Thursday 24 November 2022

Filthy weather.

The weather has been absolutely foul recently. Wet, wild, and windy. Just what we don't want.

So, what to do?

Any outdoor fun is out of the question, other than dog-walking, so we have to find things to do indoors.

I find myself looking forward to my Lunchtime soup, then looking forward to Crumpets for Tea, then looking forward to something a bit more substantial for Supper. The day becomes ruled by, and divided by, mealtimes.

At present there is plenty of international Football to watch on TV, but that's only OK if one is a fan. I shall watch the England games, but Western Bosnia v Outer Mongolia is not my bag.

I always re-read The Sunday Times, where Dominic Lawson, Camilla Long, and Jeremy Clarkson keep me amused up until about Thursday. I do a crossword or two (try to), or spend a few mins writing this blog. The only book awaiting my attention is Proust's 'A la recherche....' (Vol 1), but as anyone who has attempted to read it will understand, it conveniently gets put aside for later. 

I could pop down to the library and spend a few hours reading in the warmth, filling-in all the 'o's' of a who-done-it, or leaving amusing notes between pages. But it's having to sit beside all those tramps and winos that puts me off. Or I could do what many do and use my bus-pass to ride around the countryside in a double-decker on a circular route that would bring me home again four hours later. No, I don't think so.

Luckily there are a couple of TV programmes on at the moment that I enjoy. One is a sewing competition that I find strangely appealing, probably because I find the whole process totally baffling (and no, I don't sew), and directly afterwards is the other, which is an Antiques appraisal and auction selling programme which is always interesting.

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to Christmas, looking forward to Spring, and looking forward to next Summer. I really do not like this time of year.


  1. Sleet and heat waves are the worthless weather conditions. Blustery days are invigorating. Good time to cut pictures out of magazines to make funny collages.

    1. I was thinking of visiting friends houses and secretly changing the settings on their toasters. Imagine the fun when toast burns throughout town.

  2. Here some drops of rain make me happy. Strangely I like rainy days and they are so few here.

    1. It's OK here this morning but more rain coming this afternoon. We've had too much.

  3. Ha! Welcome to my world! We all have webbed feet up here and have to wear a liberty bodice every day for extra warmth.

    1. Last year was so totally different with sunshine and warmth right through to May. This year's weather has come as a shock.

  4. The weather always rights itself, so after a long hot dry summer a wet autumn and winter was always going to happen.

    1. It'll do whatever it wants, it takes no notice of our desires. Cross fingers and hope for the best.

  5. I think it is a bit off to refer to librarians as "tramps and winos". Librarianship is a noble profession and people often cannot help the way they look... I agree with you about the weather just now. Miserable and not helped by early night darkness.

    1. Getting dark at 5pm should not be allowed. Maybe we should have a new type of clock to cope with our shorter days.

  6. We had simultaneous thunder and lightening yesterday, so bad I thought the house had been hit. More due this morning. Happy Days!

    1. We had quite a nice rainbow, but otherwise it was awful.

  7. I wonder when our winter will arrive. We had a bit of rain so the land has greened. Now it's sunshine and warm days.
    If find lots of things to do during a long wet winter but K would suffer from cabin fever and drive me mad. Your routine sounds fine to me but I'd add knitting to the list. You need an indoor hobby! Whittling with that knife if yours?

    1. The house is so small that it's not easy to do much here. I need a studio!

  8. This weather is not good. I just want to hibernate until Spring. Almost time for hot mulled wine and mince pies though (apparently I am allowed from 1st December, not a moment before).

    1. We've already had the Mince Pies, but not the mulled wine.

  9. I do jigsaws on days like this. I love to read in the sun and miss it in winter but switch to jigsaws.

    1. I think that would be fun, I haven't done one for decades. I shall have a look in some charity shops.

  10. We treasure our wood burner on that sort of day. I love Sewing Bee. What artistry!

    1. Unfortunately we left our woodburner and stove back in France. No chimney here, we're in a 'smokeless zone'. The sewing programme amazes me. I watched it yesterday again, and seeing all that mess of material suddenly turn into recognisable clothing is like magic.

  11. I see you have your glasses and pen resting on my favourite type of puzzle, the code cracker. Or whatever they get called in England. I usually get them done fairly quickly, but sometimes I get stumped, like today. My days revolve around mealtimes too.
