Wednesday 9 November 2022

Illegal Immigration, an idle suggestion.


When I return to my native land, I need to show my valid passport stating that I have 'right of abode' in the UK. If I was to try to enter without any papers I'd probably be thrown in the slammer and put on bread and water.

So, when people land on the beach in their own craft (rather than taking the much cheaper, safer, legal, and more comfortable ferry) they should go through the exact same process as I do. If they can present passports and proof of residency in an EU country, or possess some sort of genuine visa, they would be given a three month permit to stay, and allowed to go on their way; just like everyone else. If they wished to apply for asylum at a later date they could do so.

If, however, they have no papers they should be treated like any other illegal immigrant. All I wish to see is EQUALITY, and basic abidance of the law.

Of course it'll never happen; nor probably should it. But someone has to come to a realistic solution. We cannot continue to have hordes of Albanians (other nationalities are available) being let loose on our high streets (currently the number of Albanians in UK prisons is costing us £57 Million p.a. Many of these people come with criminal intent, or to escape criminal proceedings back at home. They are certainly not wanted here.

I cannot understand why (yet again) there is one rule for law-abiding citizens, and another for the law breakers. And why the law breakers should be treated to hotel rooms, free handouts, and pampering, baffles me. I suppose (yet again) it's their so-called 'Human Rights'.

Of course, Sir Kier Starmer (Lab) continues to moan about the situation, and moan about every proposed solution; but he would.

Some hard-line action HAS to be taken, even if it is slightly distasteful. The whole business has become ridiculous, and out of hand!

N.B. Just in case news of such UK illegal immigration has not reached wherever you live, the photo above shows what has become a daily occurrence on South Coast beaches around Dover. About 40,000 have arrived in small rubber boats so far this year; mostly men, and I believe mostly from Albania.


  1. There is no doubt your system is being taken advantage of. Australia put them all on non Australian islands while their claims were processed. It was at times quite cruel and need not be but it was effective at stopping arrivals by sea. A bigger problem is just air arrivals, but that doesn't make for exciting headlines.

    1. Half the problem in the UK is that the 'woke', left wing, dungaree wearing, brigade have too much power. They moan about everything that they see as being anti 'Human Rights'. They should be told to shut up.

  2. I know what the solution is. It isn't going to happen.

    1. It wasn't so long ago that we taxpayers gave the French £45 Million to help solve the problem; they did nothing. Now I hear that Rishi is giving Macron another £80 Million; I wonder what they'll do with that?

    2. And 10% all the way down until it's all gone.

    3. I don't get any. Do you and if so how?

    4. Sadly I'm not a French bureaucrat.

  3. The number to look at, if one is worried about immigration, is 270,000. Which is those who immigrate with the relevant papers. Puts the 40,000 in the shade rather, don't you think?

    Another point is those of the 40,000 who have skills and knowledge that could be used for society here, but have to sit in limbo sometimes for years. Instead of contributing what they have...and their society's good.

    Just a thought to drop into the equation.

    1. Those 40,000 could come with the relevant papers if they followed the right course. If they are seen to simply be economic migrants, or criminals, then the answer would be 'No'. If however they would be an advantage to our economy (like the 270,000 you quote), then absolutely no problem. If of course you think that we need a certain percentage of criminals around (just to balance things), then I have to say that I don't agree.

  4. Facts....
    Could you live on less than £6 a day?

    1. Of course I could, and if I was simply given the £6, I'd be very grateful.

    2. p.s. I'm sure you could too!

    3. We could all live easily on £6 per day, especially as we would not be paying out for housing or food!
      I'm getting a little bored of immigrants, even legal ones, telling us what we should be doing in our own country!

    4. I think the whole country is getting pissed off with them. There will always be a few 'bleeding hearts' activists, but even they know they're wrong.

  5. What I want to know is who is manufacturing all these rubber boats and lifejackets? They should be closed down!

    1. It's a flourishing business, whoever is making them. They are made to order to take as many people as possible.

  6. Somewhere along the line the bleeding heart hand wringers seem to forget that these are *illegal* immigrants and therefore should have no rights as they have obviously come from a country that is already a safe haven (at least, France was the last time I looked). Therefore why aren't they just towed back to French waters - let them apply for asylum there.

    1. This is the bizarre question! In France they are given €800 per month, plus rent etc, so it's no hardship. Personally I'd rather settle in a small Riviera village than in Dover.

  7. I didn't realize the UK had such an influx of Albanians. I thought Greece and probably Italy had most of their migrants. The prisons here are full of them too, along with Georgians.
    Our island has many Albanians but the majority of them have been here for years. They work hard and have integrated into society.
    It's the rest of the illegal migrants that are the problem, coming in from Turkey.

    1. Just as a matter of interest I recently looked at property for sale in Albania, I was amazed how beautiful the country is, and especially the coastline. Why would they quit that to live in Britain. BTW, property isn't cheap there!

  8. The crux of the matter is is that we are the most crowded country in Europe and immigrant figures have been rising year on year for the last 25 years and the infrastructure purely and simply cannot cope. Unless both sides of the House sing from the same hymn sheet and recognise this we are never going to solve the problem.

