Saturday 3 December 2022


I have never stolen anything in my life (well, maybe a pencil or two at school), and I have a particular hatred of thieves. Anyone who is capable of stealing can never be trusted. Thieving Leopards never change their spots.

So you can imagine my disgust when I passed by the church a couple of days ago and saw this (below).

Some nasty little scumbag had forced open the grill covering the window, and smashed the lead-lighted window inside. Billy and I noticed the damage at about 7.30 am and it looked as if I may have been the first on the scene. I Emailed the priest at once (Father Dominic) and sent the above photo.

Luckily, I think the opening was too small to allow entrance, and nothing was stolen. I may be a staunch atheist, but I still find the idea of stealing from a church totally unacceptable (as I do all theft). The thief will never be caught (even if they looked) so he will receive no punishment, although I can think of a few good ways to teach him a lesson! 

The hole has now been temporarily closed by the Stained Glass Window repairer.



  1. I was once accused of theft by a shop assistant who swore she had seen me reach up over the counter and take chocolate bars and stuff them under my jumper. The shop owner came to our house which was only a few steps away and we walked back to the shop together with my dad, where he discovered for himself that I was too short to be able to reach over the counter. The "something" under my jumper was an empty old purse I had found on the ground on my way to the shop where I bought bread that day.

    1. I have often thought that being accused of something you haven't done is terrible.

  2. In cases like this, I hope there is some divine being who will punish the thief.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. One hopes so, but everything is on the side of the criminal here!

  3. There could be any number of explanations to that broken window - none of the nefarious kind that you are implying. As you said to River "being accused of something you haven't done is terrible".

    But, hey, let's stoke the hate and self-righteous indignation before we have the facts!


    1. I was wondering what the loony-left view of this would be. Thank you for informing us all. None of us will be surprised.

    2. Oh Ursula, Please do tell us all why you think the grille would have been lifted and the window smashed if not for nefarious reasons!

    3. Don't even ask, Col. Ursula just has to be contrary.

    4. Well for the record I think a local nun seeing that the church was locked and was in desperate need of a dust, , forced her way through the window using her cross

  4. They must have been determined to have wrenched open the metal grille to get at the window.
    I know from experience how costly it is to repair those old stained glass windows. I expect the church's insurance premiums will go up now.

    1. Yes, they've really wrenched it apart. It must have taken considerable strength.

  5. Truly awful. Similar happened here at our major train station when protesting taxi drivers smashed some stained glass windows.

    1. The unnecessary extra cost of repairs is just another aspect of this type of crime. They just don't think!

  6. What a pity. Good on you for reporting it straight away.

    1. I believe they already knew about it, but at the time I didn't know.

  7. Perhaps the would-be thief was hoping to "borrow" a Bible to revise The Ten Commandments. Seriously though, smashing that old window was such a horrible thing to do. It will cost the church quite a lot to repair it. To use a technical term, whoever did it is a complete shit.

    1. I agree. Just a pity that the miscreant can't be sent down the sewers.

  8. I hope the police investigate. With all the security cameras around, they might id the thief. People like this need to be prosecuted fully.

    1. I know they have some CCTV cameras around, but probably not on the front where this window is. No doubt the thief made sure he wasn't being filmed.
