Saturday 19 November 2022

Spot the Pill

Each morning I take two pills; one large-ish, and one tiny.

I always lay them out by the side of my breakfast plate, and take them once I've finished eating.

Yesterday I knew I'd put them both out but could only find one; the bigger one.

I looked on the floor, under my plate, on my lap, etc, but couldn't find it anywhere. I soon became very frustrated.

I have recreated the scene exactly as it was, and I'm sure you'll easily see my dilemma.

I blame the woman who chose the tablecloth!



  1. Haha! A dilemma indeed. The tablecloth has the look and style of 1950's kitchen decor.
    But they do make it difficult to cut pills in half. It's like the drug companies would prefer you swallow it down all in one go. The worst ones are the large capsules.

    1. I hate taking the wretched things, even the small ones!

  2. I take my multi vitamin tab standing up with water in my hand direct from the tap.
    I think that my thumbnail will grow now that I've not to do pills daily for my late husband (7) and late dog (3). I hate getting them out of blister packs!

    1. I hate those blister packs too; horrible things. Whatever happened to small bottles?

  3. It's like "Where's Wally?" but with pills. I didn't realise that you are hardened drug addict.

    1. It's a den of iniquity here in the mornings (and evenings).

  4. That was well camouflaged .
    I throw my two down my throat first thing in the morning. The pill box has the day written on it helps me to sort the days and what I'm supposed to be doing

    1. I occasionally forget my evening pills, so maybe I should have a box with a loud siren.

  5. Each night I get out my pills for the next day--the morning pills and the evening pills along with the multi-vitamins taken at suppertime. I set them out in the kitchen but sometimes discover they aren't there. That sets me wondering if I forgot to get them out or if I took them at the wrong time. My mind is going, but I don't know where.


    1. I know the feeling. I never remember if I've taken mine or not; but I do try to be organised.

  6. Things sort of blend right in.

    1. Not the best choice of tablecloth (for my pills).

  7. Did you find the pill among the dots on the tablecloth? It seems you are being quizzed by the lady of the house.

  8. Another of our later in life dilemmas. Pill, no pill, did I take said pill or two or none ,morning ,evening and even at noon or not.Big,small , pink , blue , white or bicolor. The miracle of a little pill and all it helps.

  9. First, I don't take any pills (well, not exactly true since I'm supposed to be taking a D3 and a B12 daily - and I remember - sometimes). But in the lady of the house's defense, you don't HAVE TO put them on the tablecloth, right?

    1. As you say, I don't HAVE TO, but it does make it more convenient (occasionally).

  10. I also take two different very small pills... among the other ones and have been know to lose them Love the table cloth !

  11. Excuse me for being smug, but I saw it immediately!
    I take two pills at bedtime, and have a tendency to pop them out of their foils onto the duvet, which is always in a white cover (I don't like coloured bed linen), so I temporarily 'lose' them on a regular basis! X

    1. Col, egged on by your smugness I took another look. Indeed. Not that I want to join the club of the smug.


    2. THAT, I would not recommend. White pills on a white duvet spells daily disaster. Well it would for me.

  12. Took me a few seconds but I spotted the second pill. Why not put them in one of those tiny dishes used for measuring teaspoon of this and a teaspoon of that, or simply on a napkin so you can more easily see them?

    1. Nah, River, good on Cro that he creates his own fun.


    2. What else would I do for entertainment? All alone at 5am.
