now is for those smirking Union bosses themselves to go on strike, and most importantly for OAP's to go on strike.

As from February 1st, OAP's should no longer shout at long haired youths to "Get yer 'air cut", or "Pull yer trousers up". They should also refuse to use the expression 'It wasn't like that in my day', or 'The Police would have given us a good thrashing if we'd...... etc, etc'.

No, from Feb' 1st, they should drop litter, fart loudly in public, and go shoplifting. In other words have a few days off doing what they always do uncomplainingly, and do what everyone else does. They must make an effort to become a right bloody pain in the neck, just like their other Union comrades!

If a striking train driver can't get-by on £65,000 p.a. how can they expect an OAP to manage on £10,600 p.a.?

Up with us Oldies. Support your local NUOAP's. Demand a 25% pension increase NOW!



  1. Is that 10,600 Euros or British pounds? Either way, converted to Australian dollars it still isn't very much and a bit less than what I get annually.
    How can they be so selfish as to all strike at once??

    1. That's UK Pounds, yet the train drivers can't manage on £65,000 (min).

  2. And a lot of the strikers are two income families.

    1. And the top 30 (public service) Union Bosses all earn an average of £150,000.

  3. But surely it is all us oldies causing the strain on the NHS and Treasury, with our ailments and pensions? I remember reading a Facebook post on our local Community page back during those lockdowns where a charming young lady suggested that the lockdown be lifted as it was only to protect old people who were only going to die soon anyway.

    1. More reason to go on strike, if they're refusing to treat OAP's specifically.

    2. Wait until that charming young lady is our age, then she'll sing a different tune!

  4. We are the silent section of the country, we do as we always have done, pay our dues, get on with life, sadly now as we start to need the NHS, it's not the service we paid in to. The unions are just out to bring this government down, when did everyone become so entitled, back in the 80's when the inflation and interest rates were at their highest, both hubby and I got second jobs to pay our way. These days all they want is more money from the government, who are broke and stretched beyond their means.

    1. It's certainly politically motivated. Such things are still organised in smoke filled rooms over beer and sandwiches. The Union bosses couldn't care less about the damage they're doing. They have huge salaries, and simply want a Labour government.

  5. As far as I can see, no Union leaders or Labour Party members are in the least bit happy about what is going on. Workers have been driven to action by an intransigent, out-of-touch government that refuses to participate in healthful negotiations. The sooner they are booted out the better.

    1. You've obviously been soaking up the propaganda. Of course the Unions want strikes, as do most Socialist MP's. You only have to look at their smiling faces. It's the only way they'll get folk to vote for them at the next election. Build up discontent, and blame the Tories. Classic.

    2. Yorkshire Pudding do you think this was done by just one long serving Conservative government, don't you remember the note left when the last Labour government left power, there's no money left, we spent it all. The issues have been ignored by governments for the last 20+ years. Labour spends, the Tories have to balance the books, no one serves the people, they govern for popularity.

    3. Sadly that's always been the case. Labour impose a disastrous 'Tax-n-Spend' policy, then the Tories have to come in with certain austerity measures to clean-up the mess.

    4. In the motherland there is a recommendation (probably stolen from either the Bible or lifelong experience) that "before you point the finger touch your own nose".

      In your reply to YP's comment you say that he has "obviously been soaking up the propaganda". Let's leave aside that it's pretty insulting to accuse someone of not being able to think for themselves. The other day you proclaimed that that is what you do [think for yourself]. All I see in your many, and categorical, statements that you follow blindly one line and one line only. Which is forgivable in a duckling.

      Nuances are lost on you. You buy, wholesale, as long as it comes from the headquarters of what you call "the Tories". It doesn't appear to be in your remit to concede that mistakes are being made under the current government, and that another voice may have a valid point. That concessions need to be made. Compromise sought. In that you remind me of a train. Once on a track always on a track. Till, by accident, you derail or, worse, what you think the light at the end of the tunnel is that of an oncoming train.


    5. I'm always fascinated by your twisted comments. So, I presume you think that the NHS will improve by striking, the Train services will improve by striking, the Ambulance service will also improve by striking. Well, let me assure you; it NEVER does.

      You say that 'mistakes are being made' by this government. It's not about mistakes, it's about financial management. You will never see a Tory government leaving a note on the Treasury desk saying 'It's all gone, we've spent it'.

    6. Ursula please bear in mind that we can all be hypocrites at times but the left are the masters of hypocrisy.

  6. The total shut down of trains, airports, at once has to be painful for tourists there trying to spend money.

    1. It's a disaster for the whole country's economy. We have one side desperately trying to get the UK back on its feet, and the other side doing their best to cause havoc. It's always been like that.

  7. English pension rates are the worst in Europe yet your average MP gets 84000 Pounds per year.

    1. And the average Union boss gets £150,000. They're no fools!

  8. So, the union is equal to 'grumpy old men'.

  9. I didn't mean you , I meant the people who are never satisfied and not looking for a real answer.

    1. Only for a while. After the NUOAP strike is over, we shall return to be the pillars of society.

  10. That is lots of miserable disruption caused by strikes. Why can't they manage to avert strikes? Our Massachusetts teachers have a strong union and on occasion one district threatens a strike to get increased salary and/or benefits. It usually resolves in a day or two. Each town/city negotiates singly with their individual town/city leadership. It is property tax plus Federal and State funding that pays for teachers. Sometimes, I feel unions have more power than they should.

    1. As you can see above, the only people who support these irresponsible strikes (very few) are the standard Socialists who see no other way to gain power than to cause discontent. This is not the way to run a country.

  11. Oh,pooh,then go back in their house ..comfy and safe.

    1. If you watch these strikers on their picket lines, they're all happy and affluent, hardly the sort of people who should be claiming poverty.
