Monday 5 December 2022

Deliveries; the future.

I don't know what you think about our streets being filled with 'delivery robots', but I find the idea quite horrific.

Not only, in future, will we have to avoid drunks, beggars, and pickpockets, on our streets, but we'll need to weave in and out of the thousands of delivery robots, scurrying around like swarms of rats.

At the moment I have to look very carefully before I cross the road, to avoid the plethora of silent delivery 'persons' on bikes, scooters, and motorbikes, all rushing around delivering food to those who eat nothing but take-aways.

No doubt these robotic monsters will be equipped with flashing lights, sirens, and a near-collision-activated loud-speaker that shouts "GET OUT OF THE EFFING WAY".

Inevitably they will smell of Chicken Masala, Chinese No's 7, 13, and 18, Burgers, and Pizzas. They will cause old ladies to trip, old men to burst blood vessels, and hoodie-wearing yoofs to practice their penalty kicks.

I cannot see them being any advantage to city life.



  1. I can't imagine having as many of them zooming around as there are in the picture you show, or I should say I don't even want to imagine it. But I suppose they are coming, unless we don't buy the products they are delivering.

    I have seen companies showing the robotic dogs that they are working on. They can definitely keep those as far as I am concerned. They will never, ever be able to replace real, living, thinking, loving dogs, each one ever born with a different personality from any other.

    1. The picture is simply an amusing illustration, I don't expect our pavements will be overcrowded with them, but they'll certainly be around.

  2. What??!! As John McEnroe would say, "You cannot be serious!"

    1. Some would have me take it seriously, but I do hope they're wrong!

  3. I have seen them in action, quiet little things, and they do their best to stay out of our way, much better than an Uber driver trying to make it extra fast.

    1. Here we simply have armies of delivery drivers on electric scooters, bikes, etc. They are everywhere.

  4. I can't imagine they are particularly vandal-proof.

    1. A good kick with a hobnail boot should do the job!

  5. Good grief. Don't think I'll be seeing those here, not in my lifetime. Thank goodness.

  6. I believe that they need help crossing the road.

    1. I can't imagine they would wait for the green light.

    2. The piece I read about them said that they asked a woman to press the button on the crossing for them. I'd be concerned about theft too, but of the whole unit. What's to stop someone robot-knapping them? They'd fit into the back of a van nicely - although they must have trackers I suppose.

    3. The contents would need trackers too.

  7. Your vision of the future is pretty eerie. Did any of us vote for this? I speak as someone who has never received a fast food delivery.

    1. I have TWICE. Unfortunately they weren't for me, and I had to help the poor chap with his reading.

  8. I have never had a fast food delivery. I can't get my head around the concept. If you want it then you go out and get it yourself. If you get home and it's cold then you only have yourself to blame.

    1. Rachel, don't speak too soon. One day you may have to eat your words because you'll find yourself immobilized by, say, a broken leg and/or both arms in plaster cast or otherwise temporarily unable to leave the house.


    2. As I said above, I've had two take-away deliveries here, but neither was for me. A case of illiterate delivery boys.

    3. Well absolutely; it goes without saying Ursula.

  9. Cro, never mind robots and food deliveries. Those electric scooters (and bikes) will be the death of me. They sneak up on you from BEHIND, as silkely SILENT as a cat on the prowl; naturally on the pavement normally reserved for pedestrians - and at a speed that is criminal. It's long been known that in the hierarchy of road traffic an articulated lorry comes out top, pedestrian bottom. When little we were taught to look left and right (and again) before crossing a road. Now? Now I have trained myself to look over my shoulder before I change course whilst walking. One of these days I'll buy myself an hot air balloon to run errands.


    1. I find it quite shocking simply because it's all happened so quickly. A couple of years ago I felt quite safe, now I really have to look everywhere in order not to be mown down.

    2. There is no "e" in silkily and the "h" in hot is not silent so the "an" should be "a".

  10. I saw one zipping out of a coffee shop one day near the Liverpool train station. Because I was a tourist, pictures were obligatory.

    1. So, they're actually in service? I didn't know. I haven't seen any here yet.

    2. It was what amounted to a box on wheels. About knee high. It had a tall antenna with a flag. We were headed for a train, and I am fairly certain it was Liverpool. It came out of a coffee shop door and headed down the sidewalk like it knew what it was up to.

  11. I like my Amazon delivery service and have had only good experiences. Brighton is more densely built and populated; I can see why the many delivery bikes, scooters and vehicles are a problem. From what I see, deliveries are on the rise everywhere.

  12. One more reason to stop ordering things online.

    1. I'm afraid I'm guilty of ordering through Amazon, but at least they're delivered by a human.
