Saturday 22 October 2022

Enraged motorists drag Just Stop Oil demonstrators from roads.

If you are going out in your car, either just shopping or rushing to a hospital, you can no longer expect to use the roads. These little darlings don't want you to have a car, to drive, or even go anywhere if it involves the use of fossil fuels.

They want you to walk everywhere, to eat tofu, and to call them 'they'. They also want a tiny minority to decide what statues are in our streets, who teaches or studies in our universities and colleges, and what restaurants are allowed to offer their clients. They also think they have the right to demand that we all do exactly what they want us to do.

It's interesting that Just Stop Oil vandals have targeted a top end car showroom in Park Lane, and a well-known store in Knightsbridge, amongst others. Could this be a political 'class war' rather than anything to do with oil products? Are these little darlings simply showing their hatred of anything they see as 'privileged'? Are they all (heaven forbid) Socialists?

Why do these folk not demonstrate at night? Are they afraid of being given a good old-fashioned thumping away from the prying eyes of the police who they all hate so much?

Oh, and by the way; that orange spray oil paint that you used contains OIL. Naughty naughty!

N.B. I noticed recently that a group of German 'Stop Oil protesters' glued themselves to the floor of the VW factory. The factory's response was to turn off the lights and heating and leave them where they were in the dark. The little darlings complained that they didn't have any form of 'lavatory', nor could they order any food. I believe they were told to "Fu*k off"; well done VW. 

I wonder if they're still there?


  1. I noticed last Saturday morning that they laid on extra Police at Kings Cross for the Flying Scot Steam Train Centenary celebrations, worried that they might turn up and spray the locomotive with orange paint.
    Thankfully they didn't turn up there.
    A good thing that Van Gogh's Sunflowers was protected by glass.

    1. I suppose everything of 'high standard' (trains included) is now at risk of being sprayed. Nothing to do with oil, just the 'politics of envy'.

  2. From my admittedly jaundiced perception these protests spear to be on the Police "approved" list, judging by the way that the Police just stand around and let the disruption happen. However,just try and do something that offends their woke sensitivities (like using the wrong pronoun) and you can expect to be hauled away in seconds.

    1. Oh dear - spell check triumphs again - 'spear' should be 'appear'.

    2. I wonder if the motorists who have taken matters into their own hands will be hauled away by Plod? Touching the little darlings is probably more of a crime that disrupting traffic.

  3. I thought that a "Stop Oil" protester was someone who favoured water colours in an Art college. All those smartphones "gathering evidence" at the street protest - it's quite hateful!

  4. I like the passive part of the VW response. It does represent factory downtime but they were going to suffer that anyway whether their response was agressive or passive, but ensuring there is no energy wasted in the downtime is perfect.

    1. I thought that was pretty good too. Not the response they were expecting I imagine.

    2. They really want chaos and police. This was the best response.

    3. Parents learn early on that attending to a child's temper tantrum will only guarantee another temper tantrum. Best way to guarantee another temper is to give a tantrum your full attention.

  5. Well done VW!! A similar thing was suggested here with activists gluing themselves to walls near paintings they had thrown soup onto. Many suggested they be left there with no food or lavatory available. Some suggested that their hands just be ripped off the wall instead of using glue remover because that would not be a "green" option.

    1. If they really do wish to be glued to a wall, let them stay there. I think they should have been left there with visitors walking around them.

  6. Bravo Volkswagon. The perfect no-response.
    How Do they unglue their hands from whatever?

    1. A good kick from a Copper's size 12 boots should do the job.

  7. Brilliant response from VW, love it!

    1. Right in every respect, I hope they're still there!

  8. One of the vw activists was released. A doctor was allowed to see him because his hand was swollen. Doc said he had blood clots which could be life threatening. Activist twitter thread here.

    1. I now see that another bunch have sprayed paint, and glued themselves to some Ferraris at the Paris Car Show. They are getting out of hand.

    2. Businesses need to step up their security. Why are they allowed to enter the premises unchallenged?

  9. Replies
    1. They really should face serious consequences.

  10. It is not good when private citizens take matters like this into their own hands. It becomes dangerous for everyone. Law enforcement needs to take control. A warning followed by a bit of tear gas or a blast of water with the fire hose would clear the street.

    1. Unfortunately, the police do nothing, they just stand and watch. Boris had the right idea with his water canons, but they were deemed 'against people's human rights'. Now look what we've come to!

  11. Brilliant idea VW!
    I wonder how all these activists get to the scene of the "crime". Do they walk all the way or go by bus or train!

    1. They all have big 4 by 4's, that they hide around the corner.
