Tuesday 15 November 2022


Our personal mobility is something we take for granted, our legs are designed to walk and run just as our lungs are designed to deliver oxygen, and there's no reason why they should go wrong.

So when our mobility is questioned, it comes as a shock. Something as simple as walking is not expected to go wrong. Unfortunately, age has a way of delivering surprises, and uncooperative legs are amongst the worst.

Until about three years ago I was still striding through the woods with the dogs, looking for mushrooms, and enjoying the beauty of it all. Then suddenly I began to take shorter walks as my back and legs were becoming either tired or painful. Now I can just about manage a mile or so before I start to wish I was back home, sitting down.

The culprit seems to be Sciatica. I've looked at the symptoms, and they all point that way. Painful back, pain down legs, and tingling sensation (pins and needles) into feet.  There's no 'cure' as such, just stretching exercises to relieve the back pain. 

It's a nuisance more than anything because it has reduced my walking distance to a small radius from home. Luckily with the car and my bus-pass I can get around OK, but once at my destination I'm limited.

The one thing I've always dreaded about getting older was walking around with an old man's stoop. It looks as if I'm heading that way. The walking stick won't be long!

Self-pitying? Yes, I suppose so, but mostly I'm just annoyed with the inefficiency of my own body.


  1. I empathise. I use Ibuprofen, Naproxen and if I could get it without going near a Quack I'd use Dihydrocodeine. After a few hours on my feet I start to envy those folk with all terrain mobility scooters.
    The alternative is worse, cheer up.

    1. I'm not so worried about the actual pain, it's the lack of mobility which really hurts. I have always been an outdoor guy, and having that curtailed is not nice.

  2. hi, I am 74yrs old this week and I agree with you. It is mostly annoying to find that I can't just nip off here and there anymore. I find I can manage about a mile to town and a mile back. Sometimes get the bus back depending what I am carrying. Can't do that 2 days in a row tho. haha. Never mind, always someone worse off .

    1. Hello Caz. I have a couple of years seniority to you, and it's beginning to tell. I feel exactly the same about going out into town, I never know how bad I'll feel.

  3. Welcome to the club! Keep on stretching because it really helps - also water walking if there’s a pool nearby. And take a couple of whatever before you’re in pain not when the pain arrives.

    1. When we're in France we swim every day, and it certainly helps. I don't like taking pills, but occasionally if the pain is overpowering I'll take a couple of something reasonably strong; but it's always after.

  4. I also suffered from sciatica for several months. I did not take the pills that the doctor recommended. Cold showers, and short walks somehow got it over with.

    1. For some it comes and goes, often lasting just a few days. Unfortunately, mine has continued daily, only rarely giving me a couple of painless days here and there.

  5. Sorry to hear that you are suffering, Cro. Back pain is quite debilitating. When I suffered a slipped disc many years ago I was in agony and had to use a stick for several months as it was so difficult to walk. Stretching exercises helped a lot, and lots of painkillers.

    1. I'm doing the back stretching exercises which do help, but I'm not keen on the pills unless it's dire.

  6. Could be arthritis. Sounds like it, if its continuous.

    1. I have that as well in my hips. I'm a bit of a mess.

    2. The nodules on my 4th and 5th vertebre have crumbled away. Not even on the xray. Arthritis. As a couple of other people have said... just keep moving. Don't need to leave the house. Use your stairs for excercise. I live in a first floor flat, so no choice. At least I don't need to go up and down all day, to use the bathroom tho. Look at the good side.

  7. Keep moving..and get it looked at!!
    Possibly a physio could help, and give you more specific exercises..I had treatment from a chiropractor, but that doesn't suit everyone.
    Sciatica is caused by pressure on a nerve

    1. To keep moving is important, otherwise, I'll stick to the exercises.

    2. Second GZ's advice to seek out a physio. If only to show you how to do your exercises properly. Makes all the difference. Technique is everything. Trust me.


