Wednesday 7 December 2022

Tube steaks, snags, and bangers.

My quest for Britain's best Pork Pie and Sausages continues. I am talking here of easily available, supermarket shelf foods; not from specialist delis.  

I have definitely found the best Pork Pies at Waitrose deli counter. They are called Walkers and cost £3.50. Well worth the trip to Waitrose.

The best sausage search has taken much longer, but I have finally plumped for Sainsbury's own 'Taste the Difference' range of snags that come in various flavours. They all have different names in a 'The xxx one' categories. There are The Peppery one, The Herby one, the Appley one, The Smooth one, The Spicy one, and the Oniony one.

However, let's get down to basics and ignore all of the above. The best one by far is 'The Meaty one'.

It still has a few additives but as a traditional English Banger I haven't found better. The two packs above are in the freezer. I always keep some handy.

Of course they will never match the ordinary pure pork sausages we buy in France, and I still cannot understand why such things are not available in every store here. They are so simple, and so good. Just lightly seasoned minced Pork in natural casings.


  1. On the rare occasions I buy sausages I always get pork ones. Usually a bulk pack with more than a dozen and I cook the lot then freeze them in individual serves. I've tried the beef sausages and the "barbecue" sausages, but the pork are the best.

    1. I like mine to be 100% pork. Maybe some salt and pepper, but nothing else.

  2. Are there no local butchers who make their own sausages?

    1. I think there's one, but they seem to think that the simpler, and easier to make, sausages should be wildly expensive. No; they should be the cheapest.

  3. Walkers pork pies were made in Leicester ( probably still are) and many years ago I worked in a bank in the suburbs of Leicester. Next door was a Walkers shop and occasionally I would buy a small pork pie for lunch. If they had just been delivered they would be still warm. Very delicious! Did you know that it is tradition in the Leicester area to have pork pie and pickle ( Branston) for breakfast on Christmas morning? I still do it here in Hertfordshire.

    1. I think that's a great tradition. I love Branston too. On Christmas morning I usually have some Smoked Salmon on toast.

  4. My husband loves a good sausage too.

  5. Can't beat Cumberland sausage as made by butchers in Cumberland. Beware of imitations, proper Cumberland sausage is only made in Cumberland.

    1. In France Toulouse Sausage (the lower photo) is made almost everywhere! In fact I'm surprised they're allowed to call it 'Toulouse' sausage.

  6. Oh for a decent sausage! I'm happy to read about your finds but I'd be even happier to eat one

    1. These are not perfect, but I've had so many inferior ones that it's good to find some that are edible, and pleasant.

  7. Some people search for The Holy Grail. Others search for Nirvana and some simply seek the meaning of life... but you search for the perfect sausage! Tip - you can find them at The Yorkshire Sausage Company which is not a male escort agency!

    1. Are they sent by post, direct from Yorkshire? Sorry about my spam folder, I have no idea what goes on in their heads.

  8. I admit Walker's pork pies are very good, but have you tried Dickinson and Morris yet? I prefer them by far, And, (my English teacher will be spinning) yes, all pork pies need Branston! X

    1. I've not heard of, or seen, D & M's pies; I'll look out for them.

  9. Our Waitrose up here in Chester stock them, in the fridge with the more ordinary pies, sausage rolls etc!

    1. They are a cut above the rest. As is Chester, of course!

  10. I'm getting quite a taste for the Lincolnshire sausage. We often buy supermarket sausages because strangely I find the butchers' posh ones are too rich for my palate.

    1. But, Sue, don't you miss those wonderful sausages from Leclerc, Intermarché, or the butcher in V du Pd.

  11. Can you order some sausage from France? These by far sound the best. Our local sausage comes in many flavors and with lots of salt. Horrible.

    1. The easiest would be to make my own, but all my machines are in France.

  12. I can recommend Lidl's own brand [Hatherwoods I think].... made to the German standard.... 100% pork + seasoning. They don't "melt" and shrivel as you cook them, either.

    1. I shall make enquiries, there's a Lidl en route to Sainsbury's. Thanks.

  13. It may just be in plain packaging.... I have just got a pack of four out of the freezer for a "Toad int' Ole", and the Hatherwoods bit isn't on there.... but I find that their meat is always good quality.