    1. They also know that they can get away with almost anything. We must be the most crime tolerant country in Europe too!

  9. Many people who voted for Brexit did so because they believed in the associated promise that illegal immigration would be curtailed. Under Johnson, May, Truss and Sunac the opposite has happened.

    I cannot propose a meaningful solution but it might help if "the authorities" tracked down the suppliers of inflatable boats and outboard motors - presumably somewhere in France - and stopped such business from happening. That cannot be beyond the wit of man.

    1. Frankly YP, I don't they voted against 'illegal immigration', just 'immigration' full stop. A rather silly idea even then.
      I hope this new £80 Million will help find the culprits.

    2. This idea of stopping the supply of boats has been mooted but British political activists and human rights lawyers said that this was a violation of the migrants rights. As a leave voter myself my reason for voting thus had nothing whatsoever to do with migrants, illegal or otherwise, and it is an erroneous and unfounded accusation thrown at leave voters.

    3. Though you personally may not have voted to leave the EU for that reason, uncontrolled immigration was the number one reason that "Leave" voters cited when asked why they voted that way. Hardly "erroneous and unfounded" and not an "accusation" but a statement of fact.

    4. It is too sweeping to say that all voted leave because of immigration. I don't find it accurate that 17 million people said that and it sounds like MSM reporting.

    5. Actually I remember on your blog at the time that reported you had friends at the pub who voted leave on market and economic reasons alone.

    6. Anyway the over population and overcrowding of this country is an all party issue and needs addressing constantly by whoever is in power. Unless all agree there is no way it will ever be sorted. Alas the human rights barrier will always thwart progress even out of the EU.

    7. For information - England pop density is 434/km2, Netherlands is 423/km2, France approx 150/km2, Scotland approx 65/km2, Wales and NI approx 150/km2.
      So on any meaningful basis England is very definitely overpopulated and can ill afford any significant inward migration, the infrastructure is already at breaking point.
      However, as Rachel says, this is only one aspect of why 17million voted to leave the EU, the issues of control go far beyond just borders. Factors like our common law based heritage being completely at odds with the Napoleonic code prevalent across much of the EU, etc.

  10. Radio 4 did a sobering report from Albania last night which turns many of the myths about criminal gangs on it head

    1. If they do another report from here, they will find it's absolutely true.

  11. And what is being kept very quiet in the main stream media is how hundreds of major hotels and even a Stately Home, and even a Tudor Country Mansion, all around the U.K are all being requisitioned by The Home Office to house thousands of these 'Illegal' immigrants...and all men, able bodied men.

    I'm even seeing some of them in my very own Street where prices are un-affordable to immigrants (groups of North African men).
    So it's pleasing to see on twitter each day (exposed by 'Active Patriot') just which properties and Hotels are being taken over by The Government, where hundreds of Weddings and hotel guest bookings have all been cancelled. Forget that weekend in our great historical City of York. That is about to be taken over any day now.
    And yesterday it was revealed that a Hotel in Newquay Cornwall will be taking them in.
    But you won't read that in The Daily Express.
    Sorry Cro, but The Tories are heading for their biggest Election defeat since 1997 at the next Election. Yes, Blair started it all, but the Tories in this last year have allowed it to escalate. They caused this mess and didn't act on it like Italy and Australia.

    1. The problem needs to be sorted regardless of who's at No 10. Starmer & Co will have the same problem as Rishi. They need to pull fingers out; fast.

    2. It won't be sorted, Cro. There isn't a party waiting in the wings to sort it out. Those who are brave enough to speak up about it get vilified. Patel did nothing, Braverman will do nothing. Millions of people are welcoming all and sundry to come to our shores. Read the comments on this tweet from UK Justice Forum. It's heart breaking.

    3. Meanqueen, That map with it's hundreds of hotels taken over by The Home Office is indeed heartbreaking and shocking. I check each day 'Active Patriot's' twitter page who reveals daily which Hotels are being taken over by the Home Office...not that they want us to know.
      I can't imagine what this country will look like in 15 to 20 yrs.

    4. How very sad all this is. It could have been stopped in its tracks had someone had the courage. Now dear old Blighty will never be the same again. I'm old so I'm not going to witness its destruction, but I fear for my grandsons, etc.

    5. Thank you Deejohn. I will check out that page. I used to enjoy winter breaks in hotels. This takeover limits the places I would like to visit. I shall be looking for small family B & B's in future.

  12. 57 million pounds could provide a lot of housing for the homeless sleeping in tents and cars

    1. I think all prisoners should be put to work, to earn their keep. No work, no eat. It doesn't have to be harsh, but it would need to be adhered to.

  13. In my opinion, the choices are: do nothing and continue to overwhelm the system which helps nobody or find ways to incorporate them into the job market and make them self-sustaining and productive. Immigration is problematic in the US as well.

    1. The UK can no longer cope, we are already overcrowded, and our infrastructure is at breaking point. Most of these people don't want 'paid employment', they run gangs of burglars, drug dealers, prostitutes, and just about everything else that is illegal.
