Friday 9 December 2022

Public Declaration.

I am more Sussex than the Sussexes ever could be. I was born on the cusp of Surrey, overlooking Sussex, and have spent more time in Sussex than any other English County. My late Father was 100% Sussex, and I presently live in East Sussex (and elsewhere).

Therefore I think I am in a good position to speak on behalf of Sussex; the UK's finest County.

I hereby declare that Harry and Meghan should no longer have the right to call themselves Duke and Duchess of my county. In future they must be referred to as plain Mr and Mrs Mountbatten-Windsor.

They have brought shame upon themselves, and attempted to shame our Royal Family, but I will not have them bringing any further shame on the name of Sussex. They must now go away, live as commoners, and keep their potty-mouths as tightly shut as possible.

Harry may be an old-Etonian, a graduate of Sandhurst, and an ex-Army Officer; but he's certainly no gentleman. I'm surprised that an equerry hasn't left a loaded revolver on his desk and told him to do the decent thing!

The current load of nonsense from his-n-her 'docu-series' is a total and utter disgrace. I see that MM's former aides are asking the palace to scrap their 'non-disclosure arrangements' so that they can at last tell the truth concerning her dreadful arrogant bullying. About bloody time too!

I think we all know what prima-donna MM's agenda is, but why Harry should be her willing puppet we may never know.

N.B. Back in 2018 I generously offered the pair a guided tour of Sussex (as a wedding present).

That offer has now been withdrawn.



  1. I could hazard a guess as to what attracted him. Actress/Yacht girl, what's not to like but only an idiot would marry either.

    1. I can imagine what attracted her to him. Untold riches, fame, and a life where anything she said would be taken seriously. All that comes to an end one day.

  2. wow cro, that was a rant. haha. They have to do something to earn some money. So much for stepping down cos they wanted their lives to be private. Shame the brothers are split apart. Families eh.

    1. I have nothing against them leaving 'The Firm', but to make-up all these silly stories is not on! They were both well loved before she started on about racism. I think she's on a mission.

  3. The things people will do for money.

    1. Even against The Queen, who apparently really liked her.

  4. Perhaps a return to the family's European roots might be in order? Battenburg -Saxe Coburg?😉

    1. Are you suggesting they go to live in Germany? Not a bad idea, but I'm not sure if they'd want them.

    2. No, we don't want to.
      There are so many pretty deserted islands. :)

  5. I am in agreement with your every word! What happened to the quiet life they said they wanted? H is being led by the.........nose? I hope that one day he will realise what he has done.

    1. Also in agreement, but I'm not sure that H is robust enough to cope with realising what he has allowed to happen.

    2. I'm sure he will eventually. I was just looking at a short film of HER demonstrating how she bowed in front of The Queen, and poor H looked really embarrassed.

  6. Sussex "the UK's finest county"? You make such grand pronouncements, Cro. Superlatives or condemnation never far away from your lips. Let's see what Rachel and YP have to say on that score; both live in fine counties too - albeit different in "style" from Sussex. As I don't have a stake in this beef (bloody foreigner that I am), looking from the outside in, I'd say that these isles have an astonishing, indeed amazing variety of landscapes to offer. No need to single out one.


    1. Ask any Sussex native, and they will all agree. QED.

  7. With all due respect I am quite frankly surprised that you still bother to write about these two. I have nothing further to say on them as I said it all at the time of the wedding, but I will repeat for sake of completeness - that he was making a big mistake, was tricked, hoodwinked and caught. I am sad for William and Kate and our late Queen and Charles for how he has let her control him and for what he has turned into which is even worse than I foresaw at the time.

    1. For the past week or so my online paper has spoken of almost nothing else. It is in fact a very important constitutional attack, from which no-one will emerge blameless. I personally think there is far more to this than meets the eye.

