Sunday 29 January 2023

Blood Test

I don't suppose many people enjoy needles being stuck into them, and I'm no exception. So when I recently received a phone call asking me to go for a Blood Test I almost considered saying that I would be abroad.

Anyway, I did go, and it wasn't too bad. The nurse was pretty (v important), the jab didn't hurt too much, and it was all over within about five minutes or so.

My other objection to having Blood Tests is that they're bound to find something wrong with me, call me in for more tests, then prescribe all sorts of stuff that makes my feet swell or my hair turn green. It's rarely a simple matter.

As promised, my results came back a couple of days later to my phone, and I opened the page very warily.

You can imagine my elation when I found that I was NORMAL; yes NORMAL. I have no idea what all this bilirubin, globulin, or albumin is, but as long as it's as it should be; I'm not complaining. So, no lectures about eating less salt, or fat, or Pork pies. I don't even have to go back to see the quack.

It's official. My liver function is NORMAL. Yipee!

You cannot imagine how happy I am.



  1. Celebrate with steak frites and a bottle of red.

  2. Not sure that you should be referring to nurses as " pretty" in this day and age! You will get yourself into trouble.

    1. I'm old enough to still pay compliments. You need to be under 35 to be seriously 'woke'.

  3. Well done Cro!
    Yes, you should celebrate with a pork pie for lunch, and dinner with steak and definitely a bottle of red.

    1. I haven't eaten a Pork pie since Jan 1st. My diet has been a 'no Pork pie' diet. Maybe I should change it.

  4. I think it's worrying when the test reveals that your liver shows "No Action". That is surely the same as saying it is no longer functioning. Never mind, you can buy a fresh liver at your local butcher shop.

    1. At least I still have one, and it hasn't succumbed to Red Wine Rot.

  5. Well done Cro! You don't eat junk - that's the thing.

  6. Great results. Worth a nail biting wait. Hope you celebrated with a pork pie, foie gras and a few sausages. And more of that red wine. You obviously drink good red wine so keep it up!

  7. Lucky you. If I worried about blood tests and needles I'd be a wreck. Having full anaesthetic every 4 or 5 months alone needs countless tests and needles never min the cancer treatment. Once a year? A walk in the park. A happy walk when you get those results.

    1. I had imagined it to be start of a long list of tests and appointments. As it is, I'm free.

  8. Good results and no action is great. You're good to go!

  9. Congrats on your good results!
    Have you heard the other good result of this afternoon? Brighton & Hove Albion have just put Liverpool out of the FA cup!!!!
    As an Everton fan, I can't tell you how pleased I am!!! X

  10. I share your elation! I recently told my Doc, when she frowned at my BP. "Did you ever notice that my pressure is up when I come in here, and down when I'm leaving?" It is. Maybe it is because you never give me good news, stick me with things that hurt, poke your fingers in places they don't belong, and have a bear trap hidden behind the door somewhere! Otherwise, she takes good care of me. Good for you!

    1. My BP is always OK at home, and through the roof at the surgery. They ought to take that into account.

  11. What are you doing with Billy's crap? I have heard that the loony council are struggling with dog shit down your way.

    1. Our loony council struggle with everything! This is the price we pay for living in the very best super-dooper south coast liberal city.

  12. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Cutting out that pill obviously helped.

    1. I'm sure it did, and I'm also drinking Tomato juice every day. It seems as if RED things are magic.

    2. Coincidentally, I have been drinking daily tomato juice as well.

  13. Now madame Magnon may buy all the spotted table cloths she desires.

  14. That's a nice set of figures there, dear Cro, whatever they may mean :)

    1. Yes, one doesn't need to enquire too deeply. It's just the word 'normal' that counts.

  15. Hooray for a normal liver which is one of the most important organs in the body, also the only one that can regenerate itself if the damage done isn't too bad.

  16. That's great news Cro, keep it up!
