Friday 9 September 2022

H M The Queen

I was just a slip of a lad when Her Majesty the Queen succeeded to the throne in June of 1953. She has been my Queen and matriarch ever since.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting her in person, but I have seen her several times from a short distance. Mostly she has been that image on stamps or bank notes; a permanent figurehead who always appeared on special occasions, and on whom one could depend to represent her country and subjects with impeccable dignity and decorum. She was the one Head of State that Leaders the world over wished to meet. 

Her Majesty has always been non-political and neutral on all subjects. She has been the one important figurehead on whom one could always rely. Charles will now need to follow her example, and keep his more controversial opinions to himself, regardless of how sensible they may be. His eco-warrior credentials must from now on be kept under wraps.

70 years of unfailing service and duty to her country, and her subjects, is a record that will never be bettered, and I thank her for that service. I feel honoured to have been here throughout her reign, and to have also been around during the reigns of both King George VI her father, and the future King Charles III her son.

Her reign was sadly marred by a wayward son and a couple of wayward consorts, but she herself caused not a single upset, and a new reign can begin without an iota of past embarrassment or scandal. A remarkable legacy.

The Queen is dead, Long live The King.



  1. I am going to feel sad for quite some time. I liked and admired her very much.

  2. This is a very sad day. She was very loved here too.

    1. She performed her duties perfectly and without displaying any opinions. Both the Russian and Chinese leaders admired her, which says a lot.

  3. She was the only monarch I've ever known, and I shall miss her calmness and grace.
    It was fitting that at the end she was with family, in a home she loved.

    1. I believe Charles was at her bedside as she went. That's very reassuring.

  4. Like his mother, Charles will do his duty. He has had the most brilliant role model. Already she is much missed.

    1. I rather like the idea of him becoming King. I think he should have been made Prince Regent some time ago to give his mother some 'retirement'.

  5. It was a very sad day here as you slept. Nothing wrong with our new king but he will never engender the feelings that Australians of my age had for the Queen.

    1. She's a hard act to follow. He'll have a maximum of 20 years on the throne, then William will take over. I won't be around to witness that, but he'll make a good King.

  6. She was the monarch that always performed with aplomb and grace. Impeccable. She most certainly will be missed.

    1. I'm sure King Charles will continue in the same manner; he has to!

  7. I think her shoes will be very hard to fill, but I do wish King Charles the best. As you said, the Queen is dead, Long Live The King...

    1. His televised broadcast yesterday evening was exactly what was needed. The perfect homage to our late Queen, and his mother.

  8. As good as Charles can be, he will struggle to get anywhere near the love we have for the Queen.
