Thursday 29 September 2022

How Green is your Pavement?

Living in Brighton certainly has its advantages, but sadly it also has one or two serious disadvantages.

We have three MP's; two Labour and one Green. The city council is under 'Green Minority Control'. How much worse could it get!

I don't know too much about Green Party policies other than a few years ago their manifesto promised to stop children having pet Rabbits, and to reduce the length of Artists copyright on their work. You can imagine what I thought about both of these.

One of their current policies has been to stop weed-killing. They have banned the use of Glyphosate on the streets of Brighton and Hove, and promised to employ an extra 20-ish 'gardeners' to cope with all the appalling growth of weeds everywhere. This hasn't happened, I quite expect they're too busy teaching 'gender reassignment policies' to our Primary School children. 

Personally I take care of my own weeds and keep them to a minimum with proprietary brand weedkillers (non-Glyphosate), and our front and back are weed-free.

Elsewhere people are not so fastidious, and as you can see above, weeds are left to run amok, and spread where they will.

I'm sure dear Ms Lucas and her bunch of Green do-gooder dungaree wearing woke lovies are all very happy with their super environmental policies, but it does leave our streets looking a right bloody mess!


  1. Don't worry - Brighton will have a new future as a post-apocalyptic film set!

  2. Those are weeds? They look so green and lush I thought it was a flower bed. our "Greens" would be equally incompetent if they ever got in.

    1. Luckily we only have one Green MP, unfortunately she comes from here!

  3. It looks like a flowering bush to me. Here the weeds look much worse.

    1. The one in my photo is actually growing from the base of the brick wall and has spread outwards by about a metre, and no-one has bothered to do anything about it.

  4. All you need now is a bin-men strike. That would do wonders for the street aesthetics.

    1. There was a bin-men strike when we came back last year. Charming.

  5. You could always do guerrilla weeding while out with the dog.

    1. This morning I was out sweeping up broken glass, and collecting beer cans and little gas canisters from the twitten behind our garage. I'll do the weeding later.

  6. Our streets are pristine as we have Brian to sweep them.
    Lefties are very good at seeing problems but either incapable of finding a solution or too idle to do so. It'll be that mystical "SOMEONE ELSE" to blame.

    1. Their priorities are very different to mine. When you pay very high rates bills, you want your surroundings to reflect that. They seem to want the opposite.

  7. We have Labour and Greens who run Norwich City Council. For that Norwich gets bike lanes and bus lanes and roads closed to cars and the hinterland of rural Norfolk despised and ignored.

  8. "How much worse could it get?" Well, horror upon horrors, it could be run by The Conservatives (i.e.Tories).

    1. Yes, with lower rates, and weed-free pavements.

  9. Looking at your photo I fail to see the problem. Green (by which I mean foliage) is good for the soul. In fact I can't help but make a mental note of those of my neighbours relentlessly hacking about between the paving slabs on their forecourts, eradicating new life piping up against all odds.

    I have nothing but admiration for dandelions, decreed a "weed". Little if anything will squash their spirit. They just keep showing up. I dare say they don't see themselves as a "weed". Only humans make such pronouncements. Come to think of it, Cro, maybe humans are weeds. Cutting out the middleman by killing each other and stuff - all by ourselves.

    Sodom and Gomorra greetings,

    1. How did I know that you'd be the only person to admire weeds and the havoc they cause?

  10. I do not how decisions are made. For example, creeping jenny ground cover is banned as invasive and bamboo is allowed to flourish. Like you, I manage my own property as I see fit.

    1. We have Bamboo and Buddleia growing through the pavements, they destroy everything in their paths. The council would prefer to pay for the pavements to be re-built than remove the offending plants. Of course, it's other people's money they're playing with.

  11. I love ground ivy, wild morning glories, wood sorrel, yarrow, dandelions, and such. Untrimmed grasses, not so much. Not a fan of weed killer. Water and pull is better.

    1. In amongst all the weeds we found all sorts of escaped garden flowers. Some very nice.

  12. Vinegar with a shot of dish washing liquid makes a great weed killer that won't destroy the environment.

    1. In the past I've tried pure Vinegar with quite a lot of Salt. It seemed to work on some weeds, but not all.