  8. The problem with them both is, Harry remembers how his mother life was after separating from Charles, as a young boy his view was distorted by so many different angles. As for MM, she is a product of media, she knows how to play them, and when they don't play by her rules the race card comes out. Being a 'star' has allowed her to order everyone to do her will, it does not work in the same way in the royal family. So together they live in their own bubble, not wanting the restraints of royal working lives, but need the titles to push the media side of things. She makes her money in media, and Harry goes along with it. I hope their love last forever, because he has no way back.

    1. I think you've said it very well. She is manipulating her new position simply for headlines and money.

  9. I concur with your sentiments entirely. All that these two cartoon characters are after is money. They have clearly never heard about a range of concepts that include loyalty, discretion and fair play.
    N.B. Glaring factual error in this blogpost. Sussex is not the finest county. The topspot has always been held by Yorkshire and it will remain there till the end of time. In fact, Sussex comes eleventh of the list, tying with Shropshire.

    1. YP, if you care to study the latest Forbes Top UK Counties list (2022) you will see that Sussex is top and Yorkshire is now 13th tying with Rutland.

      I agree 100% about these numpties.

  10. What happened to the couple who wanted a quiet life and no publicity? Cant stand to look at the pair of them.

  11. They should NEVER be stripped of the Duke and Duchess title. If you take that away she can call herself Princess Henry which to her and all Americans etc who do not have a royal family or understand any of these terms, will think she has been given an 'upgrade'. Lets not make her feel more important. We need the press to stop talking about them. Any news good or bad whether they lie through their backsides is only good press and attention in her mind. Let them fade into obscurity.

    1. Charles can strip them of all titles. She could possibly call herself Little Miss Princess Markle, but I don't think she'd be taken too seriously.

  12. As a person, and suicide survivor, your support of suicide is disgusting. Your loaded revolve statement has no way back.

    1. I was a little upset as you forgot the large whisky.

    2. Don't be silly, it's just an amusing English expression. It doesn't mean that I wanted him to commit suicide. I actually rather like Harry, I just think he needs to wake-up!

  13. We can only hope that H will wake up one day. MM is calling all the shots and he seems to go along. When the Royals visited Boston, MA a few weeks ago, they were joyously greeted and not one word about MM and H. Ignoring the two malcontents is best. Legally shutting them down would be even better.

    1. You should have seen my online paper this morning, it was nothing but H & M. Mostly bad, but it was still there.

  14. Just wish they'd keep out of our news. I almost prefer to see the Turkish

  15. Turkish Sultan. Another who loves to play with emotions

  16. Just a bit more dangerous.
    New tablet, its jumping ahead of me to oublish

    1. If they wanted to break away, why didn't they do it. I think Harry would have been happy to retire to Lesotho, but MM prefers the limelight of California.

  17. From my (biased) point of view, as someone originating from that fine county, I would rather that Sussex could free itself from any association with that rapacious minx and Z-list actress. I was prepared to give her a chance at the time of her wedding to Harry, but in my book she burned her bridges very shortly afterwards with her behaviour - she appears to be incapable of existing in a world where she is not the top bitch, and that was never going to be her place in the Royal Family - after all Harry is the "spare"! Also, her resorting to playing the race card at every opportunity gets my back up, most comments about her have nothing to do with her race but everything to do with the fact that she is just not a very nice person, with appalling attitude issues.

    1. My thoughts exactly. What I cannot understand is why she instantly made herself so disliked after having been a well loved new addition to the family.

  18. She came into the thing expecting to be a star. However, she discovered that she had a supporting role. The Queen had the starring role. Divas don't like this. I think that they should lose their titles.

    1. May I disagree with ONE word you wrote above; she wished to be THE star, not A star.

  19. There is a double page spread in our newspaper today about them and their Netflix documentary, I just flipped the pages over, I don't want to read another word about them. In my opinion enough has been said and done, but I fear MM will drag this out for years to come even with the world already being tired of it all.

    1. Sadly this is so, and I'm even guilty of it myself.
