Wednesday 26 October 2022

Autumn on a small scale.

This, sadly, is not chez nous, but at Kimbo's house. The Virginia Creeper that tumbles down in front of his back wall has been spectacular this year, and in its autumn colours is even better. 

Like most patios behind Brighton's Victorian terraces, it is very small; just big enough for a BBQ and about 6 diners. It has a lovely jungle atmosphere, and is home to a large colony of Sparrows, as well as a few Pigeons. 

Cats, of course, come and go as they please, and possibly the occasional Fox as well.

Soon will come the worst season of the year, when the temperature drops and there are no leaves on the trees. People will take to drink and beat their wives and children, whilst others will end up in Bedlam.

Luckily those who can avoid such catastrophe will be rewarded next Spring with re-growth and warmth.

It's worth waiting for.



  1. Our neighbour's garden shed is completely submerged in Autumnal red Virginia Creeper. It looks spectacular. I think they let it grow wild purposely for this seasonal October treat.

    They mentioned last night on 'Autumnwatch' that leaves were seen falling off trees back in July...called a False Autumn. And they showed a Horse Chestnut Tree in full Spring flower, with the tree believing that it's actually April. But I don't remember once wearing my woolen overcoat last Winter. Strange times.

    1. We were in Brighton last year from October to the end of May, and we really didn't experience any real cold, or even any rain, it was an exceptional winter.

      Back in France our long hot dry summers often make the wild Cherry trees lose their leaves. It's a strange sight.

  2. Replies
    1. For a tiny patio, it's very nice. It feels very 'friendly'.

  3. It's an Autumnal waterfall and looks amazing ..... such a special space to sit and I'm sure it looks beautiful whatever the season. The Autumn colours are especially good this year. I think I read once that it's all to do with whatever weather conditions we had in the Summer etc. The very hot weather might have contributed. XXXX

    1. I should have taken a photo two weeks ago, it was superb.

  4. Winter - like a dank, dark tunnel but why do we insist on making it feel worse by putting the clocks back?

    1. I could do with lighter mornings, but with the same hour of day.

    2. It helps many who start work early and children going to school. I suppose we have more flood lighting now on farms but dark mornings for many are a difficulty and that hour helps.

    3. Putting the clocks back is reverting to BST or GMT, it's putting them forward that's the problem.

  5. We have an Acer in our garden which has grown to a smallish tree. For about two weeks in the autumn it is a riot of red leaves. Absolutely beautiful.

    1. We had one in a pot for years, but last year it died. No-one watered it!!!

  6. Avoid bedlam, and hold out hope for spring

  7. The Virginia Creeper is quite beautiful and it draws the eye up giving illusion of more expanse. This smallish space is well planned making it very comfortable. Good design by Kimbo.

    1. Yes, it's small but very 'comfortable'. Perfect for intimate BBQ's.

  8. That's a gorgeous backyard.
    Not looking to going off daylight saving. I'd prefer dark mornings but a longer evening.

    1. I live by quite a regimented clock. I like to go for my early dog-walk at 7am, but at the moment I'm having to wait until about 7.20am. I know this sounds petty, but I have a lot to fit-in before 9am; when I consider the day to begin.

  9. That little patio looks just perfect. No mowing lawns every weekend.

    1. No mowing all year! There really is very little to do there other than sweeping to keep it looking 'loved'.

  10. In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back. ~ Camus

    1. Every summer I concentrate very hard on filing away memories of the very best days, so that I can bring them out again in winter. Of course it doesn't work, but I always imagine it will.

  11. That is a magic patio!

    Speaking of magic...
    Remember you posting about catching a falling autumn leaf brings luck?
    Well, I saw an old lady under some poplar trees where leaves were falling, (parking lot near woods). Guess what she was doing.
    Another missed leaf fell at her feet. She grabbed it and stuffed it in her cardigan pocket.
    In the store, she sat in the chair by the door, out of breath. People at the counter look at her. She puffs, "I was chasing falling leaves because I read a blogger's post, if you catch a falling autumn leaf, then it brings luck."
    We all laughed.
    Thank you, Cro
    Your words brought some happiness to some folks today.

    1. Goodness, I thought it was only me who did such silly things. I wanted to catch my leaf last week when it was windy, but there were lots of people about and I didn't want to look like an idiot.

    2. Looking like an idiot is the best part of the fun. I can say that because nobody was out in the parking lot.

  12. That little patio looks perfect for sitting in the sun and reading.
