Friday 4 November 2022

Wishful Thinking.


When we returned to Blighty for Winter 2021/2022 we were met by daily sunshine, no sub-zero temperatures, and hardly any rain. We felt as if 'Global Warming' was very much on our side, and we did begin to hope that it might last. 

This year has already been very different. My new Barbour Stockman coat has already had plenty of use, I regret not bringing back my wellies, and according to the forecast we are in for plenty more foul weather; and we've only been back for two months.

I don't dislike wind, in fact I rather like a stiff breeze, what I don't like is wind when it gets to tile-removing force, and even less so if it's combined with horizontal rain, snow, or hail.

I don't even dislike some mild frost; anything up to minus 5C is reluctantly accepted.

I recently bought a waxed rain hat to accompany my new coat, but it is useless. The rim is too thin and it flops down over my eyes so that I can't see. I shall have to buy another.

My youngest invited us to spend the Winter with him down in Oz, where, of course, they are having a lovely Summer. But the idea of spending 20 hours in an aeroplane is totally out of the question. I wouldn't mind spending the Winter in Martinique or Guadeloupe which would involve a 6 or 7 hour flight, but since Brexit, all French Dom/Toms are as interdit as the mainland.  

So, we'll hunker down, make sure we have tent-like seriously waterproof clothing by the back door, and prepare for a wet and cold Winter. My gloves are at the ready, and yesterday I bought a new woolly scarf.

We shall survive, but oh how I wish it was like last year. Yesterday was really foul!


  1. Replies
    1. I can't tolerate cold and wet as I used to. So, maybe yes, I have gone soft!

  2. Flash coat. That should keep you dry.

  3. Would you consider a couple of days' stopover in Singapore? It's a fun and very easy short term stay, and that would break the trip nicely. (Saying that, I live in New Zealand, so only Australia is actually CLOSE.)

    1. This what they all tell me, but even so it would at least two days of VERY long flights. I simply couldn't cope.

  4. I "also" live in New Zealand, I should have said.

    1. I'm waiting for the next Concorde. A 4 hour super-sonic flight would be fine.

  5. Long (or short) house and pet sitting would be my pleasure. Brighton or the Dordogne.

  6. My part of Australia is having a cold and wet spring, this week we will have a few warm sunny days (get the sheets on the line at last) then more rain is predicted. I used to envy the amount of rain England got, now I'm so sick of it here.

    1. My youngest is in Goldcoast, I think it's been OK.

  7. Just like that old joke... the weatherman warns of howling gales, torrential rain, ice snow etc and warns everyone down South to stay at home. For people "up north", best to wear your big coat today.

    1. My favourite weather joke is 'Here is a Gale Warning; Gale, your father is just coming down the drive!'

  8. Cro, Perhaps Winter has arrived down there on the South coast. It doesn't seem to have arrived here in London. In fact all my Summer flowers are still up. And October just gone was one of the mildest on record. (23c last week).
    I've noticed that the annual Autumn colours on our Heath are still not showing themselves.

    1. Whilst we were having some really foul weather yesterday, we were watching a live news report from Dover, and it was fine. Weather is very localised, today down here we have blue skies and sunshine!

  9. We are due to hit the heights of 12degrees today, but at least it's dry. It took my husband (a Londoner) several years to get used to the volume of West Wales rain. He kept telling people what heavy rain there'd been over the weekend, and they'd look at him with a "You'll learn" expression. He has.

  10. It was lovely here in Sheffield yesterday and bright and sunny today. I suspect that you are being overly pessimistic about the forthcoming wintertime.

    1. I'm never very optimistic about Winter. I simply don't like it.

  11. Embrace the day, but dress for the weather

    1. I've just this minute put out my long-sleeved thermal vest for tomorrow. I think I'll be needing it.

  12. Does Billy object or does he still insist on long leisurely walks regardless of weather?

  13. Just remember winters in France were cold and you had to chop wood and carry it indoors everyday.

    1. Winters in France were far worse than here. Often down to minus 15 C.

  14. We've just had the warmest October for decades. This post makes no sense to me whatsoever.

    1. I was hoping it would last (like the previous winter) but for the past week or so it has been dreary.

  15. I hope your weather moderates. Pelting rain with wind is no fun. At least it does not last for weeks. This too will pass. Hold that thought.

    1. 5 C this morning with rain. The forecast says to expect the same for a week or so. Not my cup of tea.
