Friday 28 October 2022

Life with Billy.

When you own a dog, he or she becomes an integral part of your life; not unlike children.

They force you to live a structured life, to go for walks at regular times, to feed them at the same time each day (or they become ratty), and to go through all sorts of quirky rituals that they insist upon. Dogs like an organised life, it makes them feel secure.

Billy is a popular boy. People shout "Hello Billy" as they pass by, school children shout it in unison, and he can hardly walk 20 yards without being stroked by friends and strangers alike.

Border Collies are both instantly recognisable, and well loved. They are a breed that brings a smile to people's faces. It must be the 'One man and his dog' effect.

Billy certainly has 'character'. He has rituals that have to be honoured every day. At lunch and dinner he comes to me and gently touches his cold nose on my arm, just to say "I need to be fed now". It's not that I'd forgotten, it's just a way of allowing him to take a certain amount of control over his life.

Just look at that face, who couldn't love a boy like Billy!


  1. I am not a dog lover but if I was forced to own a dog it would be a border collie. They make all other breeds look intellectually challenged. Enjoy your morning walk with Billy! Good boy!

    1. I shall be off with him in about 30 mins. He adores his first walk of the day; breathing fresh air and stretching his legs again after a night of inactivity. Heaven.

  2. Billy is also a dog that knows how to move from place to place from country to country and feels at home. Probably also because he trusts you.

    1. He's very much a part of the family, and knows as much.

  3. That's a nice photo of Billy. I am wondering if people ever offer you money for dog food.

    1. I'm afraid that would be pointless. Lady M buys specialist food (which is delivered in large bags). The bags are illustrated with a photo of a Border Collie, and the contents are 'nutritionally balanced'. He's extremely pampered.

  4. He appears to have a smile on his face.

    1. He smiles a lot, but he also growls, and barks at anyone passing in front of the house. No burglar would go unannounced.

  5. Billy is a francais dog and parle franchi lange. Billy aussi parle inglis?
    HAHAHA. Beautiful dog.

    1. I'm afraid we've only ever spoken to him in English. You're right, he should really be bilingual.

  6. He does have a sweet expression on his face.

  7. He is very handsome. Some time ago on the morning dog walk I gave a friend's collie a treat, and now whenever he sees me he will run across the field, sit in front of me and wait politely for his treat.

    1. They certainly know who like them and who don't. Billy has never forgotten the people who have been nasty to him (in France). Here, everyone loves him.

  8. Border collies are the smartest dogs I've ever met. I can tell that Billy is no exception. The look on his face? He KNOWS who's a good boy.

    1. I think I've known more Border Collies than any other breed. They were mostly farmer's dogs on the Welsh border where we had a home. Always lovely dogs.

  9. Billy sure is adorable! Border Collies are great dogs.

    1. Highly intelligent creatures. Billy never fails to surprise me.

  10. Replies
    1. He was the classic ugly duckling that turned into a beautiful swan.

  11. Billy is beautiful. I love any kind of collie.


    1. They are lovely dogs. I've known lots and they've all been very friendly.

  12. My Annie Oakley and your Billy started out both at about the same time. They are both doing very well. Annie has quite a lot of Border Collie blood, but also a lot of 'Blue Heeler' cattle dog DNA. She's smart, exactly as you describe, but pushy. She has trained all the delivery drivers to give her a belly rub - and they love doing it! Cheers

    1. Our last dog, Bok, was half BC and half black Lab'. That was a very good mix; two of my favourite dogs in one!

  13. Billy seems quite happy in France and England and makes friends wherever he goes. He's got a nice personality. Like you, I will always have a dog and can not imagine life without one.

    1. I don't imagine he likes travelling between the two countries, but he never complains. I agree, a dog is essential.

  14. Billy is a gorgeous dog. Has he grown out of that little pink spot on his nose? My collie Moss was intelligent as well. Kept me safe when out walking could always find the path through the gorse back to the car when we went cromlech hunting.

    1. There's still a tiny speck of pink but I think 2023 will see the back of it.

  15. Our Rough Collie, Laddie, died at the old age of 15.5 years. He went through life with a doggie grin and a wagging tail. Everyone was a friend who just hadn't met him.

    Only one person ever disliked him and the poor boy thought it was the end of the world. He never forgot the guy and would lower his tail and ears when we walked by his house.

    He once took all the cans and tins out the recycle bin and arranged them by size next to the box.

    1. Luckily the nasty couple have now moved away from our tiny French hamlet, but he still cringes when we go past their old house. We still find the whole scenario quite bizarre as we always looked after their dogs when they went away. Their dogs became part of our household. An odd way to say 'thank you'.

  16. You know where I stand on this subject

  17. Billy is handsome and adorable. I would certainly be petting him if he should cross my path. I once had a border collie/German shepherd cross, imagine a border collie size dog with the wavy fur and German shepherd colouring. One of the best dogs I ever had and so easily trained.