  8. Me too! I have got a 2nd appointment with a physio this morning. Last week she checked me out and said she didn't think it was sciatica, but I am now getting tingling in my feet and legs. I didn't take the usual paracetamol before I got up this morning and I have been crying in agony. ( especially when I sat down at the computer!). I have had a bad back for some years, but this is something else!! There is also something called Piriformis syndrome that has similar symptoms. Let me know if you discover a " cure".

  9. Why not go swimming as you enjoy it? Every city has decent swimming facilities these days.

    1. Indeed, Rachel. And if Cro sneers at mixing with the hoi polloi (loosely translated as "the great unwashed") he can always avail himself of the facilities offered by some of the grander hotels. Membership cost notwithstanding.


  10. At times I try to step outside myself personally and observe the ageing process with me as the subject. What is happening is not pleasant, but most interesting

    1. I agree. It an interesting observation, which one can study at close hand.

  11. I am sorry to hear this Cro. I guess it is ultimately impossible to stop the decline but you may be able to slow it down. Probably your daily walks with Billy are helping but you could factor in a couple of weekly swims and gym sessions aimed specifically at seniors. For the latter you will require a leotard - possibly in flesh-coloured lycra or pink.

    1. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but lycra is very figure-hugging.

  12. Aches and pains always feel worse in the winter. Stay warm and walk distances that you are comfortable with. Preferably one with a pub and log fire at the end.

    1. I'm sure this horrible weather we're having makes it worse. Absolutely foul today!

  13. Keep moving as much and as long as you can. See a good doc. Take care and enjoy the world.

    1. Movement and exercise should suffice. I'll pass on the Doc'.

  14. Have you had sciatica diagnosed ? I've had sciatica twice and its the most painful thing that I've ever had { and I do have a high tolerance of pain } I couldn't do anything ! Anyway, whatever it is , it's not nice. The best thing is to do as much as you can and keep it all going !!!! XXXX

    1. Mine is simply an unpleasant constant pain. It seems as if almost everyone we know has back trouble, including Lady M.

  15. Replies
    1. I just looked it up, some of the side-effects are a bit odd!

    2. My, My, Cro. Nurse John has spoken. Aiming at starlings with canon balls. Never mind that Gabapentin is a prescription drug.


  16. A good Physio would recommend exercises to address the issues causing your specific pain. Mobility is important and can be maintained with an exercise routine customized for you. A chiropractor is also another option as they can make adjustments during a visit that reduce nerve/muscle problems causing pain. I have a friend that sees a chiropractor monthly for back problems.

    1. I have worked-out an exercise programme for myself that seems to help. I think I'll stick with that. I feel that I know my own body better than anyone.

  17. It is always about keeping those joints moving, but I sympathize. I see it happening to myself.

    1. Yes, I try to keep on the move as much as possible, but occasionally.....

  18. I'm walking a little more every day but I'd do better if there were no hills. Just keep on walking as much as you can with your Billy and sciatica.

    1. If I didn't have Billy I expect I would deteriorate quite quickly. He makes me go out several times a day; this morning in the foulest weather imaginable.

  19. I guessed at my knee problem for several years. I was eventually persuaded to see a sports physio. She diagnosed what was wrong instantly. It was nothing like I had self-diagnosed with Dr Google. A back massage would probably also help.

    1. I think I'll stick with Dr Google. As far as I can see he has it dead right, and even his exercises help.

  20. Meditation and Daily stretching is good for body and mind. It can produce amazing results. Some folks go for yoga. Being in a group, that community of human gathering is healthy. I believe an alone meditate and stretch routine is better, no distractions for a personal power refresh.
    If I had sciatica all the time, then I'd seek out a bona fide shaman and/or a Reiki expert.
    Please try to not let your annoyance hamper your efforts. And, consider a doctor monitoring.

    1. Yes, I'm a bit of a loner anyway, so I shall continue my exercises alone.

  21. Get a tall enough walking stick so stooping isn't necessary. Stand as tall as you can for as long as you can.

    1. I am certainly trying to ignore it, and walk tall. Only occasionally does it become too much. The stick is on order!
