Sunday 6 November 2022

Pure Genius.


One can learn a lot from the radio, even from radio comedy programmes. One such, on BBC Radio 4 Extra, even calls itself 'Genius', and proposes genius ideas from members of the public which are later voted on, to find the day's winner.

One such recent genius idea was aimed at the simple Parking Meter, an object that we all hate so much.

Instead of Parking Meters, it was proposed that we would have Parking Meter Fruit Machines. Pop your £1 in the slot, pull the arm, and wait for the result. You might lose your £1, you might just get an hour's parking, you might get anything from one to five hours parking, or you might win a jackpot, with coins flooding-out from a slot at the bottom.

It wouldn't only be car owners who would feed money into these machines, passers-by might just have a quick flutter on the chance of winning, school children might gamble their lunch money, or OAP's might risk some of their pension in the hope of making a few quid. It would be FUN FOR ALL.

I must say, just like the audience members on the show, I too thought this a genius idea and I would encourage the 'Minister of Parking and Nastiness' to consider the idea very seriously. 


  1. And any passing layabouts could smash it open for their beer money!

    1. You cynic; they'd have to put their £1 coin in just like everyone else. Even layabouts like a gamble.

  2. Ha-ha! Love it. If I were in power, most parking regulations would be swept away and we would live in a land of milk and honey.

    1. I have often said what fun it would be to scrap all traffic regulations for ONE week just to see what would happen. I'm sure there'd be a few fist fights, but otherwise everything would run perfectly smoothly: and NO parking or speeding fines!

  3. More of government creating and enabling gambling addicts with parking meter slots machines says more about government than meter feeders. Combining vehicles with gambling does have a tinge of genius.

    1. Finding a parking space is already a gamble around here.

  4. It sounds like a parking meter with slot machine capability. I bet they generate income. Many people love to gamble. Genius idea.

  5. I think it's a terrible idea. There are already far too many places for people to gamble and lose their money and we shouldn't be encouraging school children to gamble. Especially not their lunch money.
